人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 当杰罗尼摩正为新书的素材发愁时,好朋友佩妮建议他去澳洲找找素材。 听起来是不是很赞呢! 但是,当来到澳洲的杰罗尼摩遭受了鲨鱼的进攻、毒蛇的追赶,和在内陆迷失方向之后,他开始觉得来澳洲的旅行可真不是个好主意! 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼球!
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 有一天,杰罗尼摩和好朋友意外发现了一个巨大的惊喜。 他们发现了一个巨大的牡蛎!里面有一个巨大的珍珠! 发现了这颗稀世的珍贵珍珠,杰罗尼摩非常兴奋,他甚至为这颗珍珠写了一个非常特别的介绍。 结果是,这颗珍珠引起了巨大的轰动,而这颗稀世珍珠面临被盗的可能。 杰罗尼摩和他的朋友能否保护这颗珍珠呢? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全
In this selection of tales by the master folklorist Andrew Lang, the reader is taken into the romantic world of the gallant Knights of the Round Table and their courageous and chivalrous deeds, fair maidens, castles steeped in history, the quest for the Holy Grail, and the tragic love of King Arthur and Sir Lancelot for Guinevere, and Tristan for Iseult. The Arthurian legends are the most potent of the thrilling and mist-enshrouded tales of adventure to be passed down from pre-recorded history, and they have as much appeal today as they did in the age of the troubadours.
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 新鼠城的万圣节即将到来,谁知城内所有的南瓜突然之间全部消失了…… 究竟是谁偷的?他为什么要阻止万圣节? 就在这个时候,城内所有老鼠都收到了来自神秘鼠主题公园的免费游玩邀请,杰罗尼摩知道事情肯定有古怪,但究竟里面暗藏着什么玄机呢? 杰罗尼摩和侦探朋友们能否找出事情真相呢? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”
When my sister Thea told me a ghost was haunting New Mouse City's subway tunnels, I knew I had to get the scoop for The Rodents Gazette! So I set off with Thea, Trap, and my assistant editor Pinky Pick. We soon discovered that Sally Ratmousen, the editor of The Daily Rat, was also on the trail of the mysterious ghost. But we were all in for the fright of our wee mouse lives... because the ghost turned out to be a CAT! 人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 当妹妹菲告诉杰罗尼摩在新鼠城的地铁隧道内出现幽灵时,杰罗尼摩立即和妹妹菲、
It’s a bone-afide mystery at Dink’s school. Some sneaky soul has stolen the skeleton from the nurse's office! The principal promises free aquarium tickets to the savvy sleuths who can track down poor Mr. Bones. Soon mysterious clues are showing up all over the school. It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to follow the clues and put those old bones to rest.
I, Geronimo Stilton, am not a big fan of races. I like to takemy time and smell the cheese! But when my friend Bruce Hyenainvited me to race across America on my bicycle, I just couldn'tresist. And holey cheese, what a fabumouse adventure we had!
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 天啊,这是怎样的一次冒险啊! 杰罗尼摩和家人们前往出发鬼岛找寻遗失的宝藏。 但是,杰罗尼摩真的不喜欢旅行,呆在海中央的船上,对他而言,可不是一件有意思的事情…… 随着各种突发事件的发生,杰罗尼摩开始怀疑自己是不是只是出来找宝藏的…… 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼球!
书目信息 书号:9781419749155 装 帧:精装 作 者:Jeff Kinney 页 数:224 语 言:English 出版社:Amulet Books 开 本: 14 x 20.6 x 2.2 cm | 386g 出版日期:26 Oct 2021 以上信息均为网络信息,仅供参考,具体以实物为准
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 你喜欢艺术吗?杰罗尼摩非常喜欢! 新鼠城著名的画作你知道是什么吗?没错,是蒙娜丽鼠画! 当妹妹菲听说在该画作中隐藏着一张神秘的地图时,他们立马开始进行调查。 杰罗尼摩他们能否发现隐藏在名画中的神秘地图呢? 这张神秘地图的背后是否隐藏着威胁新鼠城的秘密? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼
Rat-munching rattlesnakes! I can't believe it. I, Geronimo Stilton, just let my super-sporty friend Bruce Hyena convince me to go on another one of his extreme adventures. You know me--I just can't say no to a friend! This time, we're going to be climbing to the top of the famouse Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Moldy mozzarella! I'm in no shape for a mountain climb. How will I ever make it to the top?
My grandfather William Shortpaws -- also known as Cheap Mouse Willy -- was back at The Rodent's Gazette, and he was determined to torture me. He wanted to publish a guide book to Ratzikistan, the Siberia of Mouse Island. And he ordered *me* to go there to write it! But as you know, dear reader, I HATE TRAVELING!
Ah, there's nothing like a relaxing vacation on the beach! I would spread out by the crystal-clear water with a good book. What more could a mouse want? At least, that was the plan. But somehow, my vacations never seem to go according to plan. Instead of a beautiful seaside resort, I found myself in a fleabag hotel that was falling down around my ears! Oh, would I ever be able to relax and enjoy my vacation??