从*一次理发到*一个雪糕筒,每一年都会带来一轮新体验 每一个新的一年,都会有无数的小惊喜。从令人兴奋的事情 *一场雪,*一把新伞,*一次海滩之旅 到令人情绪低落的事情 *一次错过公共汽车,*一次把伞弄丢,*一次晒伤。每长大一岁,就就会体验一轮新的事物。 著名作家谢丽尔?B?克莱因和插画家秦冷在他们巧妙、俏皮、富有观察力的图画书中,通过一年中的小时刻,探索了童年的许多真理,这些小时刻共同构成了作为一个孩子的意义。 From first haircut to first ice-cream cone, each year brings a new cycle of experiences With each new year comes countless little wonders. From the highs―first snowfall, first new umbrella, first beach trip―to the lows―first missed bus, first lost umbrella, first sunburn― every year older means another cycle of everyday experiences. In their clever, playful, observant picture book, a