1926年至1933年铅印本,共六册。内容涉及金石、书画、陶瓷、雕漆、织绣、纸墨笔砚等,并泛及国故、轶闻,共计有一千余条目,资料较为丰富。天下第一:监书 内酒 端砚 洛阳花 建州茶 蜀锦 定瓷 浙漆 吴纸 晋铜 西马 东绢 契丹鞍 夏国剑 高丽秘色 兴化军子鱼 福州荔眼 温州柑 临江黄雀 江阴县河豚 金山县咸豉 简寂观苦笋 东华门 陕右兵 福建秀才 大江以南士大夫 江西湖外长老 京师妇人自此书问世半个世纪以来,不仅为教学与研究工作者提供了不少有用的史料或史裁,也为文物考古、图书文献以及各专业工作
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) The Portrait of a Lady is the most stunning achievement of Henry James's early period--in the 1860s and '70s when he was transforming himself from a talented young American into a resident of Europe, a citizen of the world, and one of the greatest novelists of modern times. A kind of delight at the success of this transformation informs every page of this masterpiece. Isabel Archer, a beautiful, intelligent, and headstrong American girl newly endowed with wealth and embarked in Europe on a treacherous journey to self-knowledge, is delineated with a magnificence that is at once casual and tense with force and insight. The characters with whom she is entangled--the good man and the evil one, between whom she wavers, and the mysterious witchlike woman with whom she must do battle--are each rendered with a virtuosity that suggests dazzling imaginative powers. And the scene painting--in England and Italy--provides a continuous visual pleasure while always remaining
一个人,把灵魂卖给了恶魔,能换取到什么?美色?力量?财富?权力?还是……美艳动人的梅杜莎女王、大陆被通缉的第一叛徒、还有邪恶的天才魔法师……所有的这些家伙,却聚集到了一个被认为是毫无天赋的废物身边。 这样的一个人,还能被称为“废物”吗?拥有两世的人生经历,拥有另一个世界的知识,带着用自己灵魂为代价换来的恶魔的礼物,杜维这个名字,注定将成为新