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仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 不可能
    •   ( 241 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 本书由三个文本组成。 *个文本是D(狄亚努斯)的日志,它构成了被称为 鼠的故事 的*部分。这部分以D的视角展开,记述了他与B的情乱,同时,在这场混乱的激情中,A(阿尔法主教)作为一个衔接D与B之关系的人物在场。 *部分也涉及了D与E的情乱,而这构成了第二个文本的记述核心。第二部分被称为 狄亚努斯 ,是A的笔记。这部分以A的视角展开。 这两个文本共同结构了本书的故事。被称为 俄瑞斯忒斯 的第三部分则更像是一个总的视角,或者说,一则诗性概述。它由诗歌和诗论组成。巴塔耶写道: 为了在一片明显的不可能中抓住一丝可能,我必须首先想象相反的情境。

    • ¥26 ¥52 折扣:5折
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Mark Twain 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Hank Morgan awakens one morning to find he has beentransported from nineteenth-century New England to sixth-centuryEngland and the reign of King Arthur and the Knights of the RoundTable. Morgan brings to King Arthur's utopian court the ingenuityof the future, resulting in a culture clash that is at oncesatiric, anarchic, and darkly comic. Critically deemed one ofTwain's finest and most caustic works, A Connecticut Yankee in KingArthur's Court is both a delightfully entertaining story and adisturbing analysis of the efficacy of government, the benefits ofprogress, and the dissolution of social mores. It remains aspowerful a work of fiction today as it was upon its firstpublication in 1889.

    • ¥38.5 折扣:5折
    • OUR MUTUAL FRIEND(ISBN=9780679420286)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Charles Dickens , Andrew 编 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Our Mutual Friend was the last novel Charles Dickenscompleted and is, arguably, his darkest and most complex. The basicplot is vintage Dickens: an inheritance up for grabs, a murder, arocky romance or two, plenty of skullduggery, and a host ofunforgettable secondary characters. But in this final outing theauthor's heroes are more flawed, his villains more sympathetic, andthe story as a whole more harrowing and less sentimental. The moodis set in the opening scene in which a riverman, Gaffer Hexam, andhis daughter Lizzie troll the Thames searching for drowned menwhose pockets Gaffer will rifle before turning the body over to theauthorities. On this particular night Gaffer finds a corpse that islater identified as that of John Harmon, who was returning fromabroad to claim a large fortune when he was apparently murdered andthrown into the river. Harmon's death is the catalyst for everything else that happensin the novel. It seems the fortune was left to the young man on thecondition that he marry a girl he'd

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • PICKWICK PAPERS, THE(ISBN=9780812967272)
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • Charles Dickens 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Charles Dickens's satirical masterpiece, "The PickwickPapers," catapulted the young writer into literary fame when it wasfirst serialized in 1836-37. It recounts the rollicking adventuresof the members of the Pickwick Club as they travel about Englandgetting into all sorts of mischief. Laugh-out-loud funny andendlessly entertaining, the book also reveals Dickens's burgeoninginterest in the parliamentary system, lawyers, the Poor Laws, andthe ills of debtors' prisons. As G. K. Chesterton noted, "BeforeDickens] wrote a single real story, he had a kind of vision . . . amap full of fantastic towns, thundering coaches, clamorousmarket-places, uproarious inns, strange and swaggering figures.That vision was Pickwick."

    • ¥51.5 折扣:5折
    • INDIGNATION (EXP)(ISBN=9780307473400)
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • NATIONAL BESTSELLER In 1951, the second year of the KoreanWar, a studious, law-abiding, and intense youngster from Newark,New Jersey, Marcus Messner, begins his sophomore year on thepastoral, conservative campus of Ohio's Winesburg College. And whyis he there and not at a local college in Newark where heoriginally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hardworkingneighborhood butcher, seems to have gone mad-mad with fear andapprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers of theworld, the dangers he sees in every corner for his beloved boy. Farfrom Newark, Marcus has to find his way amid the customs andconstrictions of another American world. Indignation, Philip Roth'stwenty-ninth book, is a startling departure from the hauntednarratives of old age and experience in Roth's recent books and apowerful exploration of a remarkable moment in Americanhistory.

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Howards End
    •   ( 48 条评论 )
    • E. M. Forster 著 /2007-11-01/ Penguin
    • In Forster's most popular novel, he tracks British society'sclass warfare, as seen by members of three different castes-thewealthy Wilcoxes, the cultured and emancipated Schlegal sisters,and poor, young Leonard Bast.

    • ¥19.7 折扣:5折
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Leo TolstoyMichael Scammell 编 /2002-04-01/ Random House US
    • Begun in 1851, when Tolstoy was twenty-three and serving as acadet in the Russian army, Childhood , the first part ofTolstoy’s first novel, won immediate praise from Turgenev andothers, and marked Tolstoy’s emergence as a major writer. Itsoriginality was striking, as Tolstoy sought to communicate withgreat immediacy the “poetry” of childhood—the intense emotions,confusions, and fears attendant upon a young boy, Nikolenka, as hegrows up. In the years following, Boyhood and Youth appeared (a fourth volume was planned but never executed), eachreplete with psychological and philosophical subtleties hithertounknown in Russian literature. In Scammell’s resplendenttranslation, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth remains one ofTolstoy’s major works.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • 普通生活 Atkins for Life The Complete Controlled Carb Program fo
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD 著 /1970-01-01/ 连思
    • Whether you've lost weight by doing Atkins and want to make your success permanent, or you're new to Atkins and are concerned about your health and weight control, Atkins for Life is for you. Filled with advice and tips on navigating the everyday challenges that can come with eating low carb in a high carb world, this book provides a simple and straightforward lifetime program that anyone can follow. With Atkins for Life, finding your goal weight and staying there has never been so easy--or so tasty!

    • ¥23.5 折扣:4.9折
    • DOMBEY AND SON(ISBN=9780812967432)
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • Charles DickensJonathan Lethem 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • "Dombey and Son," Charles Dickens's story of a powerful manwhose callous neglect of his family triggers his professional andpersonal downfall, showcases the author's gift for vividcharacterization and unfailingly realistic de*ion. As JonathanLethem contends in his Introduction, Dickens's "genius . . . is atone with the genius of the form of the novel itself: Dickens willedinto existence the most capacious and elastic and versatile kind ofnovel that could be, one big enough for his vast sentimentalyearnings and for every impulse and fear and hesitation in him thatcountervailed those yearnings too. Never parsimonious andfrequently contradictory, he always gives us everything he can,everything he's planned to give, and then more." This ModernLibrary Paperback Classic was set from the 1867 "Charles Dickens"edition.

    • ¥52 折扣:5折
    • METROLAND(ISBN=9780679736080) 英文原版
    •   ( 67 条评论 )
    • Julian Barnes 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Sixteen-year-old suburbanite Chris Lloyd and his mate Tonispend their free time wishing they were French, making up storiesabout strangers, and pretending to be fl?neurs. When they grow upthey'd like to be "artists-in-residence at a nudist colony." Ifyouthful voyeurism figures heavily in their everyday lives, so,too, do the pleasures of analogy, metaphor, and deliberatemisprision. Sauntering into one store that dares to call itself MANSHOP, Toni demands: "One man and two small boys, please." Julian Barnes could probably fill several books with these boys'clever misadventures, but in his first novel he attempts somethingmore daring--the curve from youthful scorn to adult contentment. In1968, when Chris goes off to Paris, he misses the May événementsbut manages, more importantly, to fall in love and learn thepleasures of openness: "The key to Annick's candour was that therewas no key. It was like the atom bomb: the secret is that there isno secret." The final section finds Chris back in suburb

    • ¥51.5 折扣:5折
    • STRANGE PILGRIMS(ISBN=9781400034697)
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Edith Grossman 编译 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • In Barcelona, an aging Brazilian prostitute trains her dog toweep at the grave she has chosen for herself. In Vienna, a womanparlays her gift for seeing the future into a fortunetellingposition with a wealthy family. In Geneva, an ambulance driver andhis wife take in the lonely, apparently dying ex-President of aCaribbean country, only to discover that his political ambition isvery much intact. In these twelve masterly stories about the livesof Latin Americans in Europe, Garcia Marquez conveys the peculiaramalgam of melancholy, tenacity, sorrow, and aspiration that is theemigre experience.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • PORTRAIT OF A LADY, THE(ISBN=9780553211276)
    •   ( 27 条评论 )
    • Henry James 著 /1983-10-01/ Random House US
    • Capturing the grandeur of a gracious, splendid Europe ofwealth and Old World sensibilities, this glorious, complex novelhas become a touchstone for a great writer’s entire literaryachievement. From the opening pages, when the high-spiritedAmerican girl Isabel Archer arrives at the English manorGardencourt, James’s luminous, superbly crafted prose creates anatmosphere of intensity, expectation, and incomparablebeauty. Isabel, who has been taken abroad by an eccentric aunt to fulfillher potential, attracts the passions of a British aristocrat and abrash American, as well as the secret adoration of her invalidcousin, Ralph Touchett. But her vulnerability and innocence leadher not to love but to a fatal entrapment in intrigue, deception,and betrayal. This brilliant interior drama of the forming of awoman’s consciousness makes The Portrait of a Lady a masterpiece ofJames’s middle years.

    • ¥26 折扣:5折
    • The Jargon of Authenticity 真实性的隐语
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Theodor Adorno 著 /2006-01-01/
    • Adorno's frank and open challenge to directness, and the avoidance of language that 'gives itself over either to the market, to balderdash, or to the predominating vulgarity', is as timely today as it ever has been.

    • ¥67.5 折扣:5.6折
    • ADV. OF TOM SAWYER, THE(ISBN=9780307475558)
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    • Mark Twain 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Tom Sawyer is as clever, imaginative, and resourceful as he isreckless and mischievous, whether conning his friends into paintinga fence or helping to catch a murderer. Twain's novel sparkles withhis famous humor, but it is also woven with a subtle awareness ofthe injustices and complexities of the old South that Twain somemorably portrays.

    • ¥39 折扣:5折
    • CANDIDE(ISBN=9780553211665)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Voltaire 著 /1984-04-01/ Random House US
    • Voltaire's shocking wit and biting portrayal of the eighteenthcentury church and aristocracy are now showcased in a newtranslation of Candide, a bestseller in its time and essentialreading for a deeper understanding of Voltaire and Enlightenmentthought. Preserving the text's provocative nature as well as itsaccuracy, Daniel Gordon has paid special attention to improving notonly the rendering of particular words, but to Voltaire's semanticovertones by amplifying the book's innuendo, enhancing Candide'sreadability and ensuring that readers will not miss bold featuresof the story. The introduction places Candide and Voltaire in theirhistorical context, relating the complexities of Voltaire's life tothe events, philosophy, and characters of Candide, showingprecisely why the Enlightenment is known as the Age ofVoltaire.

    • ¥21.5 折扣:5折
    • EARLY STORIES, THE(ISBN=9780345463364)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • John Updike 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • ""He is a religious writer; he is a comic realist; he knows whateverything feels like, how everything works. He is putting togethera body of work which in substantial intelligent creation willeventually be seen as second to none in our time."--William H.Pritchard, The Hudson Review, reviewing Museums and Women (1972)" Aharvest and not a winnowing, "The Early Stories" preserves almostall of the short fiction John Updike published between 1954 and1975. The stories are arranged in eight sections, of which thefirst, "Olinger Stories," already appeared as a paperback in 1964;in its introduction, Updike described Olinger, Pennsylvania, as "asquare mile of middle-class homes physically distinguished by abend in the central avenue that compels some side streets todeviate from the grid pattern." These eleven tales, whose heroesage from ten to over thirty but remain at heart Olinger boys, arefollowed by groupings titled "Out in the World," "Married Life,"and "Family Life," tracing a common American trajectory. Familyl

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • Henry James 著 /1983-05-01/ Random House US
    • To read a story by Henry James is to enter a world--a rich,perfectly crafted domain of vivid language and splendid, complexcharacters. Devious children, sparring lovers, capricious Americangirls, obtuse bachelors, sibylline spinsters and charming Europeanspopulate these five fascinating Nouvelles --works which representthe author in both his early and late phases. From the apparitionsof evil that haunt the governess in The Turn Of The Screw to thestartling self-scrutiny of an egotistical man in The Beast In TheJungle, the mysterious tumings of human behavior are skillfully andcoolly observed--proving Henry James to be a master ofpsychological insight as well as one of the finest stylists ofmodern English literature.

    • ¥21.5 折扣:5折
    • PORTRAIT OF ARTIST(ISBN=9780679405757)
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • James Joyce 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) In his first and still mostwidely read novel, James Joyce makes a strange peace with thetraditional narrative of a young man's self-discovery by respectingits substance while exploding its form, thereby inaugurating aliterary revolution. Published in 1916 when Joyce was al?ready atwork on "Ulysses," "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" isexactly what its title says and much more. In an exuberantlyin?ventive masterpiece of subjectivity, Joyce portrays his alterego, Stephen Dedalus, growing up in Dublin and struggling throughreligious and sexual guilt toward an aesthetic awak?ening. In parta vivid picture of Joyce's own youthful evolution into one of thetwentieth century's greatest writers, it is also a moment in theintellectual history of an age.

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
    • Julius Caesar
    •   ( 44 条评论 )
    • William Shakespeare 著 /1998-08-01/ Penguin
    • The Boynton/Cook editions of four of Shakespeare's most popularplays have been reissued with attractive new cover designs andprinted on more opaque, easy-to-read paper. This series isspecifically designed for high school classes. Students will be able to see each play as a whole. In theirintroduction to each of the plays, editors Mack and Boynton suggestways of approaching the text that allow the reader a broad range ofimaginative involvement. Their observations are intended to helpstudents read and experience the play, not to discourage them withcritical jargon or peripheral historical information. Students will be reading the best text both in terms of visualexcellence and quality of scholarship. They'll immediatelyappreciate the large page format and highly readable typography.Each volume is consistent with the most authoritative early editionof each play. The glosses are full and clear but don't belabor theobvious or clutter the text. Background information includes the editors' detailed analysis ofthe

    • ¥19.7 折扣:5折