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    • COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, THE(ISBN=9780307271129)
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    • Alexandre DumasUmberto Eco,Peter Washington 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Alexandre Dumas's epic novel ofjustice, retribution, and self-discovery--one of the mostenduringly popular adventure tales ever written--in a newly revisedtranslation. This beloved novel tells the story of Edmond Dantes,wrongfully imprisoned for life in the supposedly impregnable seafortress, the Chateau d'If. After a daring escape, and afterunearthing a hidden treasure revealed to him by a fellow prisoner,he devotes the rest of his life to tracking down and punishing theenemies who wronged him. Though a brilliant storyteller, Dumas wasgiven to repetitions and redundancies; this slightly streamlinedversion of the original 1846 English translation speeds thenarrative flow while retaining most of the rich pictorialde*ions and all the essential details of Dumas's intricatelyplotted and thrilling masterpiece.

    • ¥100.8 折扣:4.5折
    • OUR MUTUAL FRIEND(ISBN=9780679420286)
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    • Charles Dickens , Andrew 编 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Our Mutual Friend was the last novel Charles Dickenscompleted and is, arguably, his darkest and most complex. The basicplot is vintage Dickens: an inheritance up for grabs, a murder, arocky romance or two, plenty of skullduggery, and a host ofunforgettable secondary characters. But in this final outing theauthor's heroes are more flawed, his villains more sympathetic, andthe story as a whole more harrowing and less sentimental. The moodis set in the opening scene in which a riverman, Gaffer Hexam, andhis daughter Lizzie troll the Thames searching for drowned menwhose pockets Gaffer will rifle before turning the body over to theauthorities. On this particular night Gaffer finds a corpse that islater identified as that of John Harmon, who was returning fromabroad to claim a large fortune when he was apparently murdered andthrown into the river. Harmon's death is the catalyst for everything else that happensin the novel. It seems the fortune was left to the young man on thecondition that he marry a girl he'd

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • PLAGUE, FALL, EXILE, ESSAYS(ISBN=9781400042555)
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    • Albert Camus 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) From one of the most brilliantand influential thinkers of the twentieth century-two novels, sixshort stories, and a pair of essays in a single volume. In both hisessays and his fiction, Albert Camus (1913--1960) de-ployed hislyric eloquence in defense against despair, providing anaffirmation of the brave assertion of humanity in the face of auniverse devoid of order or meaning. "The Plague"-written in 1947and still profoundly relevant-is a riveting tale of horror,survival, and resilience in the face of a devastating epidemic."The Fall" (1956), which takes the form of an astonishingconfession by a French lawyer in a seedy Amsterdam bar, is ahaunting parable of modern conscience in the face of evil. The sixstories of "Exile and the Kingdom "(1957) represent Camus at theheight of his narrative powers, masterfully depicting hischaracters-from a renegade missionary to an adulterous wife -atdecisive moments of revelation. Set beside their fictionalcounterparts, Camus's famous essays

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • Norton Anthology of English Literature 诺顿英国文学选集 第八版 卷二 D 浪漫主
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    • Stephen Greenblatt 著 /2007-01-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • Read by millions of students over seven editions, The Norton Anthology of English Literature remains the most trusted undergraduate survey of English literature available and one of the most successful college texts ever published. Firmly grounded by the hallmark strengths of all Norton Anthologies—thorough and helpful introductory matter, judicious annotation, complete texts wherever possible—The Norton Anthology of English Literature has been revitalized in this Eighth Edition through the collaboration between six new editors and six seasoned ones. Under the direction of Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor, the editors have reconsidered all aspects of the anthology to make it an even better teaching tool.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5.7折
    • The Norton Anthology of English Literature,8e Volume 诺顿英国文学选
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    • Stephen Greenblatt 著 /2007-01-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • Read by millions of students over seven editions, The Norton Anthology of English Literature remains the most trusted undergraduate survey of English literature available and one of the most successful college texts ever published. Firmly grounded by the hallmark strengths of all Norton Anthologies—thorough and helpful introductory matter, judicious annotation, complete texts wherever possible—The Norton Anthology of English Literature has been revitalized in this Eighth Edition through the collaboration between six new editors and six seasoned ones. Under the direction of Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor, the editors have reconsidered all aspects of the anthology to make it an even better teaching tool.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5.7折
    • Jane Austen bind up(ISBN=9780141190549)
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    • Jane Austen 著 /2008-10-01/ Penguin
    • Jane Austen chronicles the subtleties and nuances of- and theaspirations and machinations at work in - her own social milieu.Through the stories of her spirited heroines and their circles,their interactions and rituals, their movements from ballrooms todrawing rooms, from London and Bath to parklands and gardens, sherecreates the life of The English gentry that she observed in thelate eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Each of her novels is a love story and a story about marriage -marriage for love, for financial security, for social status. Butthey are not romances; ironic, comic, wise and penetrating, theyare brilliant portrayals of the society Jane Austen knew.

    • ¥154.8 折扣:4.5折
    • BROTHERS KARAMAZOV, THE(ISBN=9780679410034)
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    • Dostoevsky 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Dostoevsky's toweringreputation as one of the handful of thinkers who forged the modernsensibility has sometimes obscured the purely novelisticvirtues-brilliant characterizations, flair for suspense andmelodrama, instinctive theatricality-that made his work soimmensely popular in nineteenth-century Russia. "The BrothersKaramazov," his last and greatest novel, published just before hisdeath in 1881, chronicles the bitter love-hate struggle between theoutsized Fyodor Karamazov and his three very different sons. It isabove all the story of a murder, told with hair-raisingintellectual clarity and a feeling for the human conditionunsurpassed in world literature. This award-winning translation byRichard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky-the definitive version inEnglish-magnificently captures the rich and subtle energies ofDostoevsky's masterpiece.

    • ¥112.5 折扣:5折
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    • H. G. Wells, Margaret Drabble 编 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Gathered together in one hardcover volume: three timeless novelsfrom the founding father of science fiction. The first great novelto imagine time travel, "The Time Machine" (1895) follows itsscientist narrator on an incredible journey that takes him finallyto Earth's last moments--and perhaps his own. The scientist whodiscovers how to transform himself in "The Invisible Man" (1897)will also discover, too late, that he has become unmoored fromsociety and from his own sanity. "The War of the Worlds"(1898)--the seminal masterpiece of alien invasion adapted by OrsonWelles for his notorious 1938 radio drama, and subsequently byseveral filmmakers--imagines a fierce race of Martians whodevastate Earth and feed on their human victims while theirvoracious vegetation, the red weed, spreads over the ruined planet.Here are three classic science fiction novels that, more than acentury after their original publication, show no sign of losingtheir grip on readers' imaginations.

    • ¥107.1 折扣:4.5折
    • SELECTED WORKS-GOETHE(ISBN=9780375410444)
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    • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 著 /2000-05-01/ Random House US
    • One of the towering figures of world literature, Goethe hasnever held quite as prominent a place in the English-speaking worldas he deserves. This collection of his four major works, togetherwith a selection of his finest letters and poems, shows that he isnot only one of the very greatest European writers: he is alsoaccessible, entertaining, and contemporary. The Sorrows of Young Wertheris a story of self-destructive love that made its author acelebrity overnight at the age of twenty-five. Its exploration ofthe conflicts between ideas and feelings, between circumstance anddesire, continues in his controversial novel probing theinstitution of marriage, Elective Affinities. The cosmic drama ofFaust goes far beyond the realism of the novels in a poeticexploration of good and evil, while Italian Journey, written in theauthor’s old age, recalls his youth in Italy and the impact ofMediterranean culture on a young northerner.

    • ¥124.2 折扣:4.5折
    • DECAMERON(ISBN=9780307271716)
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    • Giovanni Boccaccio 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • A brilliant new translation of the work that Herman Hessecalled "the first great masterpiece of European storytelling." Inthe summer of 1348, with the plague ravaging Florence, ten youngmen and women take refuge in the countryside, where they entertainthemselves with tales of love, death, and corruption, featuring ahost of characters, from lascivious clergymen and mad kings todevious lovers and false miracle-makers. Named after the Greek for"ten days," Boccaccio's book of stories draws on ancient mythology,contemporary history, and everyday life, and has influenced thework of myriad writers who came after him. J. G. Nichols's newtranslation, faithful to the original but rendered in eminentlyreadable modern English, captures the timeless humor of one of thegreat classics of European literature.

    • ¥104.9 折扣:4.5折
    • ANNA KARENINA(ISBN=9780679410003)
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    • Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) A famous legend surrounding thecreation of "Anna Karenina" tells us that Tolstoy began writing acautionary tale about adultery and ended up falling in love withhis magnificent heroine. It is rare to find a reader of the bookwho doesn't experience the same kind of emotional upheaval. AnnaKarenina is filled with major and minor characters who exist intheir own right and fully embody their mid-nineteenth-centuryRussian milieu, but it still belongs entirely to the woman whosename it bears, whose portrait is one of the truest ever made by awriter. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • LES MISERABLES(ISBN=9780375403170)
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    • Pigeon 著,Charles E. Wilbour 译者 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) It has been said that VictorHugo has a street named after him in virtually every town inFrance. A major reason for the singular celebrity of this mostpopular and versatile of the great French writers is "LesMiserables "(1862). In this story of the trials of the peasant JeanValjean--a man unjustly imprisoned, baffled by destiny, and houndedby his nemesis, the magnificently realized, ambiguously malevolentpolice detective Javert--Hugo achieves the sort of rare imaginativeresonance that allows a work of art to transcend its genre. "LesMiserables "is at once a tense thriller that contains one of themost compelling chase scenes in all literature, an epic portrayalof the nineteenth-century French citizenry, and a vitaldrama--highly particularized and poetic in its rendition butuniversal in its implications--of the redemption of one humanbeing.

    • ¥108.9 折扣:4.5折
    • Norton Anth of English Literature 8e Vol D (ISBN=97803939272
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    • Stephen Greenblatt 著 /2007-07-01/
    • 《The Norton Anthology of English Literature : Roman》讲述了:Readby millions of students over seven editions, The Norton Anthologyof English Literature remains the most trusted undergraduate surveyof English literature available and one of the most successfulcollege texts ever published. Firmly grounded by the hallmarkstrengths of all Norton Anthologies—thorough and helpfulintroductory matter, judicious annotation, complete texts whereverpossible—The Norton Anthology of English Literature has beenrevitalized in this Eighth Edition through the collaborationbetween six new editors and six seasoned ones. Under the directionof Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor, the editors havereconsidered all aspects of the anthology to make it an even betterteaching tool.

    • ¥215.8 折扣:5.9折
    • TOM SAWYER/HUCK FINN(ISBN=9780679405849)
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    • Mark Twain /1991-11-26/ Random House US
    • Along with Blake and Dickens, Mark Twain was one of the nineteenth century s greatest chroniclers of childhood. These two novels reveal different aspects of his genius: Tom Sawyer is a much-loved story about the sheer pleasure of being a boy; Huckleberry Finn , the book Hemingway said was the source of all the American fiction that followed it, is both a hilarious account of an incorrigible truant and a tremendous parable of innocence in conflict with the fallen adult world.

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
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    • William ShakespeareJonathan BateEric Rasmussen 著 /2007-04-01/ Random House US
    • FROM THE WORLD FAMOUS ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY, THE FIRSTAUTHORITATIVE, MODERNIZED, AND CORRECTED EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE’SFIRST FOLIO IN THREE CENTURIES. Skillfully assembled by Shakespeare’s fellow actors in 1623,the First Folio was the original Complete Works. It is arguably themost important literary work in the English language. But startingwith Nicholas Rowe in 1709 and continuing to the present day,Shakespeare editors have mixed Folio and Quarto texts, graduallycorrupting the original Complete Works with errors and conflatedtextual variations. Now Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen, two of today’s mostaccomplished Shakespearean scholars, have edited the First Folio asa complete book, resulting in a definitive Complete Works for thetwenty-first century. Combining innovative scholarship with brilliant commentary andtextual analysis that emphasizes performance history and values,this landmark edition will be indispensable to students, theaterprofessionals, and general readers alik

    • ¥281 折扣:5折
    • MOBY-DICK(ISBN=9780679405597)
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    • Herman Melville 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) "As a revelation of humandestiny it is too deep even for sorrow," was how D.H. Lawrencecharacterized MOBY-DICK. Published in the same five-year span as"The Scarlet Letter," "Walden," and "Leaves of Grass," this greatadventure of the sea and the life of the soul is the ultimateachievement of that stunning period in American letters.

    • ¥101.3 折扣:4.5折
    • BARNABY RUDGE(ISBN=9780307262905)
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    • Charles Dickens 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Charles Dickens's firsthistorical novel-set during the anti-Catholic riots of 1780-is anunparalleled portrayal of the terror of a rampaging mob, seenthrough the eyes of the individuals swept up in the chaos. Thoseindividuals include Emma, a Catholic, and Edward, a Protestant,whose forbidden love weaves through the heart of the story; and thesimpleminded Barnaby, one of the riot leaders, whose fate is tiedto a mysterious murder and whose beloved pet raven, Grip, embodiesthe mystical power of innocence. The story encompasses both therarified aristocratic world and the volatile streets andnightmarish underbelly of London, which Dickens characteristicallyportrays in vivid, pulsating detail. But the real focus of the bookis on the riots themselves, depicted with an extraordinary energyand redolent of the dangers, the mindlessness, and thepossibilities-both beneficial and brutal-of the mob. One of thelesser-known novels, "Barnaby Rudge" is nonetheless among the mostbrilliant-and most

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • Norton Anth of English Literature 8e Vol C (ISBN=97803939271
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • Stephen Greenblatt 著 /2006-01-01/
    • Book De*ion Read by millions of students over seven editions, The NortonAnthology of English Literature remains the most trustedundergraduate survey of English literature available and one of themost successful college texts ever published. Firmly grounded bythe hallmark strengths of all Norton Anthologies—thorough andhelpful introductory matter, judicious annotation, complete textswherever possible—The Norton Anthology of English Literature hasbeen revitalized in this Eighth Edition through the collaborationbetween six new editors and six seasoned ones. Under the directionof Stephen Greenblatt, General Editor, the editors havereconsidered all aspects of the anthology to make it an even betterteaching tool. About Author Stephen Greenblatt (Ph.D. Yale), is Cogan University Professor ofthe Humanities at Harvard University. Also General Editor of TheNorton Shakespeare, he is the author of nine books, including Willin the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare, Hamlet inPurgatory, Practicing New Historic

    • ¥215.8 折扣:5.9折
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    • Patricia Highsmith 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Three classic crime novels by amaster of the macabre appear here together in hardcover for thefirst time. Suave, agreeable, and completely amoral, PatriciaHighsmith's hero, the inimitable Tom Ripley, stops at nothing--noteven murder-- to accomplish his goals. In achieving for himself theopulent life that he was denied as a child, Ripley shows himself tobe a master of illusion and manipulation and a disturbinglysympathetic combination of genius and psychopath. As Highsmithnavigates the mesmerizing tangle of Ripley's deadly and sinistergames, she turns the mystery genre inside out and takes us into themind of a man utterly indifferent to evil. The Talented Mr.RipleyIn a chilling literary hall of mirrors, Patricia Highsmithintroduces Tom Ripley. Like a hero in a latter-day Henry Jamesnovel, is sent to Italy with a commission to coax a prodigal youngAmerican back to his wealthy father. But Ripley finds himself veryfond of Dickie Greenleaf. He wants to be like him--exactly likehim.

    • ¥107.1 折扣:4.5折
    • CAIRO TRILOGY, THE(ISBN=9780375413315)
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    • Naguib Mahfouz 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Naguib Mahfouz's magnificentepic trilogy of colonial Egypt appears here in one volume for thefirst time. The Nobel Prize--winning writer's masterwork is theengrossing story of a Muslim family in Cairo during Britain'soccupation of Egypt in the early decades of the twentieth century.The novels of "The Cairo Trilogy" trace three generations of thefamily of tyrannical patriarch Al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, whorules his household with a strict hand while living a secret lifeof self-indulgence. "Palace Walk" introduces us to his gentle,oppressed wife, Amina, his cloistered daughters, Aisha and Khadija,and his three sons-the tragic and idealistic Fahmy, the dissolutehedonist Yasin, and the soul-searching intellectual Kamal.Al-Sayyid Ahmad's rebellious children struggle to move beyond hisdomination in "Palace of Desire," as the world around them opens tothe currents of modernity and political and domestic turmoilbrought by the 1920s. "Sugar Street" brings Mahfouz's vividtapestr

    • ¥135.9 折扣:4.5折