This book is Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld'sreinterpretation of Chanel's iconic little black jacket. Lagerfeldhas redesigned the jacket, transforming it into a modern, adaptablegarment to be worn by both sexes of all ages. The Little BlackJacket contains Lagerfeld's photographs of celebrities wearing thejacket with individual flair - sometimes classic, sometimesirreverent, but always Chanel - and each styled by Carine Roitfeld.A range of accomplished actors, musicians, designers, models,writers and directors gets the little black jacket treatment,including Claudia Schiffer, Uma Thurman, Kanye West, Tilda Swinton,Baptiste Giabiconi, Yoko Ono and Sarah Jessica Parker. This bookshows the astounding versatility of Chanel's vision in Lagerfeld'shands, and ensures the little black jacket's future as a timelessclassic.
Adult/High School–The enormous variety of things that people do for survival and sustenance is impressively represented in this book. Neither doctor nor lawyer is included, and only a small number of white-collar jobs make the cut. Instead, readers see clover collectors in Yemen, bootblacks in Portugal, ice fishermen in Russia, coal miners in West Virginia, and salt miners in Ukraine. The volume is arranged in geographic sections: Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Americas, and Islands. Interspersed among them are three thematic portfolios: agriculture, extraction (mining), and manufacturing. Protzman contributes engaging and helpful introductions to each geographic section, as well as brief notes introducing the thematic portfolios. With few exceptions the photos are captivating and of high technical quality. Most were taken within the past 20 years, although some are historical, including a few early-20th-century images by Lewis Hine. Many of the images display poverty, hardship, and oppression (especial
In 1950, Robert Frank left his job as a photographer in NewYork to travel through Europe with his family. That summer hearrived in Valencia, Spain, which was at the time a humble, bleakplace enduring the austere conditions of the postwar period likethe rest of the country. The pictures Frank took of Valencia depictthe daily life of a fishing village. His portrayal is so naturaland clear that further verbal explanation seems superfluous; theysimply reflect, in the photo graphers words, the humanity of themoment. The photographs in this book, many of which have never beenpublished before, allow dignity to override poverty. Robert Frank,a key figure in photographic history, was born in Zurich in 1924and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known forhis seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gaverise to a distinct new form in the photobook, and his experimentalfilm Pull My Daisy (1959). Franks other projects include the booksBlack White and Things (1954) and The Lines of
In this extraordinary collection of color images, noted landscape and wildlife photographer Jeff Drewitz presents Australia's natural beauty in all its stunning diversity. Whether photographs of dry outback or breathtaking coastline, the lush woods of Tasmania or the rainforests and wildlife of the tropical north, these pictures reveal a landscape that offers beauty and diversity in spades. The cities scattered along Australia's coasts are also covered. Here is a portrait of a vast land of extremes that will be the perfect keepsake for any traveler. Superb collection of photographs that captures the natural beauty and diversity of Australia’s landscape and wildlife. Also includes urban scenes. The fifth in teNeues’ successful color version of its Photopockets series, this will be the perfect keepsake for any traveler.
Revised and updated, the new edition of the best-selling classic: over 500,000 copies of previous editions in print worldwide Every new generation of digital cameras offers more photographic possibilities, and the options can be baffling. This completely updated edition of Michael Freemans best-selling Complete Guide to Digital Photography introduces all the knowledge youll need to cut to the chase and create perfect photographs every time. You'll gain a thorough understanding of how today's cameras work, an introduction to digital editing techniques that make the most of the technology's capabilities, and a grounding in photography's all the expertise that Michael Freeman has gained in his successful career as a professional assignment photographer. With over 600 examples, a no-nonsense, jargon-busting glossary of terms and a full index for easy reference, it is an indispensable onestop source of photographic information and expertise.
This book presents photos taken by Roman Signer on a 2005 journey through the Carpathian Mountains, which took him to the Ukraine and Romania. The photos evidence brief stops at the side of the road and present subjects that fall into two distinct categories: home-grown fruits, vegetables and other produce for sale, carefully displayed on stools or small and loving memorials of flowers, crosses and wreaths for deceased family members and friends who were road casualties. The similarity between each composition the landscape format, the colourful centred arrangement, the consistent distance between photographer and subject belies a deeper message: the produce suggests sustenance, growth and while the memorials are signs of tragedy and grief. Karpaten / Carpathians is thus not only a collection of travel photos, but a reflection of the human need to shape events, and a succinct story of life and death both realities along the metaphorical road on which we all travel. Born in 1938 in Appenzell, Switzerl
The Great LIFE Photographers is the most comprehensive anthology of LIFE photography ever published, featuring the best work of every staff photographer who worked for the famous magazine, and that of a handful of others who shot for LIFE. It was always the photographers who made LIFE great, and this is the most vivid and exciting portrait of those men and women that has ever been produced. The book offers more than 100 portfolios including those of Alfred Eisenstaedt, Margaret Bourke-White, Carl Mydans, Gordon Parks, W. Eugene Smith, Robert Capa, Ralph Morse, Nina Leen, Harry Benson, Philippe Halsman, and Joe McNally, whose work for LIFE in the aftermath of September 11 was in the finest tradition of the magazine. Each portfolio includes a short biography, offering an intimate look at the people behind the lens. Here are the defining moments of the 20th century, including MacArthur wading ashore by Mydans, Capa's D-Day landing at Omaha Beach and, of course, Eisenstaedt's sailor kissing th
San Francisco has long been one of America's most attractive cities, "a gleaming jewel of the West Coast surrounded on three sides by water." Its hilly streets provide gorgeous glimpses of San Francisco Bay and The Golden Gate Bridge and its neighborhoods reveals a mosaic of a city whose residents are an anthology of the world. Whether he's photographing the street life of bustling Chinatown or gays of the Castro, the gentrifying Mission or faux-Bohemian North Beach, aerial views or interior settings, this third generation San Franciscan renowned for his photographic essays captures it all in this superb collection of photographs of the city he loves.
Best known for his striking photographs of people on the fringes of South African society, Roger Ballen makes images that are ambiguous and often disturbing, but also shot through with flashes of dark humour. The photographs in Shadow Chamber blur the boundaries between documentary photography and art forms such as painting, theatre and sculpture, challenging the ways in which we perceive the 'reality' of photography. Ballen's images are completely honest, yet also fabricated. The mysterious, cell-like rooms that Ballen photographs are actual places, but they are unsettling and strange, logical but impossible: their walls are covered with scribbled drawings, stains and dangling wires, the floors are strewn with bizarre props and artefacts. Dogs, rabbits and kittens wander into the frame or are stuffed into unlikely containers. The humans and animals in Ballen's photographs appear isolated and lost, yet strangely empowered at the same time. The resulting images are allegories of lived experiences and surre
Greece's historical and cultural legacy is set amidst landscapes and seascapes of breathtaking beauty. Noted photographer Rainer Kiedrowski's luminous color images reveal the wonders of Greece both natural and man-made in this stunning visual survey. His beautifully composed pictures capture everything from the mountainside monasteries, unspoiled villages, ancient olive groves, white beaches, and ludicrously blue-heaven waters on the blindingly bright islands, to the paradox of modern life in ancient Athens. This portrait of a country unique in charm and beauty will be the perfect keepsake for any traveler. Superb collection of color photographs that captures the wonders of Greece both natural and man-made. This is the third in teNeues' successful color version of its Photopocket series.
Revised and thoroughly updated, this practical guide tophotographing people is better than ever! What is the color of skin? You may think you know, until youenter the world of digital photography and try to reproduce whatyou see. Differences in software, lighting, computercalibration—everything has an impact on color. And that’s allbefore you get into differences between people in terms of skintypes, ethnicities, age, gender, and more! Hollywood-basedphoto-illustrator Lee Varis guides you step-by-step through themaze. This new edition covers the very newest trends and techniques inphotographing, lighting, and editing skin—and offers plenty oftips, examples, and valuable advice from the author’s ownprofessional experience in the field. Shows you how to digitally capture all skin types: male,female, young, old, different skin tones and ethnicities, withmakeup or without, wrinkled, tattooed, and more Covers a wealth of topics in addition to photo editing, such ashow to obtain model releases a
Birds have been a source of fascination and mystery for humans throughout the world, and throughout time.The Encyclopedia of Birds reveals in striking detail the rich variety of bird life,from the exotic to the common that we can see everyday in our locality; birds whose songs and silhouettes in flight we often take for granted. But you will also find, photographed close-up with stunning clarity, occasional visitors to these shores, together with images of birds from all over the world.Splendidly illustrated, featuring more than 400 species in a highly informative text,The Encyclopedia of Birds offers a window on the world of the extraordinary diversity of birds on our planet.
Whether they are of Abu Dhabi, California, Egypt or Emilia, all of the images he produces are lit with a constant physical light and elements that this photographer seems to always have with him the way he does with his camera bag, and through which all he wants to do is observe the world. I find such an aesthetic to be more that of a painter than a photographer somehow. Better yet, that of a post-documentary or neo-pictorialist photographer, who experiences and conceives his work to be the exprssive gesture of an artist for whom the subject is above all the opportunity for a tremendous but constant variation in his view of the world.
The photography community has been among the earliest and most enthusiastic adopters of Apple’s revolutionary iPad. With its crystal-clear display, powerful graphical capabilities and intuitive interface, it’s certainly an effective way to show off photographs. But what else can it do? In this, the first book on the subject, Ben Harvell explains how the iPad is revolutionising the way that pro photographers work. There are powerful photo editing applications, easy-to-use photo sharing and display programs, and useful tethered-shooting this book explains all, and will be a must-read for digital photographers everywhere.
The photographic act is an event that occurs in real timewith irrevocable consequences.The end result can be modified thoughpost-production,but it is necessarily dependent upon,and influencedby,the image that was recorded in the camera.
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series has become a genuine phenomenon in pop culture, approaching the popularity of the Harry Potter series. In 2008, 10,000 pilgrims descended on Forks, WA, the town of 3,100 people that is the setting for the books. After the fall 2008 release of the record-setting Twilight movie (which made more than $70 million in its opening weekend alone), many more fans are expected to arrive in Forks in 2009. Twilight Tours is a photographic guide to this mystical place. Included are 90 photos composed by noted photographer George Beahm, who also contributes the accompanying text. The pictures range from moody scenic shots of the rain forest and nearby tribal lands described in the four novels to photographs of the actual high school, police station, saltwater beach, and a certain vintage red pickup truck.
‘The Bitter Years’ was the title of a seminal exhibition held in 1962 at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, curated by Edward Steichen, and 2012 marks its 50th anniversary. The show featured 209 images by photographers who worked under the aegis of the US Farm Security Administration (FSA) in 1935–41 as part of Roosevelt’s New Deal. The Great Depression of the 1930s defined a generation in modern American history and was still a vivid memory in 1962. The FSA, set up to combat rural poverty, included an ambitious photography project that launched many photographic careers, most notably those of Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange. The exhibition featured their work as well as that of ten other FSA photographers, including Ben Shahn, Carl Mydans and Arthur Rothstein. Their images are among the most remarkable in documentary photography – testimonies of a people in crisis, hit by the full force of economic turmoil and the effects of drought and dust storms. The Bitter Years celebrates some of the m
From the basics of choosing the right camera to complex imagemanipulation techniques, John Freeman's Photography is the compteteguide for all. aspiring photographers. Featuring atmost 120 diverse subjects - from still Life,action and architecture to digital, capture, beauty retouchingandHDR Incl.uding the tatest digital, deveLopments atong sidetraditionat firm Over 750 cotour and btack and white professional photographs