After five years atop the Skinny Bitch phenomenon, author KimBarnouin has grown as a cook, a nutritionist, and a mom. Now shedelivers the Ultimate cookbook that will be for everyone lookingfor a healthier way to feed themselves, their families, andfriends. Kims emphasis is on easy, and her kick-ass recipes featureseasonal produce (no fake meat or hard-to-find ingredients) andprovide a versatility of tastes and cuisines, from Mediterranean toCalifornia-fresh. With almost 150 recipes, full-color photos,complete nutritional breakdowns, and simple switch-outs for quickvariations, it will be the new gotta have" on any bookshelf.
Americans are drinking more alcoholic beverages than ever, andalmost 30 percent of tipplers name wine as their drink of choice.Recent studies have touted the health benefits of wine-drinking. Sowhy is wine so intimidating? The sheer numbers and types of wines?The wine snobs with their arcane terminology? The French with theirinsufferable Frenchiness? Demystifying oenophilia and offering more than a few laughs alongthe way, Jennifer Rosen’s THE CORK JESTER?’S GUIDE TO WINE is acollection of fast, funny anecdotes and informative lessons sure toentertain both the vintage idiot and the savvy sipper. In the book’s introduction, Rosen offers a typically frankexplanation of her approach: "A wise winemaker told me, ‘Drinkingwine with a sommelier is like making love to a gynecologist: it’sbetter if they don?’t tell you everything they know.’ Instead, Ioffer a series of bite-sized stories; Trojan horses filled withfacts programmed to infiltrate and lodge in your brain, with noeffort on
Ten years ago, Colbin's Food and Healing stood at theforefront of the food revolution, exploring the link between dietand health. In this anniversary edition, she provides updates onrecent dietary systems, including low-fat, food combining, andalternative medicine.
From the author of French Women Don't Get Fat, the #1 NationalBestseller, comes an essential guide to the art of joyful living—inmoderation, in season, and, above all, with pleasure. Together with a bounty of new dining ideas and menus, MireilleGuiliano offers us fresh, cunning tips on style, grooming, andentertaining. Here are four seasons' worth of strategies forshopping, cooking, and exercising, as well as some pointers forlooking effortlessly chic. Taking us from her childhood inAlsace-Lorraine to her summers in Provence and her busy life in NewYork and Paris, this wise and witty book shows how anyone anywherecan develop a healthy, holistic lifestyle.
After writing several award-winning health and nutritiontitles that have had great success in the UK, Nicola Graimes makesher debut in the US market with the first book to focus on childrenand brain power and the foods that truly can improve intelligenceand those that can hinder it. With her exciting positive twist onthe link between the food that children eat and their mentaldevelopment, Graimes offers parents new ways and reasons to givetheir children (from pregnancy through primary school) and theessential foods and nutrients they require. BRAIN FOODS FOR KIDS includes: -A clear and easy-to-follow introduction to the principles ofgood childhood nutrition and information on all the latest scienceon brain-boosting foods -Practical, kid-tested advice on incorporating the essentialfoods into a child-friendly diet -Special "brain-box" features to explain the health-giving,mind-boosting properties of each of the featured dishes -Teaches how
A history of the landmark case of James Earl Gideon's fightfor the right to legal counsel. Notes, table of cases, index. Theclassic backlist bestseller. More than 800,000 sold since its firstpub date of 1964.
Why do we overeat time and time again? Why do we make poordiet choices while we want to be healthy? What makes losing weightso difficult? These and many other vital questions are addressed in 12 Steps to Raw Foods in an open and sincere dialogue. Basedon the latest scientific research, Victoria Boutenko explains thenumerous benefits of choosing a diet of fresh rather than cookedfoods. This book contains self-tests and questionnaires that helpthe reader to determine if they have hidden eating patterns thatundermine their health. Using examples from life, the authorexplores the most common reasons for people to make unhealthyeating choices. Rather than simply praising the benefits of raw foods, this bookoffers helpful tips and coping techniques to form and maintain new,healthy patterns. Learn how to make a raw food restaurant card thatmakes dining with co-workers easy and enjoyable. Discover threemagic sentences that enable you to refuse your mother-in-law’sapple pie without offending her. Find out how to