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    • 新疆大地(英文版)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 赵承安 著 /1970-01-01/ 中国旅游出版社
    • Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is the largest province in western areas of China and covers an area of 1.6 million square kilometers. Zhao Cheng'an, a photographer and winner of the Golden Image Prize of Chinese Photographic Art, devoted his whole life to his photographic career of Xinjiang. The album Land of Xinjiang demonstrates almost the all he achieved in his dozen years of photographic career of the regionL The book publishes some 1,000 of his pictures in four parts: "Landscape in the Mountain," "Water for Life," "The Fascinating Desert" and "History of the Silk Road" and illustrates bold,constrained and profound Xinjiang in different seasons from different angles of view. Also this album includes great amounts of photos taken on planes, making it more attractive. The unique and individual visual angle and excellent professional skills of the author make the album of a higher value for photographic artistic appreciation. Also the vivid and interesti

    • ¥175 ¥350 折扣:5折
    • 新疆大地
    •   ( 68 条评论 )
    • 赵承安 著 /2002-06-01/ 中国旅游出版社
    • 新疆维吾尔自治区,是中国西部*的省区,面积160万平方公里。荣获《中国摄影艺术金像奖》的摄影家赵承安,毕生致力于新疆的自然地理摄影。《新疆大地》是他数十年拍摄成果的结晶,作者把千余幅图片分为山中世界、生命之水、大漠野趣、丝路烟云四部分,从不同角度,不同季节系列地全方位展示新疆的粗犷与豪放,深厚和阳刚。本书还编选了作者航空摄影的大量图片,使画册更具博大恢弘魅力。作者独具个性的摄影视觉,大投入、大制作的专业水准,使画册有摄影艺术欣赏价值,又有作者亲身感受的轻松生动文笔描述,集知识、趣味为一体,使画册又具可读性。

    • ¥144 ¥288 折扣:5折