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    • 周末编织俱乐部/Friday Night Knitting Club
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    • KATE JACOBS 著 /2007-01-01/
    • The mother of them all:The Friday Night Knitting Club celebrates the power of women's independence. Beautifully written with a fantastic cast of women...worht taking a duvet day for...you won't want to put this down'Heat.

    • ¥35 折扣:5折
    • The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking语言的突破
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    • Dale Carnegie 著 /2006-03-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Good public speakers are made, not born - or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage, enthusiasm and self-confidence. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively the quick and easy way; earning the right to talk; vitalising your talk; and sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation, presentation and other skills. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    • ¥42.3 折扣:5.9折
    • 家装布置Complete Home Organizer
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    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Is your home a storage nightmare? Well, there's no need to despair any longer. Withstep-by-step directions, hands-on instructions, and valuable insights and tips that show you how to find storage space for all your belongings, The Complete Home Organizer gets you started and then helps you maintain an organized home. This comprehensive guide is filled with more than 250 color photographs and questionaires, lists, and diagrams that will have you looking at your home--and all the unused, available storage space it contains--in a new and creative light.

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