From the bestselling, prize-winning author of THE LAST TYCOONSand HOUSE OF CARDS, a revelatory history of Goldman Sachs, the mostdominant, feared, and controversial investment bank in theworld For much of its storied 142-year history, Goldman Sachs hasprojected an image of being better than its competitors--smarter,more collegial, more ethical, and far more profitable. Thefirm--buttressed by the most aggressive and sophisticated p.r.machine in the financial industry--often boasts of "The GoldmanWay," a business model predicated on hiring the most talentedpeople, indoctrinating them in a corporate culture where partnersstifle their egos for the greater good, and honoring the "14Principles," the first of which is "Our clients' interests alwayscome first." But there is another way of viewing Goldman--a secretivemoney-making machine that has straddled the line betweenconflict-of-interest and legitimate deal-making for decades; a firmthat has exerted undue influence over government since the ear
There is an ongoing perception that public accountability inmodern-day governance is in 'crisis', caused by globalization andthe increasing power of private economic interests. This bookresponds to that idea, providing the most comprehensive survey todate of how different organizations hold persons acting in thepublic interest to account, and the various problems they face. Thebook shows how key issues, such as public-mindedness, democracy andresponsibility, and structures, such as bureaucracy, markets andtransparency, adopt radically different and sometimes contradictoryinterpretations when viewed from different experientialperspectives. It also demonstrates how underlying all this are corecommunities of experiences that bind these diverse interpretationsand perspectives into a complex web of mutual interaction andinfluence. The book includes studies not only of Anglo-Americanexperiences, but also of the experiences of foreign andtransnational organizations: NGOs, transnational resistancemovements, th
Old Europe’s new crisis. Europe, the charming continent of windmills and gondolas. Butlately, Europe has become the continent of endless strikes anddemonstrations, bombs on the trains and subways, radical Islamiccells in every city, and ghettos so hopeless and violent even thepolice won’t enter them. In Spain, a terrorist attack promptsinstant capitulation to the terrorists’ demands. In France, thesuburbs go up in flames every night. In Holland, politicians andartists are murdered for speaking frankly about Islamicimmigration. This isn’t the Europe we thought we knew. What’s going on overthere? Traveling overland from London to Istanbul, journalist ClaireBerlinski shows why the Continent has lately appeared sobewildering—and often so thoroughly obnoxious—to Americans.Speaking to Muslim immigrants, German rock stars, French cops, andItalian women who have better things to do than have children, shefinds that Europe is still, despite everything, in the grip of thesame old
Natural Resources and Economic Development, first published in2005, explores a key paradox: why is natural resource exploitationnot yielding greater benefits to the poor economies of Africa, Asiaand Latin America? Part I examines this paradox both through ahistorical review of resource use and development and throughexamining current theories which explain the under-performance oftoday's resource-abundant economies, and proposes a frontierexpansion hypothesis as an alternative explanation. Part IIdevelops models to analyse the key economic factors underlying landexpansion and water use in developing countries. Part III exploresfurther the 'dualism within dualism' structure of resourcedependency, rural poverty and resource degradation withindeveloping countries, and through illustrative countrycase-studies, proposes policy and institutional reforms necessaryfor successful resource-based development.
The book is... timely, and if it will irritate some of theexperts it will also help bring some neglected issues and theoriesinto public focus. This ... has always been Mrs. Jacobs' mostnotable taient and her most constructive contribution.