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What happens when advances in technologg allow mang things to be produced for more or less nothing? And what happens when those things are then made available to us for free? In his groundbreaking new book, The Long Tail author Chris Anderson considers a brave new world where the old economic certainties are being undermined by a growing flood of free goods - newspapers, DVDs, T-shirts, phones, even holiday flights. He explains why this has become possible - why fast-evolvingtechnologies, particularly the Internet, have caused production and distribution costs in many sectors to plummet to levels unthinkable even a decade ago. He shows how the flexibility provided by the online world allows producers to trade ever more creatively, offering items for free to make real or perceived gains elsewhere. He pinpoints the winners and losers in the Free universe. And he demonstrates the wags in which, as an increasing number of things become available for free, our decisions to make use of them will be determined by tw
Are there tangible benefits in flossing? Is it wrong to fake orgasms? What does the perfect online dating ad look like? Should we bother doing the ironing? Is it really impossible to buy the perfect Christmas gift? (Other than this book, of course.) Economists might not be the first people you would think of to give you advice on such diverse areas as parenting, the intricacies of etiquette or the dark arts of seduction. But for years bestselling author Tim Harford has been doing just that: answering the most challenging questions in his brilliant column, where he uses the tools of economics to give practical advice about everyday dilemmas, conundrums and concerns. From family rows and the stock market to buying socks or speed dating, you'll find within these pages a witty - and of course rational - explanation for almost everything you ever wanted to know about life.
For over 20 years Hal Varian's "Intermediate Microeconomics" has given students the most current and complete coverage of intermediate microeconomics at an appropriate mathematical level. The Eighth Edition includes contemporary case studies and examples and relevant coverage of the current economic crisis - all in focused, lecture-length chapters.
BUST: GREECE, THE EURO, AND THE SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS In 2001, Greece saw its application for membership into theEurozone accepted, and the country sat down to the greatest freelunch in economic history. However, the coming years of globaleconomic prosperity would lead to unrestrained spending, cheapborrowing, and a failure to implement financial reform, leaving thecountry massively exposed to a financial crisis—which dulystruck. In Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis,Bloomberg columnist Matthew Lynn explores Greece's spectacular riseand fall from grace and the global repercussions of its financialdisaster. Page by page, he provides a thrilling account of theGreek financial crisis, drawing out its origins, how it escalated,and its implications for a fragile global economy. Along the way,Lynn looks at how the Greek contagion has spread like wildfirethroughout Europe and explores how government ineptitude as well asfinancial speculators compounded the problem. Blendi
Get students thinking economically with Elementary Economics. Each book in this series contains two complete center-driven units. Students and teachers design a store, stock its shelves, and price its merchandise. The store is the focus of real-life class activities that teach the economic principles of producers and consumers, scarcity, rarity, supply and demand, and more. Each unit includes reproducible worksheets and economics games that reinforce the skills and concepts taught in the lessons. Field trip ideas and literature suggestions allow the teacher to make connections across the curriculum. This innovative and refreshing approach to economics will delight both students and teachers.
The lively and enthralling tale of three notoriouscounterfeiters offers insights into the makings of the Americanfinancial mind. In Moneymakers , BenTarnoff chronicles the lives of three colorful counterfeiters whoflourished in early America, shedding fresh light on the country'sfinancial coming of age. The speculative ethos that pervades WallStreet today, Tarnoff suggests, has its origins in the craft ofcounterfeiters who first took advantage of a turbulent Americaneconomy. Few nations have as rich a counterfeiting history as the UnitedStates. Since the colonies suffered from a chronic shortage ofprecious metals, they were the first place in the Western world touse easily forged paper bills. And until the national currency wasstandardized in the last half of the nineteenth century, the UnitedStates had a dizzying variety of banknotes, making early America acounterfeiter's paradise. In Moneymakers , Tarnoff recounts how three of America'smost successful counterfeiters-Owen
The Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist and best-selling author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree gives a bold, timely, and surprising picture of the state of globalization in the twenty-first century. In this brilliant #1 bestseller, "the most important columnist in America today" (Walter Russell Mead, The New York Times) demystifies the brave new world for readers, allowing them to make sense of the often bewildering global scene unfolding before their eyes. With his inimitable ability to translate complex foreign policy and economic issues, Thomas L. Friedman explains how the flattening of the world happened at the dawn of the twenty-first century; what it means to countries, companies, communities, and individuals; and how governments and societies can, and must, adapt. The World Is Flat is the timely and essential update on globalization, its successes and discontents, powerfully illuminated by one of our most respected journalists.
这本畅销经典受到无数人的喜爱,它揭示出古老的“巴比伦寓言”的成功秘诀,被誉为关于节俭、理财和个人财富成功的励志书。 THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLING CLASSIC Read by millions, this timeless book holds the key to success-inthe secrets of the ancients. Based on the famous "Babylonianprinciples," it's been hailed as the greatest of all inspirationalworks on the subject of thrift and financial planning. ACHIEVE PERSONAL WEALTH... This celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of-and asolution to-personal money problems.This is the original classicthat reveals the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, andmaking money earn even more money. Simply put: the originalmoney-management favorite is back!
Friedman and Schwartz's A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, published in 1963, stands as one of the most influential economics books of the twentieth century. A landmark achievement, the book marshaled massive historical data and sharp analytics to support the claim that monetary policy--steady control of the money supply--matters profoundly in the management of the nation's economy, especially in navigating serious economic fluctuations. The chapter entitled "The Great Contraction, 1929-33" addressed the central economic event of the century, the Great Depression. Published as a stand-alone paperback in 1965, The Great Contraction, 1929-1933 argued that the Federal Reserve could have stemmed the severity of the Depression, but failed to exercise its role of managing the monetary system and ameliorating banking panics. The book served as a clarion call to the monetarist school of thought by emphasizing the importance of the money supply in the functioning of the economy--a concept that has com
Do economics and statistics succeed in explaining human socialbehaviour? To answer this question. Leland Gerson Neuberg studiessome pioneering controlled social experiments. Starting in the late1960s, economists and statisticians sought to improve social policyformation with random assignment experiments such as those thatprovided income guarantees in the form of a negative income tax.This book explores anomalies in the conceptual basis of suchexperiments and in the foundations of statistics and economics moregenerally. Scientific inquiry always faces certain philosophicalproblems. Controlled experiments of human social behaviour,however, cannot avoid some methodological difficulties not evidentin physical science experiments. Drawing upon several examples, theauthor argues that methodological anomalies prevent microeconomicsand statistics from explaining human social behaviour as coherentlyas the physical sciences explain nature. He concludes thatcontrolled social experiments are a frequently overrate
Capital, one of Marx's major and most influential works, wasthe product of thirty years close study of the capitalist mode ofproduction in England, the most advanced industrial society of hisday. This new translation of Volume One, the only volume to becompleted and edited by Marx himself, avoids some of the mistakesthat have marred earlier versions and seeks to do justice to theliterary qualities of the work. The introduction is by ErnestMandel, author of Late Capitalism, one of the only comprehensiveattempts to develop the theoretical legacy of Capital. --This textrefers to the Paperback edition.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Big Short,Liar’s Poker and The Blind Side! The tsunami of cheap credit that rolled across the planetbetween 2002 and 2008 was more than a simple financial phenomenon:it was temptation, offering entire societies the chance to revealaspects of their characters they could not normally afford toindulge. The Greeks wanted to turn their country into a pi?ata stuffedwith cash and allow as many citizens as possible to take a whack atit. The Germans wanted to be even more German; the Irish wanted tostop being Irish. The trademark of Michael Lewis’s bestsellers is to tell animportant and complex story through characters so outsized andoutrageously weird that you’d think they have to be invented.(You’d be wrong.) In Boomerang, we meet a brilliant monk who hasfigured out how to game Greek capitalism to save his failingmonastery; a cod fisherman who, with three days’ training, becomesa currency trader for an Icelandic bank; and an Irish real estatedevelope
Written during the winter of 1857-8, the "Grundrisse" wasconsidered by Marx to be the first scientific elaboration ofcommunist theory. A collection of seven notebooks on capital andmoney, it both develops the arguments outlined in the CommunistManifesto (1848) and explores the themes and theses that were todominate his great later work "Capital". Here, for the first time,Marx set out his own version of Hegel's dialectics and developedhis mature views on labour, surplus value and profit, offering manyfresh insights into alienation, automation and the dangers ofcapitalist society. Yet while the theories in "Grundrisse" make ita vital precursor to "Capital", it also provides invaluablede*ions of Marx's wider-ranging philosophy, making it a uniqueinsight into his beliefs and hopes for the foundation of acommunist state.
Unrivaled in its unique combination of analytical rigor and accessibility, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach has garnered one of the broadest adoption lists in the market. Now appearing in its Sixth Edition, Professor Varian's hallmark text is better than ever, featuring new treatments of game theory and competitive strategy, and a variety of new illustrative examples. Modern, authoritative, and above all crafted by an outstanding teacher and scholar, Intermediate Microeconomics, Sixth Edition will expand students' analytic powers and strengthen their understanding of microeconomics.
Published in 1778, The Wealth of Nations was the first book oneconomics to catch the public's attention. It provides a recipe fornational prosperity that has not been bettered since, based onsmall government and the freedom of citizens to act in their bestinterests. It reassuringly assumes no knowledge of its subject, andover 200 years on still provides valuable lessons on thefundamentals of economics. This deluxe, selected edition is astylish keepsake from the Capstone Classics series. This edition includes: An abridged selection of all 5 books for the contemporaryreader An original commentary offering new research and analysis byclassic literature guru Tom Butler-Bowdon A biography and chronology of Adam Smith's life and the eventssurrounding the original publication of the work Today, The Wealth of Nations is still essential reading for anybusiness or self-development library, reminding us that it is theingenuity and drive of people, not governments, that remains thesou
In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More... Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas.
In early 2009, many economists, financiers, and media pundits were confidently predicting the end of the American-led capitalism that has shaped history and economics for the past 100 years. Yet the U.S. economic model, far from being discredited, may be strengthened by the financial crisis. In this provocative book, Anatole Kaletsky re-interprets the financial crisis as part of an evolutionary process inherent to the nature of democratic capitalism. Capitalism, he argues, is resilient. Its first form, Capitalism 1.0, was the classical laissez-faire capitalism that lasted from 1776 until 1930. Next was Capitalism 2.0, New Deal Keynesian social capitalism created in the 1930s and extinguished in the 1970s. Its last mutation, Reagan-Thatcher market fundamentalism, culminated in the financially-dominated globalization of the past decade and triggered the recession of 2009-10. The self-destruction of Capitalism 3.0 leaves the field open for the next phase of capitalism’s evolution. Capitalism is likely to
Unfinished at the time of Marx'sdeath in 1883 and first published with a preface by FrederickEngels in 1894, the third volume of "Das Kapital" strove to combinethe theories and concepts of the two previous volumes in order toprove conclusively that capitalism is inherently unworkable as apermanent system for society. Here, Marx asserts controversiallythat - regardless of the efforts of individual capitalists, publicauthorities or even generous philanthropists - any market economyis inevitably doomed to endure a series of worsening, explosivecrises leading finally to complete collapse. But he also offers aninspirational and compelling prediction: that the end of capitalismwill culminate, ultimately, in the birth of a far greater form ofsociety.
Stop pushing your message out and start pulling your customersin. Traditional outbound marketing methods like cold-calling, emailblasts, advertising, and direct mail are increasingly lesseffective. People are getting better at blocking theseinterruptions out using Caller ID, spam protection, TiVo, etc.People are now increasingly turning to Google, social media, andblogs to find products and services. Inbound Marketing helps youtake advantage of this change by showing you how to get found bycustomers online. Inbound Marketing is a how-to guide to getting found via Google,the blogosphere, and social media sites. Improve your rankings inGoogle to get more traffic Build and promote a blog for yourbusiness Grow and nurture a community in Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. Measure what matters and do more of what worksonline. The rules of marketing have changed, and your business canbenefit from this change. Inbound Marketing shows you how to getfound by more prospects already looking for wha
Here at last is the long awaited sequel to the international bestselling phenomenon, Freakonomics. Steven Levitt, the original rogue economist, and Stephen Dubner have been working hard, uncovering the hidden side of even more controversial subjects, from charity to terrorism and prostitution. And with their inimitable style and wit, they will take us on another even more gripping journey of discovery. Superfreakonomics will once again transform the way we look at the world.
Financial reports provide vital information to investors,lenders, and managers. Yet, the financial statements in a financialreport seem to be written in a foreign language that onlyaccountants can understand. This Seventh Edition of How to Read aFinancial Report breaks through the language barrier, clears awaythe fog, and offers a plain-English user's guide to financialreports. The book helps you get a sure-handed grip on the profit,cash flow, and financial condition of any business.
Now with a new epilogue that speaks directly to the currentenergy crisis, The Prize recounts the panoramic history ofthe world's most important resource: oil. Daniel Yergin's timelessbook chronicles the struggle for wealth and power that hassurrounded oil for decades and that continues to fuel globalrivalries, shake the world economy, and transform the destiny ofmen and nations. This updated edition categorically proves theunwavering significance of oil throughout the twentieth century andinto the twenty-first by tracing economic and political clashesover precious "black gold." With his far-reaching insight and in-depth research, Yergin isuniquely positioned to address the present battle over energy,which undoubtedly ranks as one of the most vital issues of ourtime. The canvas of his narrative history is enormous -- from thedrilling of the first well in Pennsylvania through two great worldwars to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Operation Desert Storm, andnow both the Iraq War and climate change. The definit