内容简介 本书是关于我们如何从科学的视角重新认识这个世界的科普读物,阐述了宇宙、世界、生命科学视角下,对世界本源的认识,并结合生物学、数学、物理学和计算机科学知识,更加细致入微地解释我们观察到的世界中的各类现象。 在这本书中,作者希望表明我们的宇宙不仅仅是一座没有生命、毫无意义的数学机器。在我们真正了解意识和人类思想的奇迹之前,我们能真正了解宇宙吗?为了做到这一点,作者超越了物理世界去寻找答案。对于对生命、宇宙和一切事物的深层问题感到好奇的读者来说,《世界本身》是一本必不可少的读物。
In November of 1587, a report reached London claiming SirWalter Raleigh's expedition to land English settlers in America hadfoundered. The colony on Roanoke Island off of the coast of NorthCarolina-115 men, women, and children-had disappeared without atrace. For four hundred years, the question of what became of thedoomed settlers has remained unanswered. Where did they go? Whatreally happened? Why were they on Roanoke Island in the firstplace, as that was not their destination? Using her consummateskills as an anthropologist and ethnohistorian, Lee Miller castsnew light on the previously inexplicable puzzle of Roanoke,unraveling a thrilling web of deceit that can be traced back to theinner circle of Queen Elizabeth's government to finally solve thelasting mystery of the Lost Colony. "Lee Miller offers enlivening insight and astounding detail asshe resurrects a four-hundred-year-old American mystery." (ChicagoTribune)
Book De*ionNationally renowned author and professional dog trainer Liz Palika presents a comprehensive training guide geared to teaching the average owner how to train their dog and to help their dog become a well-mannered addition to the household. Each title includes chapters on how to select the right dog for you, canine development, puppy training, housebreaking, formal training, basic obedience, problem prevention and solutions, advanced training, dog sports, and how to have fun while training your dog. These books are guaranteed to help the owner train his dog and at the same time form a rewarding relationship. Book Dimensionlength.
This title features an extraordinary collection ofthematically linked essays, including "The Uncanny", "ScreenMemories" and "Family Romances". Leonardo da Vinci fascinated Freudprimarily because he was keen to know why his personality was soincomprehensible to his contemporaries. In this probingbiographical essay he deconstructs both da Vinci's character andthe nature of his genius. As ever, many of his exploratory avenueslead to the subject's sexuality - why did da Vinci depict the nakedhuman body the way he did? What of his tendency to surround himselfwith handsome young boys that he took on as his pupils? Intriguing,thought-provoking and often contentious, this volume contains someof Freud's best writing.
In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considersthe incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, andthe tensions between the claims of society and the individual. Weall know that living in civilised groups means sacrificing a degreeof personal interest, but couldn't you argue that it in factcreates the conditions for our happiness? Freud explores thearguments and counter-arguments surrounding this proposition,focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatestdangers; 'civilised' sexual morality. After all, doesn't repressionof sexuality deeply affect people and compromise their chances ofhappiness?
What I Love About You offers a fresh way to say "I loveyou." This fill-in-the-blank book prompts you to say what is in yourheart, but may not always be at the tip of your tongue. Tell themost important person in your life just how much they mean to youby completing the scores of unique, evocative checklists, shortanswers, and phrases in this attractive gift book: If we'd first met in a comic strip, the thought bubble over myhead would have said... I adore this little daily ritual or habit we have... One of your most irresistible physical features is... I missed you when... Playful, tender, and personal, this is the perfect gift for theperson in your life who makes your pulse race.
The most riveting political biography of our time, Robert A.Caro’s life of Lyndon B. Johnson, continues. Master of theSenate takes Johnson’s story through one of its most remarkableperiods: his twelve years, from 1949 through 1960, in the UnitedStates Senate. Once the most august and revered body in politics,by the time Johnson arrived the Senate had become a parody ofitself and an obstacle that for decades had blocked desperatelyneeded liberal legislation. Caro shows how Johnson’s brilliance,charm, and ruthlessness enabled him to become the youngest and mostpowerful Majority Leader in history and how he used hisincomparable legislative genius--seducing both Northern liberalsand Southern conservatives--to pass the first Civil Rightslegislation since Reconstruction. Brilliantly weaving rich detailinto a gripping narrative, Caro gives us both a galvanizingportrait of Johnson himself and a definitive and revelatory studyof the workings of legislative power.
From one of the nation’s most trusted experts on children’sbedtime and nap time comes a new guide for sleep-training twins sothat everybody (including Mom and Dad) will be rested andhappy! As parents of twins and multiples know, double the fun can bedouble the sleep deprivation. Now, in Healthy Sleep Habits, HappyTwins, beloved pediatrician and renowned sleep authority Dr. MarcWeissbluth combines specialized advice for parents of twins withhis tried-and-true sleep-training methods to show exhausted momsand dads how to get their babies to sleep on their own, stayasleep, and sleep regularly. This essential step-by-step guide toestablishing good sleep patterns reveals how to build healthyhabits in twins’ natural slumber cycles, including · how healthy sleep differs from “junk” sleep, plus a helpfultutorial on the techniques of sleep training for new parents · the five ingredients of healthy sleep, and why daytime sleep isdifferent from nighttime sleep but equally important to
Based on the combination of human development theories with feminist theories, this book has made deep analysis of the problems concerning women's development in contemporary China and put forward realistic solutions to these problems. Chapter one probes into the key and hot points of women' s development in the transforming period and asks what the reasonable mode of women's development is. Chapter two gives theoretical analysis of women's development and emphasizes the significance of gender perspective in human development. Chapter three reviews the historical course of Chinese women's development covering its merits and demerits,experience and characteristics.
本书全面介绍了大众传媒的理论与实务,包括传媒的中介、传媒的内容以及有关传媒的特殊问题,如媒体沟通、媒体的影响力、大众传媒与社会、全球化、传媒与管理、法律与伦理等。在本书中您还可以找到有关大众传媒发挥作用的途径以及有关大众传媒的*学术成果。 本书第7版继续弘扬了以往各版本重视图片效果的优良传统,用图片将书中的要点串联起来,通过图片加深读者的理解与掌握。
Want to read faster — and recall more of what you read? Thispractical, hands-on guide gives you the techniques you need toincrease your reading speed and retention, whether you're readingbooks, e-mails, magazines, or even technical journals! You'll findreading aids and plenty of exercises to help you read faster andbetter comprehend the text. Yes, you can speed read — discover the skills you need to readquickly and effectively, break your bad reading habits, and take inmore text at a glance Focus on the fundamentals — widen your vision span and see how toincrease your comprehension, retention, and recall Advance your speed-reading skills — read blocks of text, heightenyour concentration, and follow an author's thought patterns Zero in on key points — skim, scan, and preread to quickly locatethe information you want Expand your vocabulary — recognize the most common words andphrases to help you move through the text more quickly Open the book and find:
In this remarkable book, regarded by Russell as one of the most important of his career, he argues that power is man's ultimate goal and is, in its many guises, the single most important element in the development of any society.
F.A. Hayek (1899-1992) was among the most important economistsand political philosophers of the twentieth century. He is widelyregarded as the principal intellectual force behind the triumph ofglobal capitalism, an 'anti-Marx' who did more than any otherrecent thinker to elucidate the theoretical foundations of the freemarket economy. His account of the role played by market prices intransmitting economic knowledge constituted a devastating critiqueof the socialist ideal of central economic planning, and his famousbook The Road to Serfdom was a prophetic statement of the dangerswhich socialism posed to a free and open society. He also madesignificant contributions to fields as diverse as the philosophy oflaw, the theory of complex systems, and cognitive science. Theessays in this volume, by an international team of contributors,provide a critical introduction to all aspects of Hayek'sthought.
This Companion makes a new departure in Hobbes scholarship,addressing a philosopher whose impact was as great on ContinentalEuropean theories of state and legal systems as it was at home.This volume is a systematic attempt to incorporate work from boththe Anglophone and Continental traditions, bringing together newlycommissioned work by scholars from ten different countries in atopic-by-topic sequence of essays that follows the structure ofLeviathan, re-examining the relationship among Hobbes's physics,metaphysics, politics, psychology, and religion. Collectively theyshowcase important revisionist scholarship that re-examines boththe context for Leviathan and its reception, demonstrating thedegree to which Hobbes was indebted to the long tradition ofEuropean humanist thought. This Cambridge Companion shows thatHobbes's legacy was never lost and that he belongs to a traditionof reflection on political theory and governance that is stillalive, both in Europe and in the diaspora.
Since her death in 1979, Jean Rhys's reputation as an importantmodernist author has grown. Her finely crafted prose fiction lendsitself to multiple interpretations from radically differentcritical perspectives; formalism, feminism, and postcolonialstudies among them. This Introduction offers a reliable andstimulating account of her life, work, contexts and criticalreception. Her masterpiece, Wide Sargasso Sea, is analyzed togetherwith her other novels, including Quartet and After Leaving MrMackenzie, and her short stories. Through close readings of theworks, Elaine Savory reveals their common themes and connects theseto different critical approaches. The book maps Rhys's fictionaluse of the actual geography of Paris, London and the Caribbean,showing how key understanding her relationships with themetropolitan and colonial spheres is to reading her texts. In thisinvaluable introduction for students, Savory explains thesignificance of Rhys as a writer both in her lifetime andtoday.
Combining orthodox mysteries with those of the paranormal, this engrossing compendium of the history of scientific mysteries and enigmas ranges from the origin of the universe to its ultimate fate Answering the questions How did the universe begin and how will it end? What happens to us when we die? and Do intelligent beings exist elsewhere in our galaxy and beyond?, this clear, informative, and entertaining book presents some of the most intriguing mysteries in the history of science. Some of these enigmas have been solved through the ingenuity of their investigators; others are so strange as to suggest no easy solution and have given rise to equally bizarre speculations. From the Tunguska explosion of 1908 to the enigma of the moon’s origin, from the possibility of time travel to the search for zero-point energy, the many theories and speculations that have been presented to account for the mystery of the world are examined. Each chapter deals with an enigma that has caused wonder, excitement, or fear
Have you ever wanted to set up your own totally cool club?Then check out this fabulous book to guide you on your way.
In the years approaching the centenary of Mahler's death, thisbook provides both summation of, and starting point for, anassessment and reassessment of the composer's output and creativeactivity. Authored by a collection of leading specialists in Mahlerscholarship, its opening chapters place the composer insocio-political and cultural contexts, and discuss his work inlight of developments in the aesthetics of musical meaning. Part IIexamines from a variety of analytical, interpretative and criticalstandpoints the complete range of his output, from early studentworks and unfinished fragments to the sketches and performingversions of the Tenth Symphony. Part III evaluates Mahler's role asinterpreter of his own and other composers' works during hislifelong career as operatic and orchestral conductor. Part IVaddresses Mahler's fluctuating reception history from scholarly,journalistic, creative, public and commercial perspectives, withspecial attention being paid to his compositional legacy. · Compre
When two of his American employees were held hostage in Iran,H. Ross Perot and a select group of his employees took matters intotheir own hands.
Physical play - what some might call roughhousing - is beingmarginalized. Gym classes are getting shorter. Recess periods arebeing eliminated. Some new schools don't even have playgrounds. ButDrs. Anthony T. DeBenedet and Lawrence Cohen are here to shakethings up-literally! "The Art of Roughhousing" teaches parents howrough - and -tumble play can nurture close connections, solvebehavior problems, boost confidence, and more. Drawing fromgymnastics, martial arts, ballet, traditional sports, and evenanimal behavior, the authors present fifty illustrated activitiesfor children and parents to enjoy together - everything from theSumo Deadlift to the Rogue Dumbo. Arriving just in time forFather's Day, "The Art of Roughhousing" is the perfect gift forrowdy dads everywhere.
Often regarded as the greatest German poet of the twentiethcentury, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926) remains one of the mostinfluential figures of European modernism. In this Companion,leading scholars offer informative and thought-provoking essays onhis life and social context, his correspondence, all his majorcollections of poetry including most famously the Duino Elegies andSonnets to Orpheus, and his seminal novel of Modernist anxiety, TheNotebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. Rilke's critical contexts areexplored in detail: his relationship with philosophy and the visualarts, his place within modernism and his relationship to Europeanliterature, and his reception in Europe and beyond. With itsinvaluable guide to further reading and a chronology of Rilke'slife and work, this Companion will provide an accessible, engagingaccount of this extraordinary poet whose legacy looms so largetoday.