In this thought-provoking study, Ali Mirsepassi explores theconcept of modernity, exposing the Eurocentric prejudices andhostility to non-Western culture that have characterized itsdevelopment. Focusing on the Iranian experience of modernity, hecharts its political and intellectual history and develops a newinterpretation of Islamic Fundamentalism through the detailedanalysis of the ideas of key Islamic intellectuals. The authorargues that the Iranian Revolution was not a simple clash betweenmodernity and tradition but an attempt to accommodate modernitywithin a sense of authentic Islamic identity, culture andhistorical experience. He concludes by assessing the future ofsecularism and democracy in the Middle East in general, and in Iranin particular. A significant contribution to the literature onmodernity, social change and Islamic Studies, this book will beessential reading for scholars and students of social theory andchange, Middle Eastern Studies, Cultural Studies and many relatedareas.
‘The nearest thing to a systematic philosophy written by one who does not believe in systems of philosophy. Its scope is encyclopedic…a joy to read.’ – New York Times His intelligibility comes of stating things directly as he himself seems them, sharply defined and readily crystallized in the best English philosophical style.’ - The Times Literary Supplement Product De*ion In this brilliant, provocative and controversial work, Russell questions the reliability of our assumptions about knowledge – how it is we come to know what we ‘know’ – and investigates the relationship between ‘individual’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge.
The emergence of observing systems such as acoustically-trackedfloats in the deep ocean, and surface drifters navigating bysatellite has seen renewed interest in Lagrangian fluid dynamics.Starting from the foundations of elementary kinematics and assumingsome familiarity of Eulerian fluid dynamics, this book reviews theclassical and new exact solutions of the Lagrangian framework, andthen addresses the general solvability of the resulting generalequations of motion. A unified account of turbulent diffusion anddispersion is offered, with applications among others to planktonpatchiness in the ocean. Written at graduate level, the bookprovides the first detailed and comprehensive analyticaldevelopment of the Lagrangian formulation of fluid dynamics, ofinterest not only to applied mathematicians but alsooceanographers, meteorologists, mechanical engineers,astrophysicists and indeed all investigators of the dynamics offluids.
In this riveting and relentless nonfiction thriller,award-winning investigative reporter William C. Rempel tells theharrowing story of former Cali cartel insider Jorge Salcedo, anordinary man facing an extraordinary dilemma—a man forced to riskeverything to escape the powerful and treacherous Cali crimesyndicate. Colombia in the 1990s is a country in chaos, as a weak governmentbattles guerrilla movements and narco-traffickers, including thenotorious Pablo Escobar and his rivals in the Cali cartel. EnterJorge Salcedo, a part-time soldier, a gifted engineer, a respectedbusinessman and family man—and a man who despises Pablo Escobar forpatriotic and deeply personal reasons. He is introduced to thegodfathers of the Cali cartel, who are at war with Escobar anddesperately want their foe dead. With mixed feelings, Jorge agreesto help them. Once inside, Jorge rises to become head of security for MiguelRodríguez Orejuela, principal godfather of the $7-billion-a-yearCali drug cartel. Jorge tries
Bertrand Russell was renowned for his provocative views oneducation. Considered an educational innovator, Russell attemptedto create the perfect learning institution. Despite the failure ofthis practical vision, it did not stop him from continuing tostrive towards inventing and arguing for a system of education freefrom repression. In Education and the Social Order ,Russell dissects the motives behind educational theory andpractice, and in doing so lays out original and controversialarguments for the reformation of the education of theindividual.
Thinner, bigger, faster, stronger... which 150 pages willyou read? Is it possible to: Reach your genetic potential in 6 months? Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours? Lose more fat than a marathoner bybingeing? Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitnessbook. The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest,spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It containsthe collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs,and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation.From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, fromSilicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New YorkTimes bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixatedon one life-changing question: For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that producethe biggest results? Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for bothmen and women. From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works. YOU WILL
Most people think of yoga as a solitary activity that isinherently therapeutic. While that is generally true, yoga posesand breathing practices can also be prescribed for specific healthproblems—often in combination with dietary advice taken fromAyurveda, traditional Indian medicine. Yoga Therapy is an essentialguide for yoga teachers, advanced practitioners, and anyone whowants to make therapeutic use of yoga. A. G. and Indra Mohanprescribe postures, breathing techniques, and basic Ayurvedicprinciples for a variety of common health problems, includingasthma, back pain, constipation, hip pain, knee pain, menstrualproblems, and scoliosis. Yoga Therapy is one of the few books that shows yoga teachers howto put together appropriate yoga sequences and breathing techniquesfor their students. Mohan details how to correctly move into, hold,and move out of poses, how to breathe during practice to achievespecific results, and how to customize a yoga practice by creatingsequences of yoga poses for a particular pers
"The fandom driving the magazine is infectious, and the bestpieces are simply essential.... A large part of Anthology's draw,as with Wax Poetics the magazine, is how gorgeous it looks: Manypieces come with lovingly reproduced album covers and 45 labels,arrayed neatly like so much record-collector porn." (The Onion A.V. Club) Wax Poetics Anthology, Volume 1, the first book from the esteemedmusic journal showcasing everyone from jazz and hip-hopheavyweights to soul and funk musicians, gathers articles fromtheir first five issues into an attractive hardbound edition filledwith vintage photos and album art. Including profiles of theWu-Tang Clan's RZA, funk drummers Clyde Stubblefield and John"Jab'O" Starks, Wild Style director Charlie Ahearn, the late jazzbassist and composer Charles Mingus, and many more, this firstinstallment of the Wax Poetics Anthology is a must-have for recordcollectors and music connoisseurs alike.
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Joan Didion’s incomparable and distinctive essays and journalismare admired for their acute, incisive observations and their spare,elegant style. Now the seven books of nonfiction that appearedbetween 1968 and 2003 have been brought together into one thrillingcollection. Slouching Towards Bethlehem captures the counterculture of thesixties, its mood and lifestyle, as symbolized by California, JoanBaez, Haight-Ashbury. The White Album covers the revolutionarypolitics and the “contemporary wasteland” of the late sixties andearly seventies, in pieces on the Manson family, the BlackPanthers, and Hollywood. Salvador is a riveting look at the socialand political landscape of civil war. Miami exposes the secret rolethis largely Latin city played in the Cold War, from the Bay ofPigs through Watergate. In After Henry Didion reports on theReagans, Patty Hearst, and the Central Park jogger case. The eightessays in Political Fictions–on censorship in the media, Gi
This book examines the theology and ethics of land use,especially the practices of modern industrialized agriculture, inlight of critical biblical exegesis. Nine interrelated essaysexplore the biblical writers' pervasive concern for the care ofarable land against the background of the geography, socialstructures, and religious thought of ancient Israel. This approachconsistently brings out neglected aspects of texts, both poetry andprose, that are central to Jewish and Christian traditions. Ratherthan seeking solutions from the past, Davis creates a conversationbetween ancient texts and contemporary agrarian writers; thus sheprovides a fresh perspective from which to view the destructivepractices and assumptions that now dominate the global foodeconomy. The biblical exegesis is wide-ranging and sophisticated;the language is literate and accessible to a broad audience.
It was the most expensive bottle of wine ever sold. In 1985, at a heated auction by Christie’s of London, a 1787bottle of Ch?teau Lafite Bordeaux—one of a cache of bottlesunearthed in a bricked-up Paris cellar and supposedly owned byThomas Jefferson—went for $156,000 to a member of the Forbesfamily. The discoverer of the bottle was pop-band manager turnedwine collector Hardy Rodenstock, who had a knack for findingextremely old and exquisite wines. But rumors about the bottle soonarose. Why wouldn’t Rodenstock reveal the exact location where ithad been found? Was it part of a smuggled Nazi hoard? Or did hisreticence conceal an even darker secret? It would take more than two decades for those questions to beanswered and involve a gallery of intriguing players—among themMichael Broadbent, the bicycle-riding British auctioneer who speaksof wines as if they are women and staked his reputation on therecord-setting sale; Serena Sutcliffe, Broadbent’s elegantarchrival, whose palate is c
This highly interdisciplinary book highlights many of the waysin which chemistry plays a crucial role in making life anevolutionary possibility in the universe. Cosmologists and particlephysicists have often explored how the observed laws and constantsof nature lie within a narrow range that allows complexity and lifeto evolve and adapt. Here, these anthropic considerations arediversified in a host of new ways to identify the most sensitivefeatures of biochemistry and astrobiology. Celebrating the classic1913 work of Lawrence J. Henderson, The Fitness of the Environmentfor Life, this book looks at the delicate balance between chemistryand the ambient conditions in the universe that permit complexchemical networks and structures to exist. It will appeal to abroad range of scientists, academics, and others interested in theorigin and existence of life in our universe.
This original contribution to Indian history, focusing oncontemporary and largely indigenous documents, introduces a set ofconcepts for the analysis of late Mughal rule. More specifically itexamines the origins and development of the Maratha svardjya or'self-rule' within the context of declining Muslim power. It tracesthe expansion of Maratha dominion to a process of fitna, a policyof 'shifting alliances' which was recurrent in the wake of Muslimexpansion throughout its history. The book gives an interestingperspective on Hindu-Muslim relationships in the pre-British periodas well as on the nature of the Indo-Muslim state and its mostimportant successor polity, on its capacity for change anddevelopment in the intermediate sections of society, theland-tenurial system, the monetization of the economy, and on thefiscal system.
People decide about political parties by taking into accountthe preferences, values, expectations, and perceptions of theirfamily, friends, colleagues, and neighbours. As most people livewith others, members of their households influence each other'spolitical decisions. How and what they think about politics andwhat they do are the outcomes of social processes. Applying variedstatistical models to data from extensive German and Britishhousehold surveys, this book shows that wives and husbandsinfluence each other; young adults influence their parents,especially their mothers. Wives and mothers sit at the centre ofhouseholds: their partisanship influences the partisanship ofeveryone else, and the others affect them. Politics in householdsinteracts with competition among the political parties to sustainbounded partisanship. People ignore one of the major parties andvary their preference of its major rival over time. Electioncampaigns reinforce these choices.
Dr. Keith Block is at the global vanguard of innovative cancercare. As medical director of the Block Center for IntegrativeCancer Treatment in Evanston, Illinois, he has treated thousands ofpatients who have lived long, full lives beyond their originalprognoses. Now he has distilled almost thirty years of experienceinto the first book that gives patients a systematic,research-based plan for developing the physical and emotionalvitality they need to meet the demands of treatment andrecovery.
The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment offers aphilosophical perspective on an eighteenth-century movement thathas been profoundly influential on western culture. A distinguishedteam of contributors examines the writings of David Hume, AdamSmith, Thomas Reid, Adam Ferguson, Colin Maclaurin and otherScottish thinkers, in fields including philosophy, naturaltheology, economics, anthropology, natural science and law. Inaddition, the contributors relate the Scottish Enlightenment to itshistorical context and assess its impact and legacy in Europe,America and beyond. The result is a comprehensive and accessiblevolume that illuminates the richness, the intellectual variety andthe underlying unity of this important movement. It will be ofinterest to a wide range of readers in philosophy, theology,literature and the history of ideas.
Do angels make love? Will the souls of ordinary people feelsexual pleasure in the next world? Is the aspiration to spiritualsalvation helped or hindered by sexual experience? In Heaven andthe Flesh Clive Hart and Kay Stevenson explore the opinions ofpoets and painters on such questions, from the high Renaissance tothe birth of romanticism. Hart and Stevenson analyse the work notonly of canonical writers and artists, such as Milton andMichelangelo, but also of lesser-known figures such as John Goreand Richard Tompson, and the sometimes anguished speculations ofphilosophers and theologians. As the evidence of witty pornographicpoems and drawings demonstrates, the relationship between sexualdesire and spiritual ascension was not always treated with fullseriousness. This wide-ranging survey offers sometimes surprisinginsights into material both familiar and unfamiliar.
This book, published in 1986, addresses questions concerned witha central normative principle in contemporary assessments ofeconomic policies and systems. What does 'consumer sovereignty'mean? Is consumer sovereignty an appropriate principle for theoptimization and evaluation of the design and performance ofeconomic policies, institutions and systems? If not, what is a moreappropriate principle? The author argues that the conception ofconsumer sovereignty has to be broadened so that it is not limitedto the market mechanism but includes environmental, work and socialpreferences. However, even this version runs into seriousdifficulties as the principle of consumer sovereignty still relieson too subjectivist a conception of the interests of individuals tobe suitable for the evaluation of economic institutions. Analternative basis for such evaluation is 'human interests' that arenot contingent on particular economic systems, After consideringvarious possibilities, a basic-needs approach is proposed and itsuse in
A clear, simple guide for students of anatomy as well as anexcellent resource for athletes, massage therapists, and anyoneinterested in the workings of the human body, this user-friendlybook is organized around six muscle groups. They include muscles ofthe face head, and neck; the trunk; the shoulder and upper arm; theforearm and hand; the hip and thigh; and the leg and foot. Each ofthe groups is given a distinctive color to make it easy toidentify, and each muscle is shown in its relationship to theskeleton. Each gets a complete profile, including origin/insertion,action of the muscle, which nerve controls it, movements that useit, and exercises and stretches that strengthen it. The ConciseBook of Muscles shows students exactly how to locate andidentify specific muscles, highlighting those that are heavily usedand therefore subject to injury in a variety of sports andactivities. This expanded edition of a leading anatomy referencebook includes 20 muscles not previously covered, adding greaterdepth t
An unprecedented account of life in Baghdad’s Green Zone, awalled-off enclave of towering plants, posh villas, and sparklingswimming pools that was the headquarters for the Americanoccupation of Iraq. The Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief RajivChandrasekaran takes us with him into the Zone: into a bubble, cutoff from wartime realities, where the task of reconstructing adevastated nation competed with the distractions of a LittleAmerica—a half-dozen bars stocked with cold beer, a disco wherewomen showed up in hot pants, a movie theater that screenedshoot-’em-up films, an all-you-could-eat buffet piled high withpork, a shopping mall that sold pornographic movies, a parking lotfilled with shiny new SUVs, and a snappy dry-cleaning service—muchof it run by Halliburton. Most Iraqis were barred from entering theEmerald City for fear they would blow it up. Drawing on hundreds of interviews and internal documents,Chandrasekaran tells the story of the people and id
Used as a reference by students of acupuncture, Healing withWhole Foods is an invaluable guide to the theory and practice ofChinese medicine. With facts about green foods such as spirulinaand blue-green algae and information about the "regeneration diets"used by cancer patients and arthritics, it is also an accessibleprimer on nutrition—and a inspiring cookbook with more t... (展开全部) Used as a reference by students of acupuncture, Healing withWhole Foods is an invaluable guide to the theory and practice ofChinese medicine. With facts about green foods such as spirulinaand blue-green algae and information about the "regeneration diets"used by cancer patients and arthritics, it is also an accessibleprimer on nutrition—and a inspiring cookbook with more than 300mostly vegetarian, nutrient-packed recipes. The information on Chinese medicine is useful for helping todiagnose health imbalances, especially nascent illnesses. It'ssmartly paired with the whole-foods program: because
Applied kinesiology uses diagnostic muscle tests inconjunction with standard examination procedures to determine thecauses of health problems. Written for professionals andnonprofessionals alike, Applied Kinesiology includes 32muscle tests and a step-by-step guide for applying specificcorrection techniques.
In this classic work of economic history and social theory,Karl Polanyi analyzes the economic and social changes brought aboutby the "great transformation" of the Industrial Revolution. Hisanalysis explains not only the deficiencies of the self-regulatingmarket, but the potentially dire social consequences of untemperedmarket capitalism. New introductory material reveals the renewedimportance of Polanyi's seminal analysis in an era of globalizationand free trade.