《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
From transforming the ways of war to offering godlike views ofinaccessible spots, revolutionizing rescues worldwide, andproviding some of our most-watched TV moments—including the cloudof newscopters that trailed O. J. Simpson’s Bronco—the helicopteris far more capable than early inventors expected. Now James Chilesprofiles the many helicoptrians who contributed to the developmentof this amazing machine, and pays tribute to the selfless heroismof pilots and crews. A virtual flying lesson and scientificadventure tale, The God Machine is more than the history of aninvention; it is a journey into the minds of imaginative thinkersand a fascinating look at the ways they changed our world.
In this single indispensable volume, one of Americas rankingscholars combines a lifes work of research and teaching with theart of lively narration. Both authoriatative and beautifully told,THE MIDDLE AGES is the full story of the thousand years between thefall of Rome and the Renaissance a time that saw the rise of kingsand emperors, the flowering of knighthood, the development ofEurope, the increasing power of the Church, and the advent of themiddle class. With exceptional grace and wit, Morris Bishop vividlyreconstructs this distinctive era of European history in a workthat will inform and delight scholars and general readersalike.
The Groundbreakers series examines the lives and work of pioneering men and women whose achievements and discoveries have had a lasting impact on our world. Each book tells us about the experiences that inspired these amazing individuals to think in new ways, and discusses how the environment they lived in affected their work. Information on their supporters, colleagues,and rivals adds to the story. Finally, a look at the person's legacy shows how their achievements and discoveries continue to affect people today.
Churchill's six-volume history of World War II -- the definitivework, remarkable both for its sweep and for its sense of personalinvolvement, universally acknowledged as a magnificent historicalreconstruction and an enduring work of literature. From Britian'sdarkest and finest hour to the great alliance and ultimate victory,the Second World War remains the pivotal event in our century.Churchill was not only its greatest leader, but the free world'smost eloquent voice of defiance in the face of Nazi tyranny. Hisepic account of those times, published in six volumes, won theNobel Prize in 1953.
Southern slaveholders proudly pronounced themselves orthodoxChristians, who accepted responsibility for the welfare of thepeople who worked for them. They proclaimed that their slavesenjoyed a better and more secure life than any laboring class inthe world. Now, did it not follow that the lives of laborers of allraces across the world would be immeasurably improved by theirenslavement? In the Old South but in no other slave society adoctrine emerged among leading clergymen, politicians, andintellectuals - 'Slavery in the Abstract', which declaredenslavement the best possible condition for all labor regardless ofrace. They joined the Socialists, whom they studied, in believingthat the free-labor system, wracked by worsening class warfare, wascollapsing. A vital question: to what extent did the people of theseveral social classes of the South accept so extreme a doctrine?That question lies at the heart of this book.
Paul Kriwaczek begins this illuminating and immenselypleasurable chronicle of Yiddish civilization during the Romanempire, when Jewish culture first spread to Europe. We see theburgeoning exile population disperse, as its notable diplomats,artists and thinkers make their mark in far-flung cities and founda self-governing Yiddish world. By its late-medieval heyday, thiseconomically successful, intellectually adventurous, and self-awaresociety stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Kriwaczektraces, too, the slow decline of Yiddish culture in Europe andRussia, and highlights fresh offshoots in the New World.Combiningfamily anecdote, travelogue, original research, and a keenunderstanding of Yiddish art and literature, Kriwaczek gives us anexceptional portrait of a culture which, though nearlyextinguished, has an influential radiance still.