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    • ELIZABETH'S WOMEN(ISBN=9780553806984)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Tracy Borman 著 /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • A source of endless fascination and speculation, the subjectof countless biographies, novels, and films, Elizabeth I is nowconsidered from a thrilling new angle by the brilliant younghistorian Tracy Borman. So often viewed in her relationships withmen, the Virgin Queen is portrayed here as the product of women—themother she lost so tragically, the female subjects who worshippedher, and the peers and intimates who loved, raised, challenged, andsometimes opposed her. In vivid detail, Borman presents Elizabeth’s bewitching mother,Anne Boleyn, eager to nurture her new child, only to see her takenaway and her own life destroyed by damning allegations—which taughtElizabeth never to mix politics and love. Kat Astley, the governesswho attended and taught Elizabeth for almost thirty years, inviteddisaster by encouraging her charge into a dangerous liaison afterHenry VIII’s death. Mary Tudor—“Bloody Mary”—envied her youngersister’s popularity and threatened to destroy her altogether. Andanimosity dr

    • ¥121 折扣:5折
    • FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS(ISBN=9780553111330)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • James Bradley 著 /2000-05-01/ Random House US
    • In this unforgettable chronicle of perhaps the most famousmoment in American military history, James Bradley has captured theglory, the triumph, the heartbreak, and the legacy of the six menwho raised the flag at Iwo Jima. Here is the true story behind theimmortal photograph that has come to symbolize the courage andindomitable will of America. In February 1945, American Marines plunged into the surf at IwoJima—and into history. Through a hail of machine-gun and mortarfire that left the beaches strewn with comrades, they battled tothe island's highest peak. And after climbing through a landscapeof hell itself, they raised a flag. Now the son of one of the flagraisers has written a powerfulaccount of six very different young men who came together in amoment that will live forever. To his family, John Bradley never spoke of the photograph or thewar. But after his death at age seventy, his family discoveredclosed boxes of letters and photos. In Flags of Our Fathers ,James Bradley draws on those documents

    • ¥116.5 折扣:5折
    • BEEN IN THE STORM SO LONG(ISBN=9780394743981)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Leon F. Litwack 编 /1980-08-01/ Random House US
    • Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National BookAward Based on hitherto unexamined sources: interviews with ex-slaves,diaries and accounts by former slaveholders, this "rich andadmirably written book" (Eugene Genovese, The New York TimesBook Review ) aims to show how, during the Civil War and afterEmancipation, blacks and whites interacted in ways that dramatizednot only their mutual dependency, but the ambiguities and tensionsthat had always been latent in "the peculiar institution."

    • ¥103.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Karen Kostyal 著 /2009-01-01/ Random House US
    • This handsomely illustrated volume commemorates AbrahamLincoln’s 200th birthday and gives rare insight into the Presidentwho shook the world—and whose words and example endure today innations from Siberia to Mexico to Pakistan. This is the officialbook of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALPLM)in Springfield, Illinois that has welcomed more than one millionvisitors since its 2005 opening. Using the exhibition halls as a launching point, this book offersstories, anecdotes, and never-before-seen images and artifacts fromthe museum’s vault. It positions Lincoln as a man of his century, atime ripe with Industrial Revolution, travel and culture,abolition, and war. Worldwide events figure into the story:Britain’s emergence as a democracy, Russia’s freeing of the serfs,Japan’s opening to foreign trade, Germany’s unity underBismarck. Every page reflects the humor, integrity, and unique style ofleadership that made Abe Lincoln a legend. Quote boxes reveal hissayings

    • ¥151 折扣:5折
    • Walden(ISBN=9780618457175)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2012-01-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Henry David Thoreau was just a few days short of histwenty-eighth birthday when he built a cabin on the shore of WaldenPond and began one of the most famous experiments in living inAmerican history. Apparently, he did not originally intend to writea book about his life at the pond, but nine years later, in Augustof 1854, Houghton Mifflin's predecessor, Ticknor and Fields,published Walden;or, a Life in the Woods. At the time the book waslargely ignored, and it took five years to sell out the firstprinting of two thousand copies. It was not until 1862, the year ofThoreau's death, that the book was brought back into print. Sincethen it has never been out of print. Published in hundreds ofeditions and translated into virtually every modern language,it hasbecome one of the most widely read and influential books everwritten, not only in this country but throughout the world. On the one hundred and fiftiethanniversary of the original publication of Walden, Houghton Mifflinis proud to present the most bea

    • ¥136.4 折扣:4.5折
    • MEDIEVAL WORLD, THE(ISBN=9781426205330)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • John M. Thompson 著 /2010-10-01/ Random House US
    • Sumptuously illustrating the vivid parade of a thousand years ofhistory, this comprehensive historical atlas concentrates on theMediterranean world but also shows what happened across the globebetween A.D. 400 and 1500 —from the fall of Rome to the age ofdiscovery. Every page glistens with period works of art,fascinating maps, quotes from medieval figures, close-ups ofintriguing artifacts, and rich landscape photographs of the placeswhere battles were fought and monarchs were crowned. For everycentury, a signature city is spotlighted to represent that era'sdevelopments. Time lines connect the many dramatic events that tookplace in these dark and exciting times, which continue to shape ourworld today. Written by a team of veteran National Geographicwriters, this richly illustrated reference includes full index,reading list, and glossary.

    • ¥173 折扣:5折
    • HIST OF THE JEWS IN MOD WRLD,A(ISBN=9781400030972)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Howard M. Sachar 著 /2006-09-01/ Random House US
    • The distinguished historian of the Jewish people, Howard M.Sachar, gives us a comprehensive and enthralling chronicle of theachievements and traumas of the Jews over the last four hundredyears. Tracking their fate from Western Europe’s age of mercantilism inthe seventeenth century to the post-Soviet and post-imperialistIslamic upheavals of the twenty-first century, Sachar applies hisrenowned narrative skill to the central role of the Jews in many ofthe most impressive achievements of modern civilization: whether inthe rise of economic capitalism or of political socialism; in thediscoveries of theoretical physics or applied medicine; in “higher”literary criticism or mass communication and popularentertainment. As his account unfolds and moves from epoch to epoch, fromcontinent to continent, from Europe to the Americas and the MiddleEast, Sachar evaluates communities that, until lately, have beenunderestimated in the perspective of Jewish and world history—amongthem, Jews of Sephardic

    • ¥103.5 折扣:5折
    • CIVIL WAR, THE (VOL. 2)(ISBN=9780394746210)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Shelby Foote 编 /1986-11-01/ Random House US
    • FREDERICKSBURG TO MERIDIAN "Gettysburg...is described with such meticulous attention toaction, terrain, time, and the characters of the various commandersthat I understand, at last, what happened in that battle.... Mr.Foote has an acute sense of the relative importance of events and anovelist's skill in directing the reader's attention to the men andthe episodes that will influence the course of the whole war,without omitting items which are of momentary interest. Hisorganization of facts could hardly bebetter."-- Atlantic

    • ¥112.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Toby Wilkinson 著 /2011-03-01/ Random House US
    • In this landmark work, one of the world’s most renownedEgyptologists tells the epic story of this great civilization, fromits birth as the first nation-state to its final absorption intothe Roman Empire—three thousand years of wild drama, boldspectacle, and unforgettable characters. Award-winning scholar Toby Wilkinson captures not only the lavishpomp and artistic grandeur of this land of pyramids and pharaohsbut for the first time reveals the constant propaganda andrepression that were its foundations. Drawing upon forty years ofarchaeological research, Wilkinson takes us inside an exotic tribalsociety with a pre-monetary economy and decadent, divine kings whoruled with all-too-recognizable human emotions. Here are the years of the Old Kingdom, where Pepi II, made kingas an infant, was later undermined by rumors of his affair with anarmy general, and the Middle Kingdom, a golden age of literatureand jewelry in which the benefits of the afterlife became availablefor all, not just royalt

    • ¥151 折扣:5折
    • HOW GREAT PYRAMID WAS BUILT(ISBN=9781588342003) 英文原版
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Zahi Hawass 等著 /2004-10-01/ Random House US
    • Going beyond even the expertise of archaeologists andhistorians, world-class engineer Craig B. Smith explores theplanning and engineering behind the incredible Great Pyramid ofGiza. How would the ancient Egyptians have developed their buildingplans, devised work schedules, managed laborers, solved specificdesign and engineering problems, or even improvised on the job? Theanswers are here, along with dazzling, one-of-a-kind colorphotographs and beautiful hand-drawn illustrations of tools,materials, and building techniques the ancient masters used. In hisforeword to the book, Egypt's Undersecretary of State for the GizaMonuments Zahi Hawass explains the importance of understanding theGreat Pyramid as a straightforward construction project.

    • ¥120.5 折扣:5折
    • CIVIL WAR, THE (VOL. 3)(ISBN=9780394746227)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Shelby Foote 著 /1986-11-01/ Random House US
    • I have never read a better, more vivid, more understandableaccount of the savage battling between Grant's and Lee's armies....Foote stays with the human strife and suffering, and unlike mostSouthern commentators, he does not take sides. In objectivity, inrange, in mastery of detail in beauty of language and feeling forthe people involved, this work surpasses anything else on thesubject.... It stands alongside the work of the best ofthem.-- New Republic

    • ¥112.5 折扣:5折
    • THAT SWEET ENEMY(ISBN=9781400032396)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Robert Tombs 编 /2008-07-01/ Random House US
    • That Sweet Enemy brings bothBritish wit (Robert Tombs is a British historian) and Frenchpanache (Isabelle Tombs is a French historian) to bear on threecenturies of the history of Britain and France. From Waterloo toChirac’s slandering of British cooking, the authors chart thiscross-channel entanglement and the unparalleled breadth ofcultural, economic, and political influence it has wrought on bothsides, illuminating the complex and sometimes contradictory aspectsof this relationship—rivalry, enmity, and misapprehension mixedwith envy, admiration, and genuine affection—and the myriad ways ithas shaped the modern world. Written with wit and elegance, and illustrated with delightfulimages and cartoons from both sides of the Channel, That SweetEnemy is a unique and immensely enjoyable history, destined tobecome a classic.

    • ¥103.5 折扣:5折
    • Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich 第三帝国的兴亡 9780671728687
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • William L. Shirer 著 /2007-11-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Orville Prescott The New York Times One of the most important works of history of our time. Hugh Trevor-Roper The New York Times Book Review A splendid work of scholarship, objective in method, sound in judgment, inescapable in its conclusions. Theodore H. White A monumental work, a grisly and thrilling story. John Gunther One of the most spectacular stories ever told. 作者简介: William L. Shirer had a distinguished career as a foreign correspondent,news commentator, and historian of the contemporary world. He reported from Berlin for the Universal News Service and for CBS on the rise of the Nazis and he covered their fall as a war correspondent. Out of these reports grew his best-sellers Berlin Diary and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.Shirer authored many other best-selling books, including The Collapse of the Third Republic, Love and Hatred: The Stormy Marriage of Leo and Sonya Tolstoy, and an autobiography, 20th Century Journe

    • ¥134 折扣:5折
    • LONG ROAD HOME, THE(ISBN=9781400040681) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Ben Shephard 著 /2011-02-01/ Random House US
    • At the end of World War II, long before an Allied victory wasassured and before the scope of the atrocities orchestrated byHitler would come into focus or even assume the name of theHolocaust, Allied forces had begun to prepare for its aftermath.Taking cues from the end of the First World War, planners had begunthe futile task of preparing themselves for a civilian healthcrisis that, due in large part to advances in medical science,would never come. The problem that emerged was not widespreaddisease among Europe’s population, as anticipated, but massivedisplacement among those who had been uprooted from home andcountry during the war. Displaced Persons, as the refugees would come to be known, were notcomprised entirely of Jews. Millions of Latvians, Poles,Ukrainians, and Yugoslavs, in addition to several hundred thousandGermans, were situated in a limbo long overlooked by historians.While many were speedily repatriated, millions of refugees refusedto return to countries that were forever changed by the wa

    • ¥106.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Second World War(ISBN=9780395416853)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Winston S. Churchill 著 /1986-04-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Churchill's six-volume history of World War II -- the definitivework, remarkable both for its sweep and for its sense of personalinvolvement, universally acknowledged as a magnificent historicalreconstruction and an enduring work of literature. From Britian'sdarkest and finest hour to the great alliance and ultimate victory,the Second World War remains the pivotal event in our century.Churchill was not only its greatest leader, but the free world'smost eloquent voice of defiance in the face of Nazi tyranny. Hisepic account of those times, published in six volumes, won theNobel Prize in 1953.

    • ¥466.7 折扣:4.5折
    • CITIZENS(ISBN=9780679726104)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Simon Schama 著 /1990-03-01/ Random House US
    • Instead of the dying Old Regime, Schama presents an ebullientcountry, vital and inventive, infatuated with novelty andtechnology--a strikingly fresh view of Louis XVI's France. A NewYork Times bestseller in hardcover. 200 illustrations.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折
    • ART OF WAR(ISBN=9781590300541)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Sun Tzu(孙子),Thomas Cleary托马斯·克利里) 著 /2003-06-01/ Random House US
    • Sun Tzu's Art of War , compiled more than two thousand yearsago, is a study of the anatomy of organizations in conflict. It isperhaps the most prestigious and influential book of strategy inthe world today. Now, this unique volume brings together theessential versions of Sun Tzu's text, along with illuminatingcommentaries and auxiliary texts written by distinguishedstrategists. The translations, by the renowned translator ThomasCleary, have all been published previously in book form, except forThe Silver Sparrow Art of War, which is available here for thefirst time. This comprehensive collection contains: The Art of War: This edition of Sun Tzu's text includes theclassic collection of commentaries by eleven interpreters. Mastering the Art of War: Consisting of essays by two prominentstatesmen-generals of Han dynasty China, Zhuge Liang and Liu Ji,this book develops the strategies of Sun Tzu's classic into acomplete handbook of organization and leadership. It draws onepisodes from Chinese his

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • 1491(ISBN=9781400040063)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Charles C. Mann 著 /2005-08-01/ Random House US
    • Mann is well aware that much of the history he relates isnecessarily speculative, the product of pot-shard interpretationand precise scientific measurements that often end up beingradically revised in later decades. But the most compelling of hiseye-opening revisionist stories are among the best-founded: thestories of early American-European contact. To many of those whowere there, the earliest encounters felt more like a meeting ofequals than one of natural domination. And those who came later andfound an emptied landscape that seemed ripe for the taking, Mannargues convincingly, encountered not the natural and unchangingstate of the native American, but the evidence of a suddencalamity: the ravages of what was likely the greatest epidemic inhuman history, the smallpox and other diseases introducedinadvertently by Europeans to a population without immunity, whichswept through the Americas faster than the explorers who broughtit, and left behind for their discovery a land that held only ashadow of the

    • ¥151 折扣:5折
    • CIVIL WAR OF 1812, THE(ISBN=9781400042654)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Alan Taylor 著 /2010-10-01/ Random House US
    • In this deeply researched and clearly written book, thePulitzer Prize–winning historian Alan Taylor tells the rivetingstory of a war that redefined North America. During the earlynineteenth century, Britons and Americans renewed their struggleover the legacy of the American Revolution. Soldiers, immigrants,settlers, and Indians fought in a northern borderland to determinethe fate of a continent. Would revolutionary republicanism sweepthe British from Canada? Or would the British empire contain,divide, and ruin the shaky American republic? In a world of double identities, slippery allegiances, and porousboundaries, the leaders of the republic and of the empire struggledto control their own diverse peoples. The border dividedAmericans—former Loyalists and Patriots—who fought on both sides inthe new war, as did native peoples defending their homelands.Serving in both armies, Irish immigrants battled one another,reaping charges of rebellion and treason. And dissident Americansflirted with seces

    • ¥151 折扣:5折
    • EAGLES AND EMPIRE(ISBN=9780553806526) 英文原版
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • David A. Clary 著 /2009-07-01/ Random House US
    • A war that started under questionable pretexts. A presidentwho is convinced of his country’s might and right. A military andpolitical stalemate with United States troops occupying a foreignland against a stubborn and deadly insurgency. The time is the 1840s. The enemy is Mexico. And the war is one ofthe least known and most important in both Mexican and UnitedStates history—a war that really began much earlier and whoseconsequences still echo today. Acclaimed historian David A. Clarypresents this epic struggle for a continent for the first time fromboth sides, using original Mexican and North Americansources. To Mexico, the yanqui illegals pouring into her territories ofTexas and California threatened Mexican sovereignty and security.To North Americans, they manifested their destiny to rule thecontinent. Two nations, each raising an eagle as her standard,blustered and blundered into a war because no one on either sidewas brave enough to resist the march into it. In Eagles and Empi

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折
    • LIBERTY'S EXILES(ISBN=9781400041688)
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Maya Jasanoff 著 /2011-02-01/ Random House US
    • At the end of the American Revolution, sixty thousandAmericans loyal to the British cause fled the United States andbecame refugees throughout the British Empire. This groundbreakingbook offers the first global history of the loyalist exodus toCanada, the Caribbean, Sierra Leone, India, and beyond. Followingextraordinary journeys like the one of Elizabeth Johnston, a youngmother from Georgia, who led her growing family to Britain,Jamaica, and Canada, questing for a home; black loyalists such asDavid George, who escaped from slavery in Virginia and went on tofound Baptist congregations in Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone; andMohawk Indian leader Joseph Brant, who tried to find autonomy forhis people in Ontario, Liberty’s Exiles challengesconventional understandings about the founding of the United Statesand the shaping of the postrevolutionary world. Based on originalresearch on four continents, this book is at once an intimatenarrative history and a provocative new analysis—a story about thepast that

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折
    • GOLDEN EMPIRE, THE(ISBN=9781400061259)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Hugh Thomas 著 /2011-08-01/ Random House US
    • From a master chronicler of Spanish history comes amagnificent work about the pivotal years from 1522 to 1566, whenSpain was the greatest European power. Hugh Thomas has written arich and riveting narrative of exploration, progress, and plunder.At its center is the unforgettable ruler who fought the French andexpanded the Spanish empire, and the bold conquistadors who werehis agents. Thomas brings to life King Charles V—first as a ganglyand easygoing youth, then as a liberal statesman who exceeded allhis predecessors in his ambitions for conquest (while making sureto maintain the humanity of his new subjects in the Americas), andfinally as a besieged Catholic leader obsessed with Protestantheresy and interested only in profiting from those he presidedover. The Golden Empire also presents the legendary men whom KingCharles V sent on perilous and unprecedented expeditions: HernánCortés, who ruled the “New Spain” of Mexico as an absolutemonarch—and whose rebuilding of its capital, Tenochti

    • ¥151 折扣:5折