《入园前那些重要的事》是一套长期占据德国行为习惯类童书Bestseller的0~4岁成长飞跃期生活技能小百科。做为欧洲乃至全世界风靡的幼儿读物,这套书中温馨亲切的插图、趣味性十足的翻翻页、转盘等游戏机关,科学的示范步骤,让这套书既洋溢着童真童趣,又保持着德国童书一贯的科学严谨,从而让孩子兴致盎然地动手动脑,轻松培养良好行为习惯。 本系列共5册,包含以下主题: 培养自理能力:《我会自己刷牙、洗手、尿哗哗》 学习生活技能:《看看我有多能干》 提高社会认知能力:《次上街买东西》 培养出行安全意识:《这样坐车安全》 学会认识和管理时间:《快快慢慢的时间》
This beautiful baby book is published as part of the "PeterRabbit Naturally Better" initiative, which promotes products thatare made from entirely safe, recyclable, sustainable and ethicallyresponsible sources. In this book parents can record everysignificant event of their child's first year. Included are threeenvelopes for precious keepsakes and the dust jacket folds out toproduce a wall poster on which to chart the baby's development. Thesoft artwork style reflects the natural qualities of the materials.The book is packaged with an organic comforter which is decoratedwith a Peter Rabbit motif.
Announcing a brand new, cover-to-cover revision of America's pregnancy bible. What to Expect When You're Expecting is a perennial New York Times bestseller and one of USA Today's 25 most influential books of the past 25 years. It's read by more than 90% of pregnant women who read a pregnancy book--the most iconic, must-have book for parents-to-be, with over 14.5 million copies in print. Now comes the Fourth Edition, a new book for a new generation of expectant moms--featuring a new look, a fresh perspective, and a friendlier-than-ever voice. It's filled with the most up-to-date information reflecting not only what's new in pregnancy, but what's relevant to pregnant women. Heidi Murkoff has rewritten every section of the book, answering dozens of new questions and including loads of new asked-for material, such as a detailed week-by-week fetal development section in each of the monthly chapters, an expanded chapter on pre-conception, and a brand new one on carrying multiples. More comprehensive, reassur
This very special keepsake baby book is the perfect way torecord all those important first occasions for a newborn baby: fromvery first steps, to first teeth and favourite colours. Withstunning illustrations from Eric Carle's "The Very HungryCaterpillar" and other favourite stories, there is room to recordmemories and personal details, as well as spaces for photographsand special envelopes to keep precious mementos. It is a delightfulgift for any new parent to treasure.
"The Complete Book of Breastfeeding" is a recognized classicin its field. Now it's been completely revised and updated in a newfourth edition-non-doctrinaire, informative, and friendly, it isthe most accessible and authoritative book, as much requiredreading for expecting and new mothers as a pregnancy guide and babyname book. All healthy mothers should consider breastfeeding forthe first year of a baby's life, according to the American Academyof Pediatrics, and this is the book that will help women give theirbabies the healthiest start possible. Written by Sally Wendkos Oldsand a new co-author, Laura Marks, M.D., "The Complete Book ofBreastfeeding, Fourth Edition" offers a comprehensive introductionto breastfeeding-how to get ready before the baby arrives; how toinvolve fathers and siblings; and the best diet and foods for mom.There are sections on dealing with problems at the hospital;extensive information on exclusive pumping (EPing); the bestsystems for giving supplementary bottles to a breastfed b
《我要上幼儿园啦!》是一套专为1~3岁入园宝宝准备的读物。本套书含六册,每册含5个简短的故事,文字流畅、图画童趣,故事末尾还有早教专家写给爸爸妈妈的入园小贴士,帮助宝宝更快更好地适应幼儿园的生活,健康、快乐地成长。 《要刷牙喔(生活自理)》含刷牙、洗脸、吃饭、上厕所、睡觉5大主题,让孩子在短小精炼的故事中学会自理常识。 《要是你不剪指甲(行为习惯)》含养成饮食习惯、卫生习惯、自理、节制、独立这5大主题故事,让孩子在短小精炼的故事中慢慢养成良好的行为习惯。 《请你帮帮我(交往准备)》含学会使用礼貌用语、合群、表达爱、关心他人、诚实这5大主题,让孩子在短小精炼的故事中做好交往的准备。 《不生气,不生气(情绪管理)》含缓解想念、难过,克服恐惧、生气、嫉妒这5大主题,让孩子在短小精炼的故事中学
There are so many things to love about friends.Sharingideas, interests, feelings and fun times - and learning how to be agood friend.'The Things I Love' series celebrates the everydaysituations that form the basis of our children's experiences.Spending time with your children, giving them love and care, helpsthem tocelebrate who they are, building resilience and self-esteem.In Notes for Parents and Caregivers at the back of the book, somehelpful insights are shared.
A book that celebrates the joys of bedtime!There are so manythings to love at bedtime: playing, reading, talking, and dreaming!THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BEDTIME is a board book that celebrates thejoys of the bedtime process. From taking a bath to brushing teethto putting on pajamas to reading books in bed, follow one happylittle bunny through an adorably illustrated, classic bedtimeroutine that puts the "sweet" in "sweet dreams."
The Classic Guide That Helps You Select the Books the ChildYou Know Will Love In this third, fully revised and updated edition of The NewYork Times Parent's Guide to the Best Books for Children, thechildren's book editor of The New York Times Book Review personallyselects and recommends books for children of every age. The most comprehensive and authoritative book of its kind hasbeen completely updated for the new millennium. It containshundreds of new entries, many expanded de*ions, and notationsof additional companion and related titles -- more than l,700 inall. The best-loved classics of the twentieth century are included,as well as a thoughtful selection of outstanding titles from thelast decade. Six sections are organized according to reading level:Wordless, Picture, Story, Early Reading, Middle Reading, and YoungAdult. In addition to a summary of the book, each entry providesthe essential bibliographic information you need to find abook in your local library or bookstore, in
Little readers can love the Nutbrown Hares from spring tosummer to fall to winter--and back--with this gorgeous collectionof four sweet stories. Little Nutbrown Hare has lots of questions when growing thingsstart to sprout in the spring--and wonders what he will turn intoone day. By summer, he notices colors everywhere, but there's onethat he's sure he likes best. The autumn wind inspires hiding andchasing--and a funny surprise for Big Nutbrown Hare. And whenwintertime comes, playing "I Spy" games is especially fun in thesnow. These simple, endearing tales starring two of the world'smost beloved characters are perfect for sharing with little haresany time of year.