★ 全系列日本畅销100万册 ★ 幼儿启蒙益智绘本 ★ 将认知与躲猫猫游戏相结合的创意洞洞书 ★ 让宝宝爱不释手的趣味互动游戏书 《这是谁啊?》 透过水滴形、心形、树叶形等不同形状的洞洞,看到躲在洞洞后面的动物的局部,根据其显著特征猜一猜是哪种动物。 《这是什么?》 洞洞旁的图画和洞洞里露出的图画组成了太阳公公、月亮、小熊 展开想象猜一猜,洞洞后的图画会是什么呢? 《找到你啦!》 根据动物不同的叫声和洞洞透露的局部影像,向洞洞的另外一边大喊 找到你啦! 并叫出躲在洞洞后的动物的名称吧! 这是套将认知与躲猫猫游戏相结合的创意洞洞书,刺激天性好奇的幼儿主动用眼睛去看、用小手去翻、用脑袋去想。
这本好玩的英语启蒙认知小词典,是一座ABC字母乐园。作者为每个字母的认知设计了一个场景,将字母认知巧妙地放置在生活场景中,通过不同的场景将A-Z共26个字母串联起来,如 A IS FOR ALLIGATOR(鳄鱼) B IS FOR BALLOON(气球) 在翻页的过程中,宝宝可以根据下一页局部画面和首字母的提示,和家长一起玩猜谜游戏,猜猜下一页对应的东西是什么,从而加深对字母、单词的印象 在图书工艺上,采用厚度达1mm的纸板,搭配圆角模切,之于低龄的孩子来讲,既安全又舒适。这本书不仅是用来 看 的,而且是一本可以 玩 的字母立体书。
1.超值礼盒装,全套包含六大认知主题:对比、蔬菜、数字、水果、形状、颜色,并赠送6张pvc贴纸(可重复性粘贴) 2.超强的故事性与趣味性。与其他家简单的认知实物不同,我们家的纸板书通过生动的图画与拟人化的表情,每一个主题都可以讲成一个有趣的故事。不但激发父母讲故事的欲望,还能让宝宝学到额外的知识和道理。 3.版式设计上采用纯色背景+极简韩国风格手绘矢量图,使宝宝避开杂乱颜色的干扰,快速进入主题。 4.把蔬菜与水果的认知通过同一事物的整体与横切面相结合的方式展现出来,让宝宝更全面的认识事物的各种特征。 5.将数字、形状、颜色与动植物形象相结合,让宝宝在认识事物的同时,进一步了解动物的基本特征。
奇奇的美梦亲亲 太阳升起来了,小浣熊奇奇该睡觉了,但它被照在墙上的阳光吓坏了,浣熊妈妈用一个魔法亲亲抚慰他,哄他安然入睡。这本甜蜜的纸板书告诉我们,可以用一种轻松的方式来抚平孩子的恐惧,那就是一个温柔的亲亲。
Millions of children have been lulled to sleep by this classicbedtime tale. Now paired with a cuddly plush bunny, it is theperfect way to say "goodnight."
Did you know the youngest babies see high-contrast images andpatterns best? This accordion-style board book features simpleblack-and-white shapes for newborns on one side and a rainbow ofcolors and scenes with George for toddlers on the reverse. Whatbetter way for curious babies to learn about color than withCurious George! The book includes a magnetic closure and is sturdyenough to stand on its own. Set it up on the floor to encourage anewborn to turn her head or an older baby to lift his head duringtummy time. Also includes tips on different ways the book can beused for recognizing simple shapes and teaching color mixing.
The best program preparation guide a student can use to score higher on the SAT-guaranteed!The SAT is the most widely used college standardized admissions test, and in 2011, over 1.6 million-took the exam. The college admissions process is highly competitive, and a higher score on the SAT can help you get into a top school.?Kaplan SAT 2013?is Kaplan's latest essential SAT guide, filled with all of the vital tools students need to prepare for the exam this year.? With indispensable strategies, proven practical tools, and an easy-to-use format,?Kaplan SAT 2013?is your must-have program guide for scoring higher on the SAT.??Students will benefit from the many innovative features the guide offers: Four full-length practice tests in the book and a full-length practice test available online Useful insider tips and expert tricks provided by the best high-scoring Kaplan SAT instructors Strategy callouts from a Kaplan student who earned a perfect score on the SAT Hundreds of additional practice questions, with
Build your baby's vocabulary with this new first words book.Split into familiar catagories such as animals, nature, food andbabies themselves, the youngest learners will be able to identifythe names of familiar objects. Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentally appropriate,interactive books designed to introduce children ages 0-3 toclassic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun and accessibleway. A combination of playful images, beautiful photography, andbold illustrations with multilayered text will captivate andstimulate babies and young children. This "humanities for babies"program, based on the award-winning video series, taps into thenatural learning potential of young children--and their parents'aspirations for them.
Join Buster for a busy day as he visits all his farm animalfriends. Very young children will love lifting the flaps andstroking the different animals as they turn the pages.
“小熊维尼启蒙认知纸板书(Winnie the Pooh learn grow)”是美国迪斯尼低幼儿启蒙的经典书目。童趣公司独具慧眼,将这些迪士尼授权“小熊维尼启蒙认知纸板书”全部引入国内,使0~3岁幼儿家长拥有一套完整的经典认知启蒙书。小熊维尼是儿童心目中的经典卡通形象,深受世界各地儿童喜爱。这套书利用小熊维尼的形象,巧妙地利用幽默诙谐、色彩鲜艳的图画和故事情节,帮助家长开发孩子0~3岁这段认知事物、智力启蒙的关键时期,认知数字、颜色、形状、时间、感官等八类基本的概念。全书语言采用儿歌形式,朗朗上口,便于吟诵。纸板设计,不怕撕,推荐0~3岁宝宝使用。 《可爱的形状》讲述了维尼过生日,朋友们来*物的故事。礼物都是孩子常见的事物,通过形象的讲述和有趣的儿歌带小朋友们认识圆形、正方形、长方形等八种不同的形状。
What a special treat! Gyo Fujikawa has concocted a big, beautiful book that goes from morning till night, completely capturing a childs world along the way. Filled with silly jingles and fun imaginative ideas for things for a daydreaming child to think about and gentle little lessons on kindness and friendship, it will hold kids attention for hours. And, as always, Fujikawas sweet and appealing art features a diverse group of youngsters and a menagerie of delightful animals.