很久很久以前 每当孩子们听到这样的开头,他们就知道,一个百听不厌的经典故事又要开讲啦!经典童话和民间故事寄托着人们对自由、勇气、诚信、智慧、真爱等美好价值的追求与向往,跨越了时间、国界、语言和文化,世代流传 丽声经典故事屋 精选世界各国家喻户晓的童话及民间故事,经由英国20余位深谙儿童语言发展的儿童文学作家改编,并经过30余位国际插画大师的重新创作,成为了一套分级科学、选词严谨、语言地道、故事精彩有趣的儿童英语读物。 丽声经典故事屋 分为九个级别,每级包含4册故事书和CD光盘,故事书可用 外研通 点读笔点读,所需声音文件需至 外研通 官网免费下载。
《幼儿英文绘本》是一套针对3-6岁孩子打造的英文绘本,共12册,是引自英国十佳童书出版社igloobooks的系列英文绘本,风靡欧美销售过百万的经典之作。本套图书采用中英双语对照,重点单词和词组放大加粗。图书封底附音频二维码,一站式满足阅读需求,方便家长和孩子随时随地听读原版英文配音。 《幼儿英文绘本》讲述了12个风趣幽默的英文故事,其中既有诙谐爆笑的动物故事,也有涉及宝宝成长主题的生活故事。美国儿童发展专家琼 贝利认为:只有让孩子置身于真实情境,才是克服消极心理的*方法。本套图书包含12个主题故事,让孩子融入真实情境。每个故事都关注宝宝的心理和情绪,通过情节有趣的英文故事,深入分析宝宝的心理现象,培养宝宝好性格和高情商。本套图书根据3-6岁孩子的阅读习惯,每个故事的篇幅和难度适度,故事文字地道,适合孩子
第七级适合7-9岁儿童阅读学习。 《培生儿童英语分级阅读》的编写是在调查的基础上进行的,在调查中发现在英语里,有12个单词占我们全部阅读词汇的25%,有20个单词占10%,另有68个单词占剩下的20%。这意味着,在英语里,仅仅100个单词就占我们生活中所用单词的50%。这些单词我们称之为 高频词 。在本套读物中,重点单词不断重复地出现在文章当中,我们通过这种方式把重点单词系统地引入到孩子的学习中去,让孩子们通过不断地重复,快速地熟悉生活中常用的高频词汇。每级在词汇引入方面的严格控制,可以让孩子们在阅读开始时不会感觉到困难,从而增强阅读的成就感,培养阅读的兴趣。 英语教育专家撰写,全外教录音,丰富而全面的故事。故事贴近孩子的生活,主题明确,插图精美、通过图文培养孩子对语言的理解和想象力。故事由生活故事、动
作为儿童文学常青树,少儿的名家经典,英语拓展读物,英语原版引进,地道原声朗读,不同文化土壤滋养的国民童话。全新演绎,补充孩子的英语阅读新养料!如果孩子已经读腻了经典分级读物,那就来看这套吧!精装绘本 经典童话 精美插画 生动翻译 地道英语原声 有趣习题,用艺术重释经典,用阅读点亮未来! 《木偶奇遇记》 欧美经典的童话之一,讲述了小木偶匹诺曹从调皮闯祸的熊孩子变成了听话懂事的好孩子的故事。在木匠工盖比特的巧手下,小木偶匹诺曹神奇诞生。他调皮捣蛋,惹麻烦,也会被欺骗。但神奇的是他一说谎鼻子就会长长。在经过很多事情之后,他终吸取教训,改掉了坏毛病,并在蓝发仙女的帮助下,变成了有血有肉的普通小男孩。 《白雪公主》 《格林童话》中的经典篇目之一。故事讲述了漂亮的白雪公主为躲避继母的迫害,逃进了森
Revised edition! A dictionary written especially for studentsgrades 9 and up, ages 14 and older. More than 100,000 entries.Nearly 1,000 illustrations, many brand new. Abundant word historyparagraphs, synonym paragraphs, and example sentences. Updated toreflect groundbreaking Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,Eleventh Edition.
This newly revised and updated edition is written especiallyfor the need of students grades 5-8, ages 11-14.. Easy-to-usealphabetical organization. More than 150,000 word choices includesynonyms, antonyms, related words,and phrases.. Up-to-date vocabulary. Newly added vocabulary paysparticular attention to this age group in the areas of socialmedia, technology, and entertainment.. Concise definitions. Entriesfeature concise statements that describe the shared meanings amongsynonyms.. Usage examples. An up-to-date usage example for everysynonym.. Revised and updated phrases. New, up-to-date idiomaticand colloquial phrases added at many entries.
《鞋匠和小精灵》 勤劳的鞋匠和妻子,辛勤劳作却只能将就吃饱,可爱的小精灵帮助鞋匠做鞋致富,小精灵也收获了感恩的鞋匠和妻子赠送的礼物。 《龟兔赛跑》 森林里跑得快的当然是兔子,兔子骄傲极了,她不屑于乌龟的挑战,甚至嘲笑怠慢它,在比赛过程中,居然狂妄地睡起觉来,可是故事的结尾,胜利的是谁呢? 《拇指姑娘》 一个妇人很想要一个孩子,她精心养的花里长出了一个和拇指差不多大小的小女孩。小女孩历经重重困难,后在她善心救助的燕子的帮助下来到花的王国,成为了王后。 《狮子与老鼠》 一只老鼠误把狮子的胡须和舌头当初绳子和滑梯,吵醒了睡着的狮子,他恳求狮子不要吃掉他,并承诺会帮助狮子。后,小老鼠救出了被绳索捆住的狮子,他们成为了好朋友。 《城市老鼠和乡下老鼠》 城市老鼠和乡下老鼠到彼此的家做客
Students are sure to succeed in standardized tests, thanks tomeaningful and relevant hints from the "Test Tutor". Designed toresemble various statewide tests, the three practice tests in thisbook offer different levels of scaffolding that help studentsunderstand what to look for in each question and how to answer thequestion. Students can work through the tests with a teacher,parent, or tutor or on their own by reading the Test Tutor'shelpful tips. A detailed answer key identifies correct responsesand explains why the other choices are wrong. A great way to buildstudents' confidence in taking tests!
第八级适合8-10岁儿童阅读学习。 《培生儿童英语分级阅读》的编写是在调查的基础上进行的,在调查中发现在英语里,有12个单词占我们全部阅读词汇的25%,有20个单词占10%,另有68个单词占剩下的20%。这意味着,在英语里,仅仅100个单词就占我们生活中所用单词的50%。这些单词我们称之为 高频词 。在本套读物中,重点单词不断重复地出现在文章当中,我们通过这种方式把重点单词系统地引入到孩子的学习中去,让孩子们通过不断地重复,快速地熟悉生活中常用的高频词汇。每级在词汇引入方面的严格控制,可以让孩子们在阅读开始时不会感觉到困难,从而增强阅读的成就感,培养阅读的兴趣。 英语教育专家撰写,全外教录音,丰富而全面的故事。故事贴近孩子的生活,主题明确,插图精美、通过图文培养孩子对语言的理解和想象力。故事由生活故事、动
Build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-pagelessons. Each lesson includes research-based activities that tapstudents prior knowledge for greater understanding and give themmultiple encounters with new words so they really remember them.Lesson topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words,homophones, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. Watchreading skills soar! For use with Grade 5.
Research shows that some of the most effective words studentscan learn are academic vocabulary. Knowing these words boostsstudents' ability to understand and complete classroom work,homework assignments, standardized tests, and more. Each of these18 ready-to-reproduce, 4-page lessons gives students multipleencounters with the new words to help kids really remember them.Also includes writing prompts and engaging activities.
《Noddy 学英语》是一套帮助3岁——10岁儿童学英语的全方位、模块化、寓教于乐的教学产品。每套《Noddy 学英语》包括四个学习模块,配有相应的学习书、故事书和活动书。学习书和故事书还配有VCD,可系统化地帮助孩子有效地学习英语,从而培养孩子对英语学习的兴趣和自信心,为他们今后的英语学习奠定基础。 动画片:精美的三维动画和地道的英语发音相结合,讲述发生在Noddy 居住的玩具乐园里的故事。 学习书:呈现配套动画片英文故事的译文及讲解;每一个板块都提供科学、有效的辅导建议。 故事书:以话泡形式复现重点英语句子,让孩子在品味中文故事的同时巩固关键的英语句子。 活动书:趣味游戏让孩子在游戏中熟悉故事中的人物和故事情节,加深孩子对故事中重要英文句子的印象。 玩具乐园档案:中英文玩具乐园人物及其生活场景的
Research shows that some of the most effective words studentscan learn are academic vocabulary. Knowing these words boostsstudents' ability to understand and complete classroom work,homework assignments, standardized tests, and more. Each of these18 ready-to-reproduce, 4-page lessons gives students multipleencounters with the new words to help kids really remember them.Also includes writing prompts and engaging activities.
Give children a head start in school! Summer Express includes100 fun-filled activity pages that reinforce skills and alsoprepare kids for the school year ahead. Topics covered includereading, math, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and lots more! A fullpage of colorful incentive stickers will help kids keep track oftheir progress and stay motivated. A summer’s worth of greatlearning! For use with Grades 7-8.
Build word power with these 24 ready-to-reproduce, 3-pagelessons. Each lesson includes research-based activities that tapstudents prior knowledge for greater understanding and give themmultiple encounters with new words so they really remember them.Lesson topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words,homophones, root words, prefixes and suffixes, and much more. Watchreading skills soar! For use with Grade 6.
Students are sure to succeed in standardized tests, thanks tomeaningful and relevant hints from the "Test Tutor". Designed toresemble various statewide tests, the three practice tests in thisbook offer different levels of scaffolding that help studentsunderstand what to look for in each question and how to answer thequestion. Students can work through the tests with a teacher,parent, or tutor or on their own by reading the Test Tutor'shelpful tips. A detailed answer key identifies correct responsesand explains why the other choices are wrong. A great way to buildstudents' confidence in taking tests!