《青蛙和蟾蜍 拼音版(全4册)》由(美)艾诺·洛贝尔文、图
《怪怪特工队》系列图书是瑞典儿童读者评审团评出的 7-9岁最受欢迎图书 ,凭着孩子们的喜爱,屡屡打破瑞典图书馆借阅量记录,连续三次获得瑞典 年度儿童侦探小说奖 。 该系列围绕小特工奈丽的破案故事展开。就像霍格沃茨召唤哈利 波特进入魔法世界一样,世界上最神秘、最厉害的怪怪特工组织选中了小学生奈丽,即将对她展开考验,向她展示存在着科学怪人、狼人、精灵、湖怪等等的奇幻世界。但作者没有让小主人公拥有 拿来就用 的魔法,而是要接受怪怪特工学院的培训,熟练地运用三个要诀 镇定、知识和技巧 ,帮自己理清思路,去找到破案的方法。 第一辑主要是让孩子们试着从头到尾破解一个案件,积攒解决问题的勇气;《另一种真相》特辑中的情境会更加复杂,出现了一些性格很多面的 怪物 ,除了逻辑推理能力,还很考验孩子们的情商和应变
《青蛙和蟾蜍 拼音版》是一套专门针对5-8岁孩子推出的拼音版读物,包括《青蛙和蟾蜍 好朋友 拼音版》《青蛙和蟾蜍 好伙伴 拼音版》《青蛙和蟾蜍 快乐时光 拼音版》《青蛙和蟾蜍 快乐年年 拼音版》四册。 总共有二十个小故事,讲述青蛙与蟾蜍这一对好朋友生活当中的种种趣事。文字优美流畅,叙述方式幽默童趣,故事感人又好玩,这两个角色表现出的童心及纯真的友谊将使读者会心一笑。他们的友情与默契贯穿所有的故事,让读者在阅读时,从头到尾都沉浸在一种温馨的情绪中。然而,青蛙与蟾蜍特殊的个性、出人意料的行为及想法,又让故事的发展充满幽默风趣的惊喜。 作者洛贝尔运用日常生活中*平凡的场景及生活点滴,通过想象的魔力,直接带领读者打开神奇的幸福宝藏,品味*美丽、*真挚的友谊。没有严肃的教条味,也没有沉重的批判思考,满满
“世界经典桥梁书”是新蕾出版社专门为5~8岁小读者架起的一座由图画书通向文字书的阅读之桥。通过有趣的故事、图文并茂的内容和大气的开本,让小学低年级学生和有一定阅读能力的学龄前儿童逐步完成从图画阅读、亲子阅读向文字阅读、独立阅读的过渡。本次推出的辑包括4册,分别从奥地利和西班牙引进,获得奥地利青少年图书奖和西班牙“我读故我在”少儿文学奖,生动有趣,品质精良。 《森林小城》是一个关于人与自然和和谐关系的故事:市长爸爸决定把小城建成现代化城市,但前提是必须毁掉森林,这让他的孩子、他的市民还有森林中的小动物都无法接受。于是森林小精灵决定用神奇的方式惩罚他一下…… 《想高飞的猫》讲的是一只名叫弗罗罗的小猫的梦想:他喜欢坐在窗边看鹳鸟飞翔,并由此心生羡慕:要是自己也能飞,从高处看看一切,那该
Enjoy the comic capers of Dirty Bertie - the boy withnosepickingly disgusting habits - in this bumper book of ninerevolting stories. Join Bertie as he goes to Angela Nicely s pinkparty dressed as a worm, dares Know-all Nick to come to school inhis pants, and takes a flea-infested Whiffer to the vet!
Horrid Henry helps himself to all the money he needs to winhis favourite board game, comes up with another spectacularmoney-making scheme for launching a newspaper with all the schoolgossip, vows vengeance on Perfect Peter when Peter nicks hisbirthday party theme and has his own Pirate Party a and gets it bytaking over as Head Teacher when Peter plays school with hisgoody-goody friends.
Annabelle Doll is eight years old-she has been for more than a hundred years. Not a lot has happened to her, cooped up in the dollhouse, with the same doll family, day after day, year after year. . . until one day the Funcrafts move in.
The new book of stories about a bestselling character. 'ForgetHarry Potter, it's a wicked, spiteful boy who's really firing kids'imaginations' says THE GUARDIAN. Unabridged.
“糊涂大侦探”幽默益智丛书,故事情节环环相扣,非常有趣并充满幽默感,地理、历史小知识贯穿其中,还有简单生动的逻辑推理。每册故事的后,都设计了让小读者当侦探的特别环节,为这本书的阅读增加了许多乐趣和小小的挑战。 故事主人公大侦探糊涂,以他的“机智”和他对西班牙煎蛋的酷爱而闻名,他和助手迷糊一起,在“奇怪——神秘——超难”重案科工作。迷糊是一位中国人,总能在关键时刻使用中国功夫,发挥中国人的智慧……因此中国小读者阅读时将感到十分亲切。
Arthur invites Buster and the Brain to a backyard sleepover.The boys have heard rumors about alien sightings, and they run fortheir lives when they see strange flashing lights in the distance.Things return to normal, however, when they discover that the"alien" is from the planet D.W. Text copyright 2004 LectorumPublications, Inc.
Four new stories: Horrid Henry's Invasion - Horrid Henry andPerfect Peter keep invading each other's rooms. Moody Margaret'sSleepover - Moody Margaret invites all the members of the SecretClub for a sleepover, with catastrophic results. Horrid Henry'sAutobiography - Miss Battle-Axe's class all have to write theirautobiographies, the best to be published in the local paper.Horrid Henry Rocks - Horrid Henry wants to go to the Killerboy Ratsconcert while his family want to go to the Daffy and her DancingDaisies concert.
When Arthur wins the"How I Can Help Make America Great''contest, he and his classmates are excited about attending thespecial ceremony at the White House. But when Arthur learns he hasto recite his winning essay on TV, he is terrified! And when hisnotes are blown away by the helicopter's wind, it is hisirrepressible sister, D.W., who saves the day and underscoresBrown's message that "We can all help to make America great byhelping others.'' Kids will love reading along as Marc Brown reads this favoriteArthur Adventure.
托尔金用小儿子克里斯托弗的玩具小汽车和驾驶员,以及三个孩子的玩具熊为灵感创作了图文并茂的《幸福先生》。那辆得以驶入童话世界尽情驰骋的玩具车自此成为克里斯托弗*珍爱的玩具。 故事的主人公幸福先生,是一个古怪又热衷时髦的绅士!他住在一栋高大的房子里,酷爱各种高高的帽子,家里的天花板很高,大门也很高,墙上更是少不了成排的衣帽钩 还有,一辆他引以为豪的纯银色酷炫自行车 但没有脚踏板。有一天,他心血来潮去买了一辆汽车。头一遭上路兜风就祸事连连,接连撞倒了戴先生和奈特太太 部分应归咎于幸福先生糟糕的开车技术。可这还只是一连串令人啼笑皆非的囧事的开始,他怎么也没想到会遇见三只拦路打劫的熊。 它们是:阿奇、泰迪、布鲁诺。这三只拦路打劫的熊,要论调皮捣蛋可是一把好手,而且还常常
Second title in this hugely successful series.
A classic Arthur Adventure - now on CD! When Arthur decides to try babysitting a neighbor's dog for aweek to prove he really can take care of a pet, it doesn't turn outthe way he plans. And as word of Arthur's pet business spreadsaround the neighborhood, he suddenly finds himself overseeing alively menagerie of animals that includes everything from a canaryto a boa constrictor! Will Arthur and his family survive all hisnewfound pets? And will Arthur finally get a pet of his own? Kids will love listening along as Marc Brown reads this classicArthur story.
On the first day of school Arthur discovers he's got thetoughest teacher in the third grade! The pressure is on to studyhard for the all-school Spellathon. Can Arthur beat last year'schampion speller? Or will he let Mr. Ratburn d-o-w-n?
Halloween has Arthur spooked! When his little sister wandersoff into the scariest house on the street, Arthur has to find thecourage to go in and save her. Will Arthur and D.W. make it outalive?
With a cabin full of frogs, Arthur can't wait to leave summercamp. He runs away during the big scavenger hunt. But his friend'sneed Arthur's help to win against a rival camp. Where did Arthurgo?
When Arthur sees the advertisement for the amazing doggy TreatTimer, he knows it's the perfect gift for Pal. He sets out to earnthe money to buy it, daydreaming of riches and of Pal's reactionwhen he sees the Treat Timer for the first time. Everything seemsto be working out, too -- until a big gust of wind nearly blowsArthur's dreams of luxury away!