英国快乐瓢虫出版公司改编,圣孙鹏译的《小猪佩奇双语故事纸板书(共4册)》是一套专门为低年龄段儿童设计的纸板书。 推出四册,分别是《我爸爸》《我妈妈》《我爷爷》《我奶奶》。在书中,小猪佩奇用欢快自豪的语气介绍了她重要的家人,以及他们特别的地方。比如:我爸爸是世界上很棒的爸爸。他有一份 严肃的工作,但是他陪我们玩的时候一点也不严肃;他关心 大事,但是喜欢的是给我和弟弟乔治读睡前故事……同样,小猪佩奇也向大家介绍了她的妈妈、奶奶和爷爷,在佩奇心中,他们又是什么样子的呢?看看书你们就知道啦! 还想告诉大家的是,别看这个纸板书的面数不多,但是它的内容却十分丰富呢。孩子们不但可以通过佩奇讲的幽默有趣的故事了解她的家人;一句中文对应一句英 文的编排方式,还可以让孩子们在爸爸妈 帮助下学习英语呢。
《佩奇去滑冰》本套书为适合3-6岁幼儿阅读的双语故事纸板书,以“运动”为主题,让孩子感受到户外锻炼的魅力,养成爱运动、爱锻炼的好习惯,是一套值得购买的幼儿运动指南。本书为其中一册,在书中,佩奇和朋友们去户外滑冰,这是佩奇 次滑冰,但是滑冰并不想她想象的那么简单,一不小心她就摔到了地上。猪妈妈来了,她耐心地教佩奇怎么滑。很快,佩奇就能和小伙伴们一起开心地滑冰了。本书内文为中英文双语编排,一句中文对应一句英文,确保英文地道,适合家长陪孩子一起学习;版面美观,营造愉快的阅读氛围。来稿比较成熟,书中的错误及不规范之处已加工调整,现已达到“齐、清、定”要求,申请复审。 《自行车比赛》本套书为适合3-6岁幼儿阅读的双语故事纸板书,以“运动”为主题,让孩子感受到户外锻炼的魅力,养成爱运动、爱锻炼
It's Baby's birthday, but where is his cake? Little ones will love lifting the large, sturdy flaps to find Baby's birthday cake in this new Karen Katz board book. Children will discover sparkly foil objects under each flap until they finally find Baby's yummy, shimmery birthday cake on the final page of this adorable new title.
Piggies rock! So does Boynton. Through her eyes, her words,her music, and above all her art, we see the world with whimsy andpleasure, appreciating round noses and curly tails, floppy ears andpleasing plumpness. And we’re lucky to give that gift to ouryoungest children. A new Boynton on Board book, in the amazing series that has over11 million copies in print, Perfect Piggies! also comes with a songavailable free via a download from the Workman website. Reminiscentof a cappella swing, it’s a celebration of the homey—of beauty inthe eye of the beholder, of sunshine and fresh air, and a place toput up our hooves when the day is done. And, of course, thecatching energy and rhythmic language of a beloved original: We are all perfect piggies and we know what we need. It’s reallyvery simple, very simple indeed: a troughful of food, a place inthe sun, and a little bit of comfort when the day is done. That goes for the rest of us, too.
An Illustrated BoardBook With Holes In The Page And An Interactive Wheel Mechanism ToStimulate Your Baby's Development. It Features High Quality Art ByAn Award Winning Illustrator To Encourage A Lifelong Love OfBooks.
Baby feels happy, sleepy, hungry, and more in this delightful Karen Katz lift-the-flap board book! Baby wants milk and and crackers. How does Baby feel? Hungry! There are so many feelings that Baby can have! Little ones can lift the flaps to find Baby experiencing a range of emotions. This gem from Karen Katz is sure to become a favorite among children and parents!
Whoo Whoo! Can you hear the whistle blow? All aboard! It'stime to go!Children are fascinated by things that go-cars, trucks,planes, boats, and trains. In Baby Einstein's Let's Go, your babywill delight in learning about all the things that go. Thisexhilarating padded board is filled with eye-catching real lifephotos and delightful text that you and your child will want toread again and again.Baby Einstein Books is an imprint ofdevelopmentally appropriate, interactive books designed tointroduce children ages 0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreignlanguages in a fun and accessible way. A combination of playfulimages, beautiful photography, and bold illustrations withmultilayered text will captivate and stimulate babies and youngchildren. This humanities for babies program, based on theaward-winning video series, taps into the natural learningpotential of young children-and their parents' aspirations forthem.
这套迷你纸板书一共有8册,这8册书重点在于用活泼可爱的方式教孩子们颜色、方向、时间等之类的常识。比如,这册关于汽车总动员的颜色书有关于汽车们的介绍、五彩缤纷的颜色和很押韵的童谣等。 对于0-3岁的孩子们来说,这套书的视觉冲击力很吸引人,对他们来说,这是好的认知启蒙书,同时,迪士尼精美元素穿插在内,更是让书的内容和质量更上了一层楼。 读者群: 0-3岁孩子
It’s almost Halloween, and Mickey and the gang are gettingready for their big Clubhouse Halloween party. But will they beable to turn the Clubhouse into the spookiest haunted house intime? Find out with this spook-tacular board book.
Boynton is back! Joining "Barnyard Dance!" and "BirthdayMonsters!," here is "Hey! Wake Up!" a good-morning book with theirrepressible language, the inimitable illustrations, theirresistible cast of characters only Sandra Boynton couldcreate. Yawn. Stretch. Touch your toes. Shimmy shimmy shimmy, Wiggle your nose. Just watch out for the broccoli stew. (Ew.)
This oversized board book is designed to introduce youngstersto the world of numbers and to assist inunderstanding thesignificance of numbers and counting in their everyday world. Withbeautiful illustrations, captivating photographs of familiarobjects all in repetitive sequences, youngsters will begintounderstand numbers! Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentallyappropriate, interactive books designed to introduce children ages0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun andaccessible way. A combination of playful images, beautifulphotography, and bold illustrations with multilayered text willcaptivate and stimulate babies and young children. This "humanitiesfor babies" program, based on the award-winning video series, tapsinto the natural learning potential of young children--and theirparents' aspirations for them. The Baby Einstein Company,founded in 1997 by stay-at-home momJulie Aigner-Clark, has produced numerous videos, CDs, cassettes,DVDs, flash cards, and puppets, and h
Using his signature bright colors and the looser, thicker lineof Kitten’s First Full Moon, Kevin Henkes shows us how a bad daycan transform into very, very good one. A bird loses his favoritetail feather, a white dog’s leash is tangled, a fox can’t find hismother, and a little brown squirrel drops her acorn. But then goodthings happen to each of them, and their bad day becomes a goodday. This board book puts the hardships and happy endings of fourirresistible animals—and a spunky little girl—in the hands of thevery youngest of readers. The bright colors and bold scenes willcaptivate, and the simple story will inspire. The Horn Book calledit “the rare example of near-perfection in a picture book” and theNew York Times proclaimed A Good Day to be “an almost perfectpictur
This is a wonderful new truck book with endearingillustrations and delightful touch and feel textures. Watch theamazing trucks do all their hard work. Listen to the sounds theymake and touch their shiny wheels and the scratchy sand they dump.This is a wonderfully tactic book with endearing, dynamicillustrations. It is one of twenty new exciting books in the "BabyWalker" series featuring the best quality art and design forbabies. It features fresh contemporary artwork and fun tactilefeatures to stimulate your baby's imagination. This is a perfectintroduction to trucks and building.
Did you know the youngest babies see high-contrast images andpatterns best? This accordion-style board book features simpleblack-and-white shapes for newborns on one side and a rainbow ofcolors and scenes with George for toddlers on the reverse. Whatbetter way for curious babies to learn about color than withCurious George! The book includes a magnetic closure and is sturdyenough to stand on its own. Set it up on the floor to encourage anewborn to turn her head or an older baby to lift his head duringtummy time. Also includes tips on different ways the book can beused for recognizing simple shapes and teaching color mixing.
What happens when Pete hatches a sneaky plan for winning theBunny Hop Race? Find out in this eggs-cellent adventure. Thisshaped die-cut board book stars all of your favorite Clubhousefriends!
儿童心理专家指出:睡前仪式的建立有助于孩子养成良好的睡眠习惯。睡前仪式是将睡眠和特定的情形、事物或者流程建立关联的过程,如轻柔的音乐、安抚物品、睡前故事等都可以帮助孩子形成睡眠关联,产生心理暗示和条件反射,只要一做这些事情,孩子就知道该准备睡觉了。 《0~2岁宝宝睡前准备纸板书》是名闻世界的美育绘本名作《小莲游莫奈花园》绘者莉娜 安德森的爱心力作,插图甜美动人,通过睡前准备4步曲《我要洗澡》《我要小奶嘴》《我要小毯子》和《我要听故事》,让宝宝全身心放松、缓解宝宝睡前焦虑、给宝宝满满安全感、亲子相伴共入甜梦,建立规律的睡前仪式,帮助孩子养成良好的睡眠习惯。另外,美国PAT家庭指导师、悠贝茱莉父母课堂工作室资深讲师茱莉老师为本书撰写专业导读,从巧妙的用色和布局、形容词的运用、丰富的
Lift the flaps and join the fun. See who can swim in thisexciting board book from the new "Baby Walker" range. Wallow withthe whale, dive with the dolphin and paddle with the polar bear inthis bright interactive board book. Lift the shaped flaps and seewho can swim; with sweet pictures from a favourite children's bookillustrator, there is endless fun for babies. This title is one oftwo new exciting books in the "Baby Walker" series featuring thebest quality art and design for babies. It stimulates developmentthrough engaging artwork and simple flaps to lift. Its gorgeousillustrations encourage a lifelong love of books.
In Karen Katz's distinctive style, an adorable baby searches throughout the house for her pumpkin. Is the pumpkin under the leaves, behind the curtain, under the bed? NO! But Baby finds many other surprises as a ghost, a witch's hat, cute-as-a-button bats, and candy apples are found beneath each flap. Finally after Baby finds her pumpkin, she's ready to go trick-or-treating and the final flap reveals a Halloween extravaganza!
The Mini-House Book popped a wheelie! Four wheels, in fact.Announcing MINI WHEEL BOOKS, a new series of irresistible die-cutboard-books-as-vehicles from Peter Lippman, creator of the MiniHouse Book series, with over 2.2 million copies in print. Chunky,colourful, and lively, with doors that open and windows to explore,packed with adorable characters and rhyming action - and made fullymobile through the addition of real working wheels - each MINIWHEELS BOOK is a delightful ride through the reader's imagination.Join the crew on the MINI FIRE TRUCK, name all its fascinatingparaphernalia, work with the equipment - and rush off to the fire,where the firehouse dog makes a heroic save. It's all the fun ofreading, on the go.
这是一套为0~6岁幼儿潜能开发专门编写的故事书,每册两个生活小故事,涵盖树立自信、宽宏大量、专心致志、勇于探索、坚持不懈、追随梦想、独立勇敢、改变坏习惯、团队意识、开发潜能、安全意识、了解自己等12个主题,有助于孩子塑造良好的品德和性格,提升生活自理能力、思维能力和创造力。 读者群:0~6岁