《乐高少年工程师 极客机器人》的主题为用乐高砖块搭建8种不同样式的趣味机器人,并附赠62块正版乐高积木,内含多种科技组零件。在拼搭过程中,培养孩子的动手能力和观察能力。同时,培养孩子对于机器人运行原理的认知。书中拼搭步骤详细,且拼搭指南中的乐高砖块图案大小均为一比一等大还原,降低了孩子们可能会浪费在寻找砖块上的无效时间。 随书附赠12张精美纸模,可帮助孩子完善自己的机器人装置,增强趣味性,提升动手能力。同时,鼓励孩子脱离书上的拼搭指南,发挥想象力,创造出属于自己的极客机器人。 除了拼搭环节之外,书中还包含对于机器人运作原理知识的趣味讲解,并有简单有趣的小问答,使孩子在拼搭之余,动脑思考相关机械知识。
《超有趣的欧洲折纸游戏书》共4册,分别为动物篇、交通工具篇、节日篇和趣味篇。每册包含12个折纸式样和50张色餐鲜艳、构图精美的彩纸。 每册分为三个难度等级,符合儿童的认知和操作水平,循序渐进,逐步培养孩子的自信心和成就感;满足孩子创造的欲望,培养孩子的想象力和创新能力。 每个折纸式样都配有详细的制作步骤,图解清晰,简单易操作,帮助孩子启发思维,让孩子在折纸过程中学习简单的几何图形和事物,锻炼手脑协调能力,一举多得;成品还可以用作游戏道具和装饰品。 快和宝宝一起走进异国的折纸世界吧!
亲子美育创意游戏大书 面向3-6岁幼儿,共5册,包括洞、水、蛋、尾巴、杯子5个主题,以这5个主题为中心,通过富有创意的手工游戏,培养孩子的观察力、想象力、创造力,让孩子语言、健康、社会、科学、艺术五大领域全面发展。 这套书融合了画、剪、折、贴等多种形式,通过不一样的观察角度和多种多样的操作方法,让孩子尽可能通过亲身的感受与体验去获得丰富的感性知识。书中不断地向孩子提问,并有各种各样的小贴士给家长阅读指导,告诉家长如何引导孩子思考和表达。
Kumon公文式教育,风靡全球60年45个国家!超过400万的儿童从中受益。在日本、美国、新加坡、泰国都可见到Kumon公文式教育的培训机构。Kumon公文式教育现已进军中国,在香港和上海也是家喻户晓。 因为专业所以优秀!公文式Kumon教育丛书能系统又科学地开发孩子们的能力,让您的孩子在趣味游戏中不知不觉地飞速成长。可以读、可以剪、可以折、可以贴可以涂!小小手动起来,小脑瓜自然灵活了。 《公文式教育:*简单的色彩书(2~3岁)》《公文式教育:*简单的连线(2-3岁)》、《公文式教育:*简单的迷宫(2-3岁)》《公文式教育 *简单的连线书:晋级篇(2~3岁)》面向2、3岁孩子而制作,书中有漂亮的图画供孩子们进行上色连线使用。书中还有有趣的迷宫,从开头到*后难度逐渐增加,通过练习,让孩子的用笔能力得到进一步提升,从而开发大脑。 公
《公文式教育:*简单的连线书》(晋级篇)适合2~3岁的刚开始使用铅笔的孩子,主要练习简单的字母和数字的写法,激发孩子的学习兴趣。 《公文式教育:*好玩的剪纸书(会话书、迷宫书)》共3本图书,适合3~4岁的孩子,培养孩子的空间想象力和动手能力。 《公文式教育:*好玩的数字书》共2本图书,80个有趣的图文游戏,36个超好玩的连线、涂色游戏,帮孩子认识并巩固1~70,玩转数学小知识。 KUMON儿童三角矫姿铅笔4B(6只装),三角铅笔专用转笔刀(蓝色/粉色随机)。
《动手动脑一起玩》是一套引进自比利时Ballon出版社的游戏益智类图书,专为3-6岁宝宝设计,旨在通过多样的趣味游戏促进宝宝手脑的协调发展,提升数学、艺术、观察、认知等各项能力。全套书共分为涂色、贴纸、连线三大部分: 涂色系列采用彩色边缘轮廓,简单易操作,可帮助宝宝快速涂色,提升色彩感知力,激发宝宝的艺术兴趣;小手涂色也能充分锻炼手部肌肉,提升肢体协调能力。同时,书中的图画以宝宝熟悉的植物、动物、玩具、生活用品为主,还可帮助宝宝启蒙认知。 贴纸系列包含有三角形、正方形、圆形、梯形、六边形、水滴形、心形等多种不同形状、颜色的贴纸,可帮助宝宝进行形状认知、颜色认知。而且,充满创意的图形拼贴,不仅锻炼宝宝双手的灵活度,还能激发宝宝的创造力。 连线系列从描直线、弧线入手到百变迷宫、字母连线、100以
LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia includes exclusive LEGOStar Wars minifigure! DK is bringing two of the world's most popular propertiestogether again in a fun, chunky format that kids and adults aresure to love! This illustrated encyclopedia features in-depthprofiles showing interesting and never-before-seen elements of allyour favorite LEGO Star Wars minifigures. With more than 400 captivating images and tons of fascinatingfacts, the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia is sure to keepboth LEGO lovers and Star Wars fans reading for hours!
Build the adventure. With LEGO Friends Brickmaster you can read and play all at thesame time, creating 18 fantastic models with the help of anexciting and instructional book to guide you. Go on a real adventure with LEGO Friends Brickmaster! Join theFriends on their journey and follow the fun photo scrapbook to findout what they get up to. With an exclusive minifigure, over 100bricks, and a brand new adventure to go on, all you need isfriendship, team work and a sprinkling of creativity to reach theend! LEGO Friends Brickmaster contains fascinating facts and DidYou Know? sections throughout and has a stylish new box design,making it the perfect present for any LEGO lady.
With every minifigure, weapon, vehicle and dragon, this titlelets you master the world of LEGO[registered] Ninjago. You can goon the ultimate LEGO[registered] Ninjago adventure withLEGO[registered] Ninjago Character Encyclopedia, plus there's anexclusive and fully-armed minifigure so you can put your Ninjagoknowledge into practice. You can meet every single LEGO Ninjagocharacter, including Kai ZX, the Ninja of Fire; learn about theirweapons, the vehicles, the dragons and the exotic locations fromthe Ninjago universe. You can follow the action as they battle theSkeleton Army and fight to defeat the evil snake villains, theSerpentines. With story pages taking you through the events thatshape the Ninjago world, fact boxes on every page telling you thecoolest facts and a Ninja file for each character, LEGO[registered]Ninjago Character Encyclopedia is a must-have for any buddingNinja.
Are you up to the challenge of LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fightthe Power of the Snakes! Brickmaster? Join the Ninjas on theirquest to defend the four mystic weapons of Spinjitzu and make 12exclusive LEGO models as you go. With two different minifigures,over 100 bricks, and a brand new set of scenarios for the Year ofthe Snake, you can read and play all at the same time, with thehelp of an exciting and instructional book to guide you.LEGO[registered] Ninjago Fight the Power of the Snakes! Brickmastercontains fascinating facts and Did You Know? sections throughoutand boast a brand new box design, making them the perfect presentfor any LEGO fan.
Reveal, explore, and celebrate the fascinating LEGO story inThe LEGO Book. From its beginnings in a carpenter's workshop andthe development of the first plastic brick, to the group's currentposition as an international brand, a timeline highlights keymoments in LEGO history. Fascinating facts on every significant LEGO product line,theme park, video game, artwork, competition, club, collectible andmore combine with images from the LEGO Group's photo archives-manyseen here for the first time-and inspiring ideas on how to make avariety of things from just a few bricks. Packaged in a beautifulslip case with cutting-edge design, this two-volume set alsofeatures Standing Small-a 96-page book celebrating theminifigure. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick configuration and theMinifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. xa92009 The LEGOGroup.
Brand new from the Lego[registered] universe - lose yourselfin the incredible world of Lego[registered] Legends of Chima InLego[registered] Legends of ChimaT Brickmaster the Quest for CHIget ready to discover a brand new adventure from the incredibleLego[registered] world. You can learn about the tribes of animalsthat rule the mystical world of Chima and compete for control overthe magical natural resource known as 'CHI'. You can follow thestoryline that sees Cragger the crafty crocodile and Lennox theheroic lion go head to head in their quest for 'Chi'. You can buildvehicles that will help them reach the CHI first, then embark on abattle that will leave your Lego[registered] Chima models inpieces, ready to follow the clear step-by-step instructions andrebuild a brand new vehicle to try again. You can follow theexciting storyline of Lego[registered] Legends of ChimaBrickmaster, with two minifigures and many exclusive Lego models tomake. You can embark on the adventure to Lego[registered] Legendsof Chim
《儿童益智手工拼插(套装共6册)》是专门为3岁以上孩子设计的可反复拼插的DIY益智图书,它不仅给孩子营造了真实的情景氛围,而且恰到好处的色彩搭配使整个拼插后事物看起来活色生香。立体搭建,训练儿童对事物的想象力和动手能力,同时启发了孩子的思考能力,提高孩子和智力和对事物的认知能力。 《儿童益智手工拼插(套装共6册)》的使用方法: 1、按对应拼插模板贴好贴画; 2、将贴好贴画的模板拼装好各个部件; 3、将各部件进行整体布局,完成搭建。
3D益智手工风靡海外多年,畅销欧美、日韩。其涉猎的内容较为广泛,品种多样、形象逼真、拼插巧妙,集娱乐、学习、欣赏于一体,既是爸爸妈妈*的亲子益智互动游戏,又是适宜上班族、老年人休闲、健脑的手工产品。 机械工业出版社开发的3D益智手工产品目前分为:世界著名建筑文化之旅与艺术鉴赏、兵器大观、全球闻名船舶之旅、特色场景系列,品种丰富,每款产品均做工精细、印制精美,附赠学习手册,是各年龄层读者动手、健脑、减压、益智的*选择。