春节是中国人的传统节日之一。 为了让小读者了解中国传统新年,了解传统年俗的魅力,感受浓厚的节日氛围,作者和绘者将43个活动部件,16个揭秘机关,巧妙地蕴藏在这本立体绘本中,通过书中书、画中画、翻翻、拉拉、黏贴、立体等多种形式既讲述了关于 年 门神 等的传说,又将穿新衣、贴对联、做年饭、放鞭炮、挂灯笼等等有趣的年俗活动生动直观地呈现出来。 本书故事生动、图画精美、设计灵动、装帧雅致,特别适合让小读者反复阅读和体验,享受故事、图画和游戏互动的完美结合,不仅能获得乐趣与知识,更能体会其中蕴藏的深厚的文化意义。 从爱上过年开始,爱上中国传统文化。
Wang Lung, rising from humble Chinese farmer to wealthy landowner, gloried in the soil he worked. He held it above his family, even above his gods. But soon, between Wang Lung and the kindly soil that sustained him, came flood and drought, pestilence and revolution... Through this one Chinese peasant and his children, Nobel Prize-winner Pearl S. Buck traces the whole cycle of life, its terrors, its passion, its persistent ambitions and its rewards. Her brilliant novel—beloved by millions of readers throughout the world—is a universal tale of the destiny of men.
《动物生存高手 极限篇》 动物们的身体构造以及行为模式,都是它们生存的关键。《动物生存高手 极限篇》带领孩子一同来欣赏动物们为了在*的环境中存活,还有为了逃命所进化出来各种令人惊叹的身体构造,与惊人的生存手段。
Fully a quarter of all managers in major corporations enter new leadership roles each year. Whether their assignments involve leading a work group or taking over a company as CEO, they face very similar challenges--and risks--in those critical first months on the job. How new leaders manage their transitions can make all the difference between success and failure. In this hands-on guide, Michael Watkins, a noted expert on leadership transitions, offers proven strategies for moving successfully into a new role at any point in one's career. Concise and practical, The First 90 Days walks managers through every aspect of the transition, from mental preparation to forging the right alliances to securing critical early wins. Through vivid examples of success and failure at all levels, Watkins identifies the most common pitfalls new leaders encounter and provides tools and strategies for how to avoid them.