《培生幼儿英语 灯塔》是一套为3 12岁孩子打造的英语学习读物,包含89册,分为预备级、基础级、进阶级和提高级,每个级别配有英文伴读音频二维码,由持有TEFL、TESOL证书的英国专业教师倾情朗读,亲子对话故事的音频更是和英国宝宝一起趣味呈现。听音频,享受亲子阅读乐趣。 本套书分为预备级和基础级。 预备级,分为粉色(Pink A)、桃粉(Pink B)和红色(Red)三阶,针对3-6岁孩子,以单词和短语为主,词汇量在270个左右。话题多为有趣的生活故事、童话故事和科普知识,涵盖文化、生活、自然等多个领域,让孩子在潜移默化中有效地增加单词储备量,开启孩子的英语学习之路。 基础级,分为黄色(Yellow)、蓝色(Blue)和绿色(Green)三阶,针对5 8岁孩子,以单词和短语为主,词汇量在400个左右。话题多为有趣的生活故事、童话故事和科普知识,涵盖文
(一)《欢乐分级阅读故事屋》让孩子轻松实现从倾听者到阅读者的转变。 图书手绘插图精美,达到绘本品质,明显优于市场同类产品;故事贴近生活并充满趣味性,在激发儿童想象力、逐步提升阅读能力的同时让孩子热爱生活、热爱阅读。 (二)强化 图书色带系统 ,兼具英语学习的功能性与阅读品质。 不同色带的图书故事在内容、主题、语言风格、情绪表达、版式布局等方面均有不同,英语由易到难,故事由简单到复杂,既符合英语学习特点,又能满足品质阅读需要。 (三)结合小海星英语学习平台,突出趣味互动特性。 扫描封底二维码,可登陆小海星英语学习平台,听读、跟读、测试、翻译,打通线上线下。不同色带的书中有针对不同故事设计的信息页,可供老师和家长在与孩子共同阅读时使用 可在共读前使用,让孩子有针对性地阅读,也可在共读
培生少儿英语 系列是一套适合中小学生的英语分级读物,原版引进自培生的Pocket Reads系列,分成预备级、基础级、进阶级、提高级四个级别,内容包括童话故事、科幻故事和科普知识三种类别,能够扩大孩子的阅读范围和词汇积累范围,帮助孩子一步步提升英语能力的同时,也能通过阅读不同类型的书来扩大阅读面和知识面,让孩子爱上英语,爱上阅读。其中,童话故事充满想象力和趣味性,收纳了许多如麦克 莫波格、朱莉娅 唐纳森等名家作品,给孩子文学启蒙;科幻故事曲折离奇,满足孩子的猎奇心理;科普书中,则用一些科学奇闻来吸引孩子的兴趣,如人体内的小虫子、神奇的海洋生物等。 《培生少儿英语 基础级》是该系列的第二个级别,一共22本书,适合8岁以上孩子阅读。本套书不仅主题内容多样,而且配套丰富,附有英文音频,全外教录音,有助于
本书是为3-12岁孩子量身打造的英语单词书,4册共4000词左右,从幼儿园到中学都够用了! 《分类单词》 将使用频率*的单词分为:动物、家庭、身体、颜色、数字、水果、蔬菜、交通工具、天气等38类。一个单词对应一幅生动的卡通图画,帮助孩子记忆,增加学习兴趣。这1000单词完全涵盖孩子经验范围内的事物和概念,此外还有少量的新鲜有趣的事物让孩子增长知识。 《场景单词》 是本套书中游戏性*强的一册,用图画捉迷藏的形式引导孩子学习特定场景中的单词。本册共35个用跨页大图呈现生活场景,将要学习的单词隐藏在大图中。孩子先学习小图的英语发音,然后在大图中找到它,找到时再用英语读出来,这样让英语学习像游戏一样好玩,这样的方式让孩子乐此不疲。家长和孩子一起找、一起读,更是难得的亲子快乐时光! 《小字典》 中的1000单词按字母
《幼儿英语分级阅读 预备级》是一套专为低龄儿童量身打造的一套幼儿英语分级阅读绘本,全书共60册,每一个故事一个主题,主题涉及宝宝日常生活的方方面面,内容分为事物认知和习惯养成两大类,让孩子体验情景式的英语学习。整套绘本涵盖了超过400个生词和常用句型。每页的句型内容由易到难,循序渐进。图书封底附有二维码音频和视频链接,宝宝边看边听边读,轻松学握日常英语会话能力
Mastering tricky mechanics is a snap with these humorousstorybooks that teach kids everything they need to know aboutcapitalization, exclamation points, question marks, commas,apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, abbreviations, and more!Includes a BIG teaching guide filled with lessons, engagingworksheets, and mini-book versions of all eight storybooks! The 8 books include: 1. Henry Goes to Hollywood (capitalization) 2. The Legend of Johnny Comma (comma) 3. The Awesome Apostrophe Show (apostrophes) 4. Little Red Hen Bakes a Cake (periods, exclamation mark,questions mark) 5. The New Mayor of Dogville (quotation marks) 6. The Island of Talking Cows (colons and semicolons) 7. The Amazing Abbreviation Machine (abbreviations) 8. Super Sentence Girl (sentence structure) For use with Grades2D5.
Share Idioms Tales with kids and watch their comprehensionskills soar! Each book introduces a dozen must-know idioms--such asgreen with envy or wet behind the ears--in the context of a funnytale along with fascinating information on the sayings'derivations. Includes a big teaching guide filled with lessons,reproducibles, and mini-book versions of each story. Great foreveryone--especially ESL students! The 8 books include: 1. A Slam Dunk (Sayings About Sports) 2. Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining (Sayings About Weather) 3. Over the Moon (Sayings About Feelings) 4. The Long Arm of the Law (Saying About the Human Body 5. Peas in a Pod (Sayings About Food) 6. The Wild Goose Chase (Sayings About Animals) 7. True Colors (Sayings About Colors) 8. Shaking in My Boots (Sayings About Clothing) For use withGrades 2-5.
本商品由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司独家进口 当当网自营进口儿童书由中国图书进出口(集团)总公司童书馆供货 苏斯博士,可以说是二十世纪*受欢迎的儿童图画书作家,在英语世界里,是家喻户晓的人物。他创作的图画书,人物形象鲜明,个性突出,情节夸张荒诞,语言妙趣横生,是半个多世纪以来孩子们的至爱,同时他的书也被教育工作者推荐给家长,作为提高阅读能力的重要读物。 孩子喜欢的古怪精灵的读物,为什么也会受到教师的青昧,被列为学生提高阅读能力的重要读物呢?这与苏斯博士开始创作儿童图画书的背景有关。 二十世纪五十年代,美国教育界反思儿童阅读能力低下的状况,认为一个重要原因就是当时广泛使用的进阶型读物枯燥无味,引不起孩子的兴趣。苏斯博士的BeginnerBooks便应运而生。作为初级阅读资料,这些书力求使用尽
Research shows that phonemic awareness helps children learn toread. Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read Pre-K Level 1 uses a simpleand fun approach to give your child a strong foundation in phonemicawareness. Teaches rhyming, beginning sounds, letter names andsounds. Includes engaging phonics-based activities, music videos,and online games. Designed for children ages 3 to 4. The perfectcompanion for Learn to Read Pre-K Level 2.
Expand kids' vocabularies with these special books that teach200+ essential words in the context of charming stories! Thisunique program relies on the latest research--including age-perfectdefinitions, themed word lists, and hands-on activities--tostimulate learning and ensure retention. Includes a BIG teachingguide filled with easy lessons, fun worksheets, and reproducibleversions of each storybook. A great way to help every child in yourclass become a better reader, writer, and speaker!
Jumpstart reading success with these lively titles thatsystematically teach the top 100 sight words! Each book contains aread-aloud story that introduces four key words PLUS severalengaging activities that reinforce the words. This special set alsoincludes a BIG 144-page teaching guide filled with easy lessons,practice pages, and reproducible versions of all 25 storybooks.That's everything teachers need to help kids learn theseall-important sight words once and for all!
《阅读之星 少儿英语分级阅读》从启蒙级、预备级、1级-3级,共5个级别,170册。平均每个级别30-35册,每个小套里都含有难度匹配的 自然拼读 分级阅读 ,一套搞定。目前已出版启蒙级和预备级2个级别。 预备级中,包括15册拼读学习,10册自然拼读故事书,10册趣味阅读故事书,元音字母音挂图。
From his very first book to his very last book, here in onebig volume are 13 classic Dr. Seuss stories, everyone's favorites.All of the words and virtually all of the illustrations areincluded. Each story is prefaced by a short essay by someone whoselife was changed by Dr. Seuss or who is simply an unabashedadmirer. Also included are photographs of Dr. Seuss, memorabilia,and original sketches from his books. The stories included are: Andto Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, Horton Hears a Who!,McElligot's Pool, If I Ran the Zoo, Happy Birthday to You!, Dr.Seuss's Sleep Book, Yertle the Turtle, The Cat in the Hat, How theGrinch Stole Christmas!, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax, TheSneetches, and Oh, the Places You'll Go! Theodor Geisel (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss) was born March 2, 1904, anddied September 25, 1991. With introductory essays to each story by: Barbara Bader, Author and Critic Stan and Jan Berenstain, Creators of The Berenstain Bears Audrey Geisel, Widow of Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go! is a wonderfully wiseand joyous ode to finding one's path through the maze of life. Incelebration of its 20th anniversary, this classic bestseller hasbeen transformed into a popup book by master paper engineer DavidA. Carter. Filled with glorious pop-ups, detailed pop-up booklets,special effects, and the complete original text, this classicbursts with vibrant new energy. It's the perfect diploma forgraduates of all ages, and an ideal gift for anyone starting out ona new adventure.
Don't be fooled by the title of this seriocomic ode tosuccess; it's not 'Climb Every Mountain, ' kid version. Alljourneys face perils, whether from indecision, from loneliness, orworst of all, from too much waiting. Seuss' familiar pajama-cladhero is up to the challenge, and his odyssey is captured vividly inbusy two-page spreads evoking both the good times (grinning purpleelephants, floating golden castles) and the bad (deep blue wells ofconfusion). Seuss' message is simple but never sappy: life may be a'Great Balancing Act, ' but through it all 'There's fun to bedone.
Dr. Seuss's well-known and well-loved The Lorax is as timelynow as it was when it was first published in 1971—perhaps even moreso. This bestselling ecological warning is now available in anelaborate pop-up book, published in conjunction with the release ofThe Lorax feature film on March 2, 2012—Ted Geisel'sbirthday. David Carter has transformed Seuss's powerful message and hasbrought to life the Lorax, the Bar-ba-loots, the Truffula TreeTufts—and more—in eight dynamic pop-up spreads.