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    • 辞海-第六版 缩印本 上海辞书出版社 上海辞书出版社,【正版可开发票】
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    • 上海辞书出版社 /2010-03-01/ 上海辞书出版社
    • 《辞海系列:辞海(第6版)(缩印本)》概况:当代中国大型综合性辞典——《辞海》,自1936年出版发行至今已有70余年。一书在手,常用的单字、语词和百科词语,包括重要的名词、概念、术语、成语、国名、人名、地名、组织、机构、事件、会议、著作、文件、决议等等,均可查到。“对不对,查《辞海》”已成为广大读者的口头禅。 词目改动超过三分之一 新版《辞海》收单字字头17914个,比第五版增加近400个,附繁体字、异体字4400余个;词条127200余条,比第五版增加4200余条;字数2300余万字,比第五版增加200余万字;图片16000余幅,与第五版相当。本版删去词目7000条,新增词目12300余条,词目改动幅度超过三分之一。本版有大16开五卷彩图本,大16开3卷普及本,大16开单卷缩印本以及大16开多卷彩图豪华本(暂名)。此外,还计划推出具有无线上网功

    • ¥67 ¥169.37 折扣:4折
    • 东北方言词典 马思周,姜光辉 编 吉林文史出版社,【正版可开发票】
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    • 马思周,姜光辉 编 /2005-05-01/ 吉林文史出版社
    • 作为中国文化一部分的东北文化,必因有其特点而存在,这种特点不但贮存在在词语中,就是词语自身的构造也是这种特点的表现,本《词典》为研究东北文化服务。近年来乡土文学大兴,大《词典》也选录了一部分埋在语言深层的次方言词语,希望这本《词典》能对乡土文学的创作有词语选择的实用性。 本《词典》收集了流行于东北三省的方言词语,以黑龙江、吉林为主,辽宁次之。一部分是从具有东北地方情趣的杂志、故事本、戏曲集和小说(共约二百余种)中摘录出来的,一部分直接取之于(主要是农村的)口头言谈,人有七千五百条。 收词的原则有大小两条。大原则的基本精神是凡《现代汉语词典》和《汉语词典》中的非东北方言词语,本《词典》一律不收,换言之,本《词典》认领了部分《现代汉语词典》注有“ ”字样的词语。

    • ¥89 ¥185 折扣:4.8折
    • 歇后语辞海 温端政 主编 上海辞书出版社【正版保证】
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    • 温端政 主编 /2018-04-01/ 上海辞书出版社
    • 温端政主编的《歇后语辞海(精)》是一部歇后语的集大成之作,其收罗宏富,举凡民间俚语、方言俗话、涓滴不弃,兼收并蓄,广收词条达数32000条之多。歇后语同成语、谚语、惯用语的优选不同之处,在于它是由两个部分组成的,前一部分起“引子”的作用,从中“引”出后一部分;后一部分含有对前一部分注释的作用。因此,“引注”关系是歇后语内部关系的基本特征。按此原则指导,本书立常见形式的歇后语为主条,与主条意义相同或基本相同而形式相近的条目为副条,用“也作”表示。语目中的疑难字词、典故予以注音释义,前后部分谐音双关、词意双关和整理双关的,均释出双关手法和意义。书前有《语目首字音序表》,书后有《语目首字笔画索引》,便于读者查检。

    • ¥73 ¥153 折扣:4.8折
    • 汉字源流字典 谷衍奎 编 华夏出版社【正版保证】
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    • 谷衍奎 编 /2003-07-01/ 华夏出版社
    • 《汉字源流字典》近150万字,它对构成汉字基础的所有偏旁部首及有构字能力的汉字,从源至流进行了全面解说,我们可以由此了解常用汉字的来龙去脉以及与哪些字有关联,它可以帮助我们从根本上加强对汉字形的记忆和对字义的理解。 编者对汉字的解说,除了尽量吸取前人的研究成果外,主要展示了编者多年研究汉字的结晶。编者深入把握汉字的构造规律,以甲骨文和金文为依据,参之以文化传统、验之以民间习俗,对许多文字的本义都提出了更合乎实际和情理的解释。 本字典将把人们带入汉字辉煌而神秘的殿堂。可以说,本字典是学生,尤其是中小学生的好老师,是教师的好帮手,是汉字爱好者的好朋友,是汉字研究工作者的好参考。

    • ¥63 ¥205 折扣:3.1折
    • 英汉双解剑桥国际英语词典 普洛克特 上海外语教育出版社【正版保证】
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    • 普洛克特 /2004-10-01/ 上海外语教育出版社
    • 国际性:兼顾英国英语、美国英语以及澳大利亚等世界其他地区的英语; 性:由享誉世界的大学出版社依据多达一亿单词的语料库并采用电脑技术编纂而成; 收词全面:收录10万单词和词组,3万多条常用习语; 例证丰富:提供10多万源于生活的实例,为使用地道的英语提供了保证; 释义简易:释义用最为常用的2000个单词撰写; 检索便捷:在词条中设“导向词”,便于读者快速查找词义; 图文并茂:000多幅精美的插图; 汉译准确:多位资深专家精心译审,更适合中国读者的使用需求和习惯。

    • ¥68 ¥157 折扣:4.3折
    • Curious Georges Dictionary From the Editors of the American
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    • American Heritage Dictionary 著 /2008-08-01/
    • The world's most curious monkey investigates new words in thislively picture dictionary for young children. Curious George'sDictionary is an engaging picture dictionary specially designed forchildren from preschool through first grade. Both entertaining andeducationally sound, it features charming illustrations andreflects recent research in early childhood literacy, setting itapart from other picture dictionaries. The main part of thedictionary is an A-Z section containing approximately six hundredwords, six words to a page. Each word is illustrated with afull-color drawing, most of which have been created for this bookby the popular illustrator Mary O'Keefe Young. More than half theillustrations include a sample sentence that puts the word in afamiliar context. A four-page illustrated story at the front of thebook shows George learning how to look up words in his dictionary,drawing children in while introducing them to dictionary skills. Atthe end of the book, seven one- to two-page illustrations presentgr

    • ¥58.2 折扣:5.6折
    • 现代汉语同义词近义词反义词词典【正版书籍,满额满减,咨询更优惠】
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • 贺国伟 著 /2016-12-01/ 上海辞书出版社
    • 《现代汉语同义词近义词反义词词典》是一本规范实用的、普及型的汉语学习词典。全书收录现代汉语常见常用词语2000余个,为之精选搭配了相当数量的同义词、近义词和反义词。全书对常用词语及其同义、近义、反义词注重从词义区别、使用范围、褒贬色彩、搭配关系等方面,进行全面、精当、透彻的辨析。内容充实,举例丰富,立体直观地呈现了词语间的同义、近义、反义关系。

    • ¥88 ¥184 折扣:4.8折
    • M-W's Elementary Dictionary 韦氏基础字典(适合8-11岁,例句引自经典儿童文学)ISBN 9
    •   ( 28 条评论 )
    • Merriam-Webster 著 /2009-01-01/ Merriam Webster
    • An all-new edition of the essential dictionary for childrengrades 3-5, ages 8-11, with more than 36,000 entries. Expandedusage sentences and phrases include over 1,300 quotes from classicand contemporary children's literature. Additional features includehundreds of new, colorful illustrations, photographs, and diagrams:word history and synonym paragraphs; pronunciation paragraphs foreach letter; child-friendly usage hints; and Greek and Latin wordroot paragraphs to aid spelling and vocabulary building. Specialsections include geographical terms, signs and symbols, word roots,and a list of literary works used in the text.

    • ¥84.1 折扣:5.1折
    • M-W's Intermediate Thesaurus 韦氏中级同义词词典 (适合11-14岁)ISBN 978087
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Merriam-Webster 编 /2012-06-01/ Merriam Webster
    • This newly revised and updated edition is written especiallyfor the need of students grades 5-8, ages 11-14.. Easy-to-usealphabetical organization. More than 150,000 word choices includesynonyms, antonyms, related words,and phrases.. Up-to-date vocabulary. Newly added vocabulary paysparticular attention to this age group in the areas of socialmedia, technology, and entertainment.. Concise definitions. Entriesfeature concise statements that describe the shared meanings amongsynonyms.. Usage examples. An up-to-date usage example for everysynonym.. Revised and updated phrases. New, up-to-date idiomaticand colloquial phrases added at many entries.

    • ¥87.2 折扣:5.3折
    • Curious George's Dictionary 好奇猴乔治字典 9780618986491
    •   ( 45 条评论 )
    • American Heritage Dictionary 著 /2012-01-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • The world's most curious monkey investigates new words in thislively picture dictionary for young children. Curious George'sDictionary is an engaging picture dictionary specially designed forchildren from preschool through first grade. Both entertaining andeducationally sound, it features charming illustrations andreflects recent research in early childhood literacy, setting itapart from other picture dictionaries. The main part of thedictionary is an A-Z section containing approximately six hundredwords, six words to a page. Each word is illustrated with afull-color drawing, most of which have been created for this bookby the popular illustrator Mary O'Keefe Young. More than half theillustrations include a sample sentence that puts the word in afamiliar context. A four-page illustrated story at the front of thebook shows George learning how to look up words in his dictionary,drawing children in while introducing them to dictionary skills. Atthe end of the book, seven one- to two-page illustrations presentgr

    • ¥64.8 折扣:5.4折