解剖学是一本华丽的大型书籍,里面装有巧妙的剪纸,探索构成*奇妙的机器,人体的器官,系统和感官的每一个细节。Helene Druvert是屡获殊荣的Paris Up,Up and Away和Mary Poppins Up,Up and Away的创造者。她的父亲,一名医生,撰写了这篇文章,非常适合9岁及以上的孩子。英国广播公司焦点杂志插图年度图书 Anatomy is a gorgeous, large-format book filled with clever cutouts exploring every detail of the organs, systems and senses that make up that most marvellous of machines, the human body. This fact-filled journey is illustrated by Helene Druvert, the acclaimed creator of the award-winning Paris Up, Up and Away and Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away. Her father, a doctor, has contributed the text, which is perfectly pitched at children of nine and over. A BBC Focus Magazine Illustrated Book of the Year