如果不去遍历世界, 我们就不知道什么是我们精神和情感的寄托, 但我们一旦遍历了世界, 却发现 我们再也无法回到那美好的地方去了。 当我们开始寻求,我们就已经失去, 而我们不开始寻求, 我们根本无法知道自己身边的一切是如此可贵 长大后, 你还相信童话吗?你还相信美好吗?你还有过天真的遐想吗? 你遇到过爱吗?经历过爱吗?懂什么是爱吗? 如果你迷茫又迷惑, 如果你正在一点一滴失去值得珍惜的事物, 请不要害怕、失落, 更不要犹豫 精装立体《小王子》 带你寻找遗落在内心深处美好的自己 [英文原版] The Little Prince Deluxe Pop-Up Book小王子 豪华精装立体书 本书为批量限时特价促销, 限时抢购! 新版本中还附独立的access code 读者到指定网站下载 f
Harry Potter英文原版3D立体书!至精至美,其乐无穷! 高B格好礼,自己收藏,送给朋友和小孩最智慧的好礼! Harry Potter: A Pop-up Book: Based on the Film Phenomenon[Hardcover] Hardcover:12 pages Publisher:Insight Editions, Div of Palace Publishing Group, LP; Pop up edition (16 Nov 2010) Language:English ISBN-13:978-1608870080 Product Dimensions:21.6 x 3.4 x 27.9 cm Book De*ion This collectible Harry Potter pop-up book, based on the creative development of the films, features exquisite original artwork by Andrew Williamson, concept artist for all eight movies. With dynamic pop-ups animating memorable moments and locations like the Triwizard Tournament, Diagon Alley, and Hogwarts Castle Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book offers a 3-D glimpse into the amazing world, as seen in the films. This deluxe book will delight Harry Potter fans with dynamic pop-up ingenuity, insights from th
《Beautyand the Beast Pop-Up》 《美女与野兽(立体书)》 Beauty and the Beast《美女与野兽》自18世纪中叶诞生以来就家喻户晓,数百年来长盛不衰。美女与野兽之间的爱情故事感动了无数人,其展现的不应以貌取人、要真诚善良、勇敢与无私等珍贵美德更是影响了一代又一代的读者。迄今为止,《美女与野兽》的故事已经历了多版改编,衍生的动画、电影、小说不计其数。本书为世界立体书大师罗伯特 萨布达根据法国博蒙夫人的原著创作的英文立体书(Pop-up book),将《美女与野兽》中浪漫梦幻的场景在书中淋漓尽致地展现出来,宏伟的城堡、栩栩如生的怪兽、壮观的玫瑰花园,再一次释放每个阅读者的想象力! 推荐理由: 1. 世界立体书大师罗伯特 萨布达震撼动态立体制作,造型精美; 2. 世界经典童话精彩再现,剧情更加贴近原版故事,值得一读
The divine "Encyclopedia Mythologica" seriesgrows mightier still, as gods and heroes meet the kings of pop-up.Continuing the thrilling new mythological pop-up trilogy, themasterminds behind the phenomenal "Encyclopedia Prehistorica" turntheir attention to the dazzling and the divine, bringing to lifethe Gods and Heroes of myth and legend. This stunning book takesthe intrepid reader on a grand pop-up tour of centuries-old mythsand legends from across the globe. You can explore the lush banksof the Nile of Ancient Egypt, and visit Zeus' kingdom on MountOlympus, high above the clouds of Ancient Greece. You can touchdown in the frozen lands of the Norse gods; venture to the FarEast, where the Jade Emperor rules from the heavens; and on intothe wilds of Oceania, where jealous Pele's volcanic rage simmersjust below the earth's crust.
你可曾想象过在翻开书页的剎那,看见扑克牌满天飞舞的奇景吗?由纸艺大师 Robert Sabuda 所创作的"Alice'sAdventures inWonderland"艾丽斯梦游仙境〈立体书〉,鬼斧神工地将艾丽斯的梦境,幻化成超乎想象的童话国度! 扉页之中令人惊奇的一页,铁定是亲眼目睹一个「艾丽斯巨人从小屋子里爆出手脚」的画面。怪就要怪那瓶神奇水了,艾丽斯才喝到一半,手脚就开始变长,脚伸出烟囱、手窜出门去…..谁知道写着「吃我呀」的蛋糕,又会把艾丽斯变成什么?在变大缩小的瞬间,刚刚「巨人艾丽斯」所哭出的「眼泪池」,还可能把「迷你艾丽斯」淹死呢……想跟着艾丽斯一同经历神奇梦境吗?珍藏这本酷炫立体书,现在正是时候! Book De*ion Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is Robert Sabuda's most amazingcreation ever, featuring stunning pop-ups illustrated in JohnTenniel's classic style. The text is faithful to Lewis
If you enjoyed Templar's extraordinary Dragonology (New York Times Bestseller Sunday Times Children's Book of the Week), then just wait till you see Egyptology. With a stunning gold foiled and embossed cover featuring three 'jewels', and with its creation overseen by TGH James, ex keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, Egyptology is Emily Sands' lavish 1926 scrapbook journal of a lost expedition. Full of novelties and recreations, such as a piece of mummy cloth, a booklet on hieroglyphs and a working board game , the book brims with beautiful art and fascinating facts about Ancient Egypt, and a has a final magnificent novelty in the back case.
《Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe》是一本立体书,在欧美已经有了上百年的历史,既是“书本”又是“玩具”,兼具书的内容,并具有很强的可玩性。 《Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe》是2013年出版,包含35个变形金刚角色,擎天柱、大黄蜂、威震天、红蜘蛛等高人气角色都有涵盖,其变形设计之巧妙,令不少网友感叹:比玩具还有意思!
格林迪洛(Grindylow) 格林迪洛是一种长着犄角、浑身淡绿色的水中魔鬼,生活在不列颠和爱尔兰各地的湖泊中。它们以小鱼为食,既攻击麻瓜也攻击巫师,可是据了解,人鱼已经把它们驯服了。格林迪洛长着非常长的手指,这些手指尽管抓东西时颇为有力,却很容易折断。 克利切(Kreacher) 一个年老的家养小精灵,为古老的黑巫师布莱克家族做事。他住在厨房柜子里的大锅炉下。 匈牙利树蜂(Hungarian Horntail) 在[火焰杯]中,主人公在三强争霸赛上的个项目的比赛中就是斗龙,哈里抽到的就是匈牙利树蜂,在书中将其描述得十分凶猛。 摄魂怪(Dementor) 魔法生物,披着一件斗篷,全身都像在水里泡烂了一样,有着结痂的手掌,全身腐烂了一样。凡是此物经过的地方,都会被吸去快乐,让你想起可怕的事,并且他的兜帽下面的“嘴”会吸去人
This is the perennial bestseller - one of the world'sbest-loved picture books - in an exquisite brand-new pop-upedition. With sales of over 23 million copies, "Guess How Much ILove You" tells the story of a game Big Nutbrown Hare and LittleNutbrown Hare play as they try to express their love for eachother. But as each tries to outdo the other, they discover thatlove is not an easy thing to measure! This gorgeous new pop-upedition is one that children will ask for time and again.Unbelievably, this classic bestseller has just become even moreirresistible than ever. This is the perfect way to share youraffection with loved ones of any age. It presents Big and LittleNutbrown Hare - and their idyllic rural world - in threedimensions.
This bedtime themed gift box contains two exciting storybooksfeaturing Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and their friends,and a lovely songs and rhymes book with all the character rhymesfrom the ever popular CBeebies TV show. There are also stickers todecorate your books and a beautiful night-time wall frieze,featuring the words of the opening Night Garden rhyme on one sideand on the other side, the bedtime routine at the end of the show,showing all the characters going to sleep. Goodnight, sleeptight!
What great mysteries lie beneath the rolling waves of the sea?For centaries man has mased apon what might await him in those markg depths,drawn by fear and fascination in equal measare. Now I, Zoticas de Lesseps,have joined the ranks of those adventarers who have soaght to make the ocean sarrender her secrets,onlg to find that mg saccess is bat a carse. I will remain forever haanted by the trath of what really larks beneath the ocean's endless horizon^
Dragonology: The Complete Book Of Dragons synopsis Said to originate from the library of eminent Victorian dragonologist Ernest Drake, this book imparts to readers the secrets of the ancient science of dragonology. It includes a host of novelties such as old letters, magic dust, dragon scales, gems, spells in envelopes and booklets of riddles.
Blue 2 is a beautiful cacophony delighting everyone! From a to z each letter gives a clue to where the Blue 2 is hidden in each of these spectacular pop-up sculptures. There's a glistening Blue 2, a slippery Blue 2, and even a suspended Blue 2. With gleeful helixes, jubilant kookiness, and mobile nonsense, each page will stun with its paper pop-up phenomenon. This sequel to One Red Dot is surely one to treasure.,