兰登书屋旗下小金书系列,精选了众多著名的童书。《我是一只兔子》就是其中一本经典。这个版本是为了庆祝小兔子尼古拉斯诞生50周年而发型的纸板书,由著名插画师Richard Scarry亲自绘制书中插画。书中小兔子穿着红色的衣服,向人们讲述着它眼里四季的故事:春天,它采撷花儿;夏天,它与青蛙为伴;秋天,它和伙伴们一起准备冬季的到来;而冬天,他看着雪花纷飞,一边躲在自己的小树屋,悠扬地做起冬日的美梦。 I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree. This classic Golden Book, illustrated by Richard Scarry, celebrates its 50th anniversary with the story of Nicholas, a bunny clad in red overalls. In the spring, he picks flowers, and in the summer, watches the frogs in the pond. In the fall, he sees the animals getting ready for winter. And when winter comes, he watches the snow falling from the sky... then curls up in his hollow tree to dre
《牛津阅读树》系列围绕Robinsons一家展开,讲述了他们日常生活中的点点滴滴。小儿子Kipper是捣蛋担当,宠物狗Floppy则是搞笑担当,它们俩为故事贡献了不少笑料,就连戏份少的Gran,每次出场都令人 惊艳 。之后,《牛津阅读树》逐渐生根发芽、扩张脉络,发展出了一套将自然拼读教学和牛津出版社分级体系有机结合的庞大的阅读体系。除了纵向的阶段递进,还有横向的阅读进程,即同一阶段的不同层次的类别阅读。其设计目的是为了满足严谨的教学、阅读能力及素养的培养三大方面,因此它的自然拼读教学原理和目前中国市面上自然拼读的产品有着明显的区别。
《牛津阅读树》系列围绕Robinsons一家展开,讲述了他们日常生活中的点点滴滴。小儿子Kipper是捣蛋担当,宠物狗Floppy则是搞笑担当,它们俩为故事贡献了不少笑料,就连戏份少的Gran,每次出场都令人 惊艳 。之后,《牛津阅读树》逐渐生根发芽、扩张脉络,发展出了一套将自然拼读教学和牛津出版社分级体系有机结合的庞大的阅读体系。除了纵向的阶段递进,还有横向的阅读进程,即同一阶段的不同层次的类别阅读。其设计目的是为了满足严谨的教学、阅读能力及素养的培养三大方面,因此它的自然拼读教学原理和目前中国市面上自然拼读的产品有着明显的区别。
Winner or washout? When it comes to tackling third grade, Clementine is at the top of her game-okay, so maybe not all the time. After her teacher announces that the third and fourth graders will be putting on a talent show, Clementine panics. She doesn't sing or dance or play an instrument. She can't even hop with finesse. And as if she didn't feel bad enough, her perfect best friend, Margaret, has so many talents, she has to alphabetize them to keep them straight As the night of the big "Talent-palooza" draws closer, Clementine is desperate for an act, any act. But the unexpected talent she demonstrates at the show surprises everyone--most of all herself. This Clementine sequel is sure to bring the house down! ,