Lift-The-Flap First Questions Answers Where Do Babies Come from? (英语) 纸板书 妈妈,我是从哪里来的? 每一个小朋友都想要知道的问题 回避?糊弄?误导? 看看聪明妈妈如何从小教小朋友? 这本清新的 翻翻绘本书 ,可以让你带着孩子一起探索,小男孩小女孩、小企鹅、小鸟、小乌龟 这些小baby都是从哪里来的?新生命是怎样产生的?他们在哪里出生、需要什么来长大、最后又将长成为什么? 内容简介 A delightful way for young children to discover where babies come from - from baby humans to kittens, caterpillars and kangaroos. Young children can lift the flaps to find out how babies are made, when they are born, what new babies need and how they grow. A charming, age-appropriate introduction to the facts of life to share with young children. 内页预览 宝宝们都是从哪里来的?
Every child loves Clifford. There's no one better to guide a child's first reading experience. Reading experts have designed this series to launch your child into reading. “大红狗克里弗Clifford”结合孩子在成长过程中遭遇的种种难题,引导孩子以正确的观念和态度去面对问题、解决问题,在潜移默化中,让孩子们学到知识,并懂得分享、尊敬和善待朋友,这对于孩子的成长有正面而积极的影响。心理素质教育,尤其是孩子成长中遭遇的心理健康等问题,都是家长需要特别留意的。 大红狗把品德和爱心的培养作为要务,一只友善、忠诚、好心、坚强的大红狗身上发生了一个个甜蜜温馨、幽默有趣的故事,给孩子们讲述的,是关于分享、公平、尊重、协作、责任、诚实、善良、自信、友爱、亲情、友谊、正义、规则、助人等成长必须的品质。孩子们爱极了这只“比两层楼还高,比喷火头还红”、巨大
《国王巴巴》国王巴巴建了一座城堡取名叫西莱斯特城。但一场意外却扰乱了祥和的气氛。 国王巴巴能带领大象们化险为夷吗? 大象巴巴系列购买链接-- The Story of Babar 大象巴巴:巴巴的故事 The Travels of Babar 大象巴巴:巴巴的旅行 Babar the King 大象巴巴:国王巴巴 Babar and His Children 大象巴巴:巴巴和他的孩子们 Babar and Father Christmas 大象巴巴:巴巴和圣诞老人 This third title about Babar and his family follows theelephants as they build a magnificent city: Celesteville. Life ispeaceful and contented, everyone has a job to do, and celebrationsare frequent. But one fateful day a snake bites the Old Lady andBabar fears that he may lose his oldest friend. Illus. in fullcolor by the author.