Biscuit is walking to Grandpa’s house, and he’s having such agood time he doesn’t want the walk to end. But the little puppyknows that the only better thing than a walk to Grandpa’s house isa visit with Grandpa hims
The star of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss makes his Step into Readingdebut in this rhymed reader that offers kids easy suggestions forgoing green! After explaining how the trash in a wastbasketultimately ends up in a landfill or incinerator, the Lorax suggestsrealistic ways children can reduce waste, such as by carrying alunch box, donating old clothes and toys, sharing magazines withfriends, recycling cans and bottles, and using rechargeablebatteries. He also explains how they can save energy around thehome by turning off lights, taking shorter showers, donningsweaters to stay warm, and much, much more. All in all, this is agreat introduction to helping the Earth and helping kids step intoreading!
What would happen if a dinosaur came to a birthday party? Cometo Danny's house and find out. His friend the dinosaur helps makethis one party you'll never forget!
BrightReaders(配套培生朗文e阅读在线课程)是培养孩子从早期到自主阅读的英语分级阅读系列图书,全套共6个级别,每级10本图书,总计60本,60个故事。它满足6-12岁儿童英语学习所需,是经典的读物,也是学习英语的经典教材。它秉承“故事里探索世界,阅读中培养人格”的教育理念,为孩子终身学习的能力奠定基础。 这套亚洲畅销分级读物有以下特色,令人爱不释手: 培生朗文国际化儿童教育专家和语言专家编写 涵盖语文、数学、外语、历史、地理、社会6个不同学科的知识 包含1200个英语词汇和200个经典句型,不断重复出现的高频词汇、句型,与有趣的故事融合,让孩子在快乐的故事中学好英语。 冒险、奇幻、动物、生活故事,调动儿童多种感官与动画中的角色一起历险、一起成长。 创意互动,色彩明快,让孩子在阅读中,自
Horrid Henry hates sports day. And he hates thecross-country run more than any other event. But just as he isheaving his weary bones to the starting line, he has a wonderful,spectacular idea of how to win the race.
Illus. in full color. "Best friends Robby and Arlo dress alike and do most of the same things. However, their friendship is in jeopardy over a bet about who will lose the next tooth. Realistic, humorous illustrations provide ample reading clues on every page. Should encourage emerging readers to flex their reading muscles."--School Library Journal.
Boldly going where Step into Reading has never gone before: comic readers are told almost entirely inaction-packed dialogue! Simple, graphic paneled layouts introduceemergent readers to the joy of comics. This Step 1 comic readertells the story of a girl and a robot whose friendship is testedwhen one of them gets a bit bossy. Step 1 stories have big type andeasy words, rhyme and rhythm, picture clues, and easy-to-decodedialogue.
Cat wants a snack. Cat sets a trap. Cat trouble! Simple sentences and snappy illustrations make this a purr-fect first step into the joy of reading.
WHEN TWO CHILDREN wake up to find that it has snowed, they spend the day riding sleds, building snowmen, making snow angels, skating a figure eight, and even taking a break to make gingerbread cookies with grandma. It’s a day filled with wonderful wintry fun! In simple, rhymed text new readers get to experience the wonder of that magical first snow fall. Includes two pages of festive stickers!
Based on the classic story by Lewis Carroll. Alice is feeling bored when she finds herself following a large white rabbit down a rabbit hole. Then things get even stranger... Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills.Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehen
Illus. in full color. "Kangaroo child Norma Jean loves to jump. The problem is that her jumping gets out of hand, causing accidents and some ruffled feelings among her friends, and Norma stops her jumping entirely. But when the school's field-day games come up, Norma Jean is coaxed back into action long enough to win ribbons. Light, popular fare for beginning readers."
Product De*ion It's 7:45 a.m. and Gus thebus driver is on his way. But the Cubs aren's even up yet! Willthey miss the bus? Told in humorous easy-to-read text, this simplestory offers up a blow-by-blow de*ion of just another morningin the Bear household--which readers will find not all thatdifferent from their own!