Helicopters are amazing machines that go places and do thingsthat other vehicles cannot. Readers will love learning about themany daring jobs and rescues they undertake every day. Chock fullof exciting color photographs, too! Susan E. Goodman is a writer and journalist. Michael Doolittle isa photographer and photo editor. Together they have collaborated onmany children’s books, including beginning readers and the UltimateField Trip series. Susan lives in Boston; Michael lives inConnecticut.
When Mr. Rogers goes for a drive with Amelia Bedelia, he's infor the ride of his life. She does exactly what he tells her –– andthat gets them into trouble, but only Amelia Bedelia can make a cartrip this much fun!
It is holiday time. Eloise hopes she will be the one toplace the star atop the Christmas tree!
From wasp's nests to webs, mole holes, termite mounds, andmuch more, this book examines the many habitats and strategiesanimals use when making their homes. Familiar animals like foxesand swallows are joined by more exotic species like chimpanzees,polar bears, and penguins. Challenging vocabulary is highlightedthroughout--burrow, den, migration--and the art and text weavetogether seamlessly to help readers put the words in context anddevelop increased confidence in their reading skills. LEVEL 2:BEGINNING TO READ ALONE Simple and engaging, with plenty ofinterest and repetition. Vocabulary is easy and familiar, andsentences are mainly short and simple. Guided Reading Level:J
Nanny, Eloise, and her dog Weenie attend a Fourth of Julyparade.
读物特色 : 语言启蒙 :每个故事围绕不同主题进行语言复现,随着阅读级别的升高,小朋友的理解和感知力逐步增强,书中的句子结构重复出現,朗朗上口,英文词汇逐渐增加,帮助小朋友实现语言能力螺旋式提升。 心智成长 : 随着阅读级别的升高,每册故事的情节更加丰富曲折、充分调动幼儿多项智能,给予成长中的小朋友更丰盈的心灵体验,帮助他们成为勤于思考和充满自信的小读者。 亲子互动 :每册故事都附有别出心裁的立体手工、揭画、贴纸等设计,如会运动的小动物、会换衣服的小朋友、能打开门窗的小柜子等,非常适合爸爸妈妈和孩子一起做亲子互动游戏。 阅读建议 : Mice Series 启蒙初级 A :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 Mice Series 启蒙初级 B :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 Mic