The Bright Readers in the Longman Reading Projecthave beenspecially designed to offer a systematic andcomprehensive series ofstorybooks for primary pupils. The storiesare carefully graded intosix levels and are developed in accordancewith the English LanguageCurriculum Guide (Primary 1 - 6) issued bythe Education andManpower Bureau. The stories are based on themesthat are familiarand appealing to children. Each storybook uses anoriginalstoryline, modern illustrations and fun surprises such asflaps,pop-ups and stickers to create a unique learningexperience.
出版社: Candlewick (2014年2月11日) 丛书名: Candlewick Sparks 平装: 56页 读者对象: 5 - 9 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 15.2 x 0.5 x 22.9 cm 商品重量: 136 g
Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever.And in this fourth book of their adventures they sharejack-o'-lanterns, ghost stories, and Aunt Sally.
Read it yourself is a series of character stories and traditional tales,written in a simple way for childern who are learning to read. This box contains six graded storybooks from Level 2.It is perfect for children who can read short,simple sentences with help.
Aided by Henry's father, this terrific twosome enters asnowman-building contest at the local park. The entries are manyand clever-from snowdogs and snowpeople to snow aliens. Henry'sentry, however, stumps the judges-until he explains that thegreen-paint-spattered figure represents his father when he'spainting a chair, and he wins third place for the most originalcreation. With a giant box of snowman cookies as their prize, thevictorious albeit messy trio returns home to indulge in an equallywonderful cookie mess. Full of this series' usual good-naturedhumor, this easy read-aloud will warm the hearts of emergingreaders. The watercolor and pen-and-ink illustrations lend a gentleand simple touch to this lovely adventure. Humor, simple sentence structure, and bright, detailed picturesagain prove a winning combination in this, Rylant's nineteenthHenry and Mudge Ready-to-Read book. Henry and Mudge, aided byHenry's father, participate in a snowman-building contest. Althoughup against some strong competi
Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever.And in this fourteenth book of their adventures they celebrateHenry's birthday with bright balloons, potato-sack races, andpresents. 描写一个小男孩Henry和一条大狗Mudge的系列故事。幽默小品、浅显易懂。
Eloise gets an unexpected opportunity to march down the aislewhen a flower girl goes missing during a wedding ceremony beingheld at The Plaza. Simultaneous.
Read along with Olivia! Anytime is storytime with this carry-along boxed set that contains six imaginative adventures at one great value. Olivia loves to read! And now six of her best Ready-to-Read adventures are packaged in a portable carry-along case with a plastic handle and Velcro closure. Included in this boxed set are: OLIVIA Trains Her Cat ; OLIVIA and Her Ducklings ; OLIVIA Takes a Trip ; OLIVIA and the Snow Day ; OLIVIA Plants a Garden ; and OLIVIA Goes Camping . This collection of entertaining tales is ideal for any beginning reader and Olivia fan. OLIVIA Ian Falconer Unlimited, Inc. and 2012 Ian Falconer and Classic Media, LLC
读物特色 : 语言启蒙 :每个故事围绕不同主题进行语言复现,随着阅读级别的升高,小朋友的理解和感知力逐步增强,书中的句子结构重复出現,朗朗上口,英文词汇逐渐增加,帮助小朋友实现语言能力螺旋式提升。 心智成长 : 随着阅读级别的升高,每册故事的情节更加丰富曲折、充分调动幼儿多项智能,给予成长中的小朋友更丰盈的心灵体验,帮助他们成为勤于思考和充满自信的小读者。 亲子互动 :每册故事都附有别出心裁的立体手工、揭画、贴纸等设计,如会运动的小动物、会换衣服的小朋友、能打开门窗的小柜子等,非常适合爸爸妈妈和孩子一起做亲子互动游戏。 阅读建议 : Mice Series 启蒙初级 A :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 Mice Series 启蒙初级 B :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 Mic
The snow is falling, and Goofy can't wait to go sledding! But when Goofy invites his friends to join him in a sledding contest, he becomes obsessed with finding the fastest way down the hill. Soon Goofy is trying everything . . . a sled . . . a surf board . . . banana peels! But as Goofy slides into victory, he realizes the best way down the hill is on his stomach! Kids are sure to love this silly adventure as they guess at the next attempt Goofy is going to make.
读物特色 : 语言启蒙 :每个故事围绕不同主题进行语言复现,随着阅读级别的升高,小朋友的理解和感知力逐步增强,书中的句子结构重复出現,朗朗上口,英文词汇逐渐增加,帮助小朋友实现语言能力螺旋式提升。 心智成长 : 随着阅读级别的升高,每册故事的情节更加丰富曲折、充分调动幼儿多项智能,给予成长中的小朋友更丰盈的心灵体验,帮助他们成为勤于思考和充满自信的小读者。 亲子互动 :每册故事都附有别出心裁的立体手工、揭画、贴纸等设计,如会运动的小动物、会换衣服的小朋友、能打开门窗的小柜子等,非常适合爸爸妈妈和孩子一起做亲子互动游戏。 阅读建议 : MiceSeries 启蒙初级 A :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 MiceSeries 启蒙初级 B :适合 2-4 岁幼儿 MiceSe
In Henry and Mudge's twentieth adventure, Henry wants to findthe perfect pet for his cousin Annie. Annie needs a pet that's softand dry and doesn't fly -- one that's quiet and careful, just likeAnnie. What could that be?
The first book in the acclaimed easy-to-read series featuringHenry and his lovable 180-pound dog, Mudge.
培生朗文国际版英文分级阅读 满足亚洲6~12岁儿童阅读进阶和心智成长需要 香港公立小学选用的课外阅读教材 完美匹配课堂教材 已成为国内一线城市*外国语小学的阅读课堂!
Christmas at Henry and Mudge's house means cookies and carolsand presents, and the whole family gathering for a deliciousbreakfast (with lots of food falling on the floor for Mudge). Itmay just be the best Christmas ever -- but Henry's favorite presentis the big, lovable dog he's had all along.