The Music Fairies desperately need Rachel's and Kirsty's help! Jack Frost and his naughty goblins have stolen the fairies' Magical Musical Instruments, which means that music is being ruined for everyone! Jack Frost plans to use the instruments to help him win a national talent competition in the human world, and with the help of the enchanted instruments, he's bound to win. If this happens, humans will find out about Fairyland and then all the fairies will be in danger! Victoria must find her violin - how can Rachel and Kirsty help her?
Z is for ZOMBIE . . . Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are excited to vacation in the Louisiana bayou. But the small village they visit has a scary problem. The villagers tell stories of voodoo and a giant zombie with silver hair who has been digging up graves in the cemetery. Can the the tales be true? It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to unearth the secrets of the zombie zone.
Arthur meets the biggest rock band in town in this new chapter book.
When Rachel and Kirsty meet on the ferry to Rainspell Island one summer holiday, they have no idea that such incredible adventures with the fairies await them! in this second book in the series, the girls must try to find Amber the Orange Fairy and reunite her with her sister, Ruby.
Fans young and old will laugh out loud at the irrepressible wit of peter Hatcher, the hilarious antics of mischievous Fudge, and the unbreakable confidence of know-it-all sheila tubman in Judy blume’s five Fudge books. brand-new covers adorn these perennial favorites, and will entice a whole new generation of Fudge—and Judy blume—fans.
二、《巨型丘比特》 情人节到了,弗兰妮却皱起了眉头。狗狗助理阿呆无意间闯了祸,将放大器对准了舍莉老师借给弗兰妮的情人节贺卡,搞出一个15米高的巨型丘比特,制造了一系列事端。眼看着一校车孩子的生命危在旦夕,弗兰妮能解除险情吗?
Meet Tyrone the Tyrannosaurus, Green Lawn’s newest–and biggest!–visitor. The kids’ old friend Jud Wheat is in town, and he’s raising funds for a dinosaur museum by taking the T. rex on tour. But after the show in Green Lawn, all Jud’s money disappears! Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose track down the cash and rescue Jud from this prehistoric pickle?A Stepping Stone book.
S is for Skeleton. . . . It’s a bone-afide mystery at Dink’s school. Some sneaky soul has stolen the skeleton from the nurse’s office! The principal promises free aquarium tickets to the savvy sleuths who can track down poor Mr. Bones. Soon mysterious clues are showing up all over the school. It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to follow the clues and put those old bones to rest. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Fans young and old will laugh out loud at the irrepressible wit of peter Hatcher, the hilarious antics of mischievous Fudge, and the unbreakable confidence of know-it-all sheila tubman in Judy blume’s five Fudge books. brand-new covers adorn these perennial favorites, and will entice a whole new generation of Fudge—and Judy blume—fans.
Fans young and old will laugh out loud at the irrepressible wit of peter Hatcher, the hilarious antics of mischievous Fudge, and the unbreakable confidence of know-it-all sheila tubman in Judy blume’s five Fudge books. brand-new covers adorn these perennial favorites, and will entice a whole new generation of Fudge—and Judy blume—fans.
Three new chapter books feature Arthur and his friends for fans ready to read on their own. Each book features longer Arthur Adventures at a third-grade reading level and has loads of kid appeal. Arthur is in top form as he tries to figure out who Muffy's secret admirer is, enters a poetry contest with all his friends, and attempts to rein in Buster's ego when he becomes a local hero. Arthur fans will want to read and collect all of these new chapter books!
t's time for the annual Father's Day picnic, and Arthur is worried about Buster. Ever since Buster's parents got divorced, his father hasn't been able to come to the picnic. Will Arthur and his friends be able to give Buster a happy Father's Day?
While picnicking on Squaw Island, a group of friends find a $500 bill. But when they return the next day, the whole island has disappeared and they must figure out the mystery to this vanishing act.
出版社: Disney-Hyperion (2014年4月1日) 丛书名: Pigeon 精装: 40页 读者对象: 3 - 5 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 23.5 x 1.3 x 23.5 cm 商品重量: 413 g
一、《会走路的午餐》 小女孩儿弗兰妮来到新学校,为了让同学们喜欢自己,她喝下奇妙药水,让自己变得甜美又可爱。不料,此时一个突然诞生的南瓜螃蟹怪劫走了老师,吓傻了同学。面对危难,弗兰妮撕下小甜妞的伪装,恢复科学小超人的本来面目,制造出一个午餐肉巨人。于是,午餐 肉巨人大战南瓜螃蟹怪开始了? Franny K. Stein is not your average girl -- she's a madscientist. She prefers poison ivy to daisies, and when Franny jumpsrope, she uses her pet snake. The kids in Franny's class thinkshe's weird, wacky, and just plain creepy. Tired of being stared at, Franny decides to attempt her mostdangerous experiment yet -- she's going to fit in. but when a giantMonstrous Fiend attacks the class, everyone knows it's up to a madscientist to save the day. But has Franny lost her creepy, crawlyways?
The Music Fairies desperately need Rachel's and Kirsty's help! Jack Frost and his naughty goblins have stolen the fairies' Magical Musical Instruments, which means that music is being ruined for everyone! Jack Frost plans to use the instruments to help him win a national talent competition in the human world, and with the help of the enchanted instruments, he's bound to win. If this happens, humans will find out about Fairyland and then all the fairies will be in danger! Rachel and Kirsty must help Danni to find her Magic drum kit. But how will they find it AND get it back from Jack Frost and his sneaky goblins...?
The whole town has turned out to watch the Green Lawn women challenge the men—and to see Mr. Pocket’s prized baseball collection. But sometime during the game, the balls are stolen! The police suspect the umpire of foul play. Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose prove he’s innocent, or is it strike three for the Green Lawn ump? From the Trade Paperback edition.
Book De*ion The world's funniest kindergartner is back, in her 15thbook! It's almost the end of the school year, and Room Nine is taking afield trip to a farm! There's lots of fun farm stuff there. Like areal actual barn. And a real actual farmer. There's even real aliveanimals you can pet! Only, where's the gift shop? That's what JunieB. Jones would like to know. Surely no one would want Junie B. togo home empty-handed. . . .