Geronimo Stilton meets the Stone Age in this NEW spin-off series! Who is Geronimo Stiltonoot? He is a cavemouse -- Geronimo Stilton's ancient ancestor. He runs the stone newspaper in the prehistoric village of Old Mouse City. From dealing with dinosaurs to dodging meteorites, his life in the Stone Age is full of adventure! WATCH YOUR TAIL! Geronimo Stiltonoot wakes up to a terrible morning. Meteors are falling from the sky, and it seems like everyone in Old Mouse City has an awful stomachache! Geronimo must travel to the Cave of Memories to find the ancient shaman cure for his fellow cavemice. But dangers lurk on his journey -- can he make it back home safely?
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 当杰罗尼摩正为新书的素材发愁时,好朋友佩妮建议他去澳洲找找素材。 听起来是不是很赞呢! 但是,当来到澳洲的杰罗尼摩遭受了鲨鱼的进攻、毒蛇的追赶,和在内陆迷失方向之后,他开始觉得来澳洲的旅行可真不是个好主意! 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼球!
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 你喜欢艺术吗?杰罗尼摩非常喜欢! 新鼠城著名的画作你知道是什么吗?没错,是蒙娜丽鼠画! 当妹妹菲听说在该画作中隐藏着一张神秘的地图时,他们立马开始进行调查。 杰罗尼摩他们能否发现隐藏在名画中的神秘地图呢? 这张神秘地图的背后是否隐藏着威胁新鼠城的秘密? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 今天是鼠岛的万圣节,看起来每个人都想恶搞杰罗尼摩。 先是侄子本杰明的恐怖陷阱,接着妹妹菲还让杰罗尼摩在一天内写出一本关于万圣节的书! 这简直就是疯了! 侄子本杰明把杰罗尼摩带到了一个墓地做考察,然后他们遇到了一只恐怖的老鼠,这只老鼠拼命想把杰罗尼摩锁进她的棺材里! 这些老鼠都是疯了吗? 杰罗尼摩能脱身吗? 故事惊险刺激、扣人心
Sometimes a busy businessmouse like me needs a nice, relaxing vacation. But of all the rotten rats' luck -- every time I tried to get away, disaster struck. My aunt Dizzy Fur's mouse hole caught on fire, my office was flooded, and our printing press broke down! When I was finally ready to depart, all the good trips were booked up. I was stuck in a flea-ridden old hotel, sharing a room with a bunch of Gerbil Scouts! I couldn't wait to get back to my comfy home in New Mouse City....
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 杰罗尼摩对恐怖事件可不着迷,但是怪事件似乎总是找上他…… 在杰罗尼摩去英国旅行的途中,一种叫杰罗尼摩的奶酪开始莫名消失,因着和自己同名,杰罗尼摩决定一定要找出躲在暗处的奶酪小偷。 但是,杰罗尼摩是否真的能揪出这个神秘的小偷呢?还是会再次被卷入一次恐怖事件中呢? 这可真是一次意想不到的大冒险啊! 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 这一次冒险对于杰罗尼摩来说是至今惊险的一次冒险! 杰罗尼摩的老朋友发现了著名宝石红宝石之火的具体位置。 当杰罗尼摩还来不及发出抗议之声时,妹妹菲已经拉上他前往红宝石之火的存放之处,准备成为个发现这个传奇宝石之鼠。 只是,他们完全低估了存放红宝石之火的庙宇的危险性。 这个庙宇内机关重重,红宝石之火由数千个古时机关看守,一个不小心,杰罗尼摩
Coryn, Soren, and the Band preside over a new Golden Age of the Great Tree under the subtle influence of the Ember. All seems well, but beneath the prosperity of peace Coryn is tortured by the suspicion that his evil mother, Nyra, is a hagsfiend and that his own blood carries the haggish taint. He wanders afar searching for the truth from hagsfiends themselves - putting the Great Tree in danger. Soren & the Band follow their new king to strange parts to guard him from the consequences of his obsession.
My grandfather William Shortpaws -- also known as Cheap Mouse Willy -- was back at The Rodent's Gazette, and he was determined to torture me. He wanted to publish a guide book to Ratzikistan, the Siberia of Mouse Island. And he ordered *me* to go there to write it! But as you know, dear reader, I HATE TRAVELING!
Geronimo has always been a 'fraidy mouse, and his super-sporty friend Bruce Hyena decides that he needs to help Geronimo learn to keep calm in extreme situations. Bruce puts Geronimo to the test through encounters with scary animals and weather in conditions ranging from the desert to the North Pole. After Bruce's crazy training, a natural weather disaster occurs on Mouse Island. Will Geronimo prove that he truly is a super mouse?
Get Goosebumps with the startling repackage of a bestselling classic. Now with bonus materials! Tough. That's Freddy Martinez and his friend, Cara. They're not afraid of anything. But that was before they went exploring in Freddy's basement. Before they found the secret room. Before they found the bottle of Vampire Breath. Poor Freddy and Cara. They should have never opened that bottle of Vampire Breath. Because now there's a vampire in Freddy's basement. And he's very, very thirsty....
This is the classic story of an otter living in the Devonshire countryside, which captures the feel of life in the wild as seen through the otter's own eyes. 《*塔卡》出版于1927年,讲的是一只年轻的雄性*每天如何在恶犬和恶人的世界里挣扎着寻找食物、伙伴和安全的故事。
No melting allowed! Jaclyn used to live with her aunt Greta in Chicago. But not anymore. They've moved to a place called Sherpia. It's a tiny village on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Jaclyn can't believe she's stuck out in Nowheresville. No movie theaters. No malls. No nothing. Plus, there's something really odd about the village. At night there are strange howling noises. And in front of every house there's a snowman. A creepy snowman with a red scarf. A deep scar on his face. And a really evil smile. . . .
人人皆知的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯帝顿,经营着鼠城畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他博学而睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚。他有一个爱玩的表弟赖皮、一个精力旺盛的妹妹菲、一个聪明的侄儿本杰明,每一次,在家人的“煽动”下杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而且每一次的旅行都将给小读者带来许多有趣的科学文化知识呢。 天啊,这是怎样的一次冒险啊! 杰罗尼摩和家人们前往出发鬼岛找寻遗失的宝藏。 但是,杰罗尼摩真的不喜欢旅行,呆在海中央的船上,对他而言,可不是一件有意思的事情…… 随着各种突发事件的发生,杰罗尼摩开始怀疑自己是不是只是出来找宝藏的…… 故事惊险刺激、扣人心弦又妙趣横生,配上全彩图片,独特的“老鼠语言”,牢牢抓住孩子的眼球!
爸爸送给斯坦利一个招贴板。不幸的是,招贴板夜里从床头掉了下来,把睡梦中的史坦利砸成了个扁片。所幸,史坦利不仅活了下来,还充分利用扁片的新形象:他可以从门缝下溜进房间;还可以给弟弟当风筝;如果想去见见朋友或者想去旅行,直接装进信封里邮寄出去就可以了……史坦利甚至用自己的这副新身板儿帮助艺术博物馆抓到了窃贼。可是,史坦利还能恢复原形吗? Jeff Brown’s beloved stories about the boy who was flattened by a bulletin board so that he could travel by mail, fly like a kite, and capture sneak thieves comes to new life in rebranded and freshly illustrated repackaged editions. This is the story that started it all 45 years ago!
Ah, there's nothing like a relaxing vacation on the beach! I would spread out by the crystal-clear water with a good book. What more could a mouse want? At least, that was the plan. But somehow, my vacations never seem to go according to plan. Instead of a beautiful seaside resort, I found myself in a fleabag hotel that was falling down around my ears! Oh, would I ever be able to relax and enjoy my vacation??
Tommy and his sister Annika have a new neighbor, and her name isPippi Longstocking. She has crazy red pigtails, no parents to tellher what to do, a horse that lives on her porch, and a flair forthe outrageous that seems to lead to one adventure afteranother!
Within Cole Matthews lie anger, rage and hate. Cole has beenstealing and fighting for years. This time he caught Alex Driscalin the, parking lot and smashed his head against the sidewalk. Now,Alex may have permanent brain damage'and Cole is in the Biggesttrouble of his life. Cole is offered Circle Justice: a system based on Native Americantraditions that attempts to provide healing for the criminaloffender, the victim and the, community. With prison as his onlyalternative, Cole plays along. He says he wants to repent, but inhis heart Cole blames his alcoholic mom his, abusive dad, wimpyAlex -- everyone but himself -- for his situation. Cole receives a one-year banishment to a remote Alaskan island.There, he is mauled by Mysterious white bear of Native Americanlegend. Hideously injured, Cole waits for his death His thoughtsshift from from Anger to humility. To survive, he must stop blamingothers and take responsibility for his life. Rescuers arrive tosave Cole's but it is the attack of the S
Laugh your head off with Horrid Henry, Rude Ralph and the restof the Purple Hand Gang as they present a selection of the best,most hilarious, ridiculously ribtickling jokes sent in by HorridHenry fans everywhere.
That's the way things happen at Wayside School. There are 29kids in Mrs. Jewls's class and this book is about all of them.There is Todd, who got in trouble every day ... until he got amagic dog; Paul, whose life was saved by Leslie's pigtails; Ron,who dared to try the cafeteria's Mushroom Surprise and all theothers who help turn a day at Wayside School into one madcapadventure after another. But, after the things that happened inSideways Stories from Wayside School, what would you expect?