It isn't easy being a pioneer in the state of Washington in1899, but it's particularly hard when you are the only girl everborn in the new settlement. With seven older brothers and a love ofadventure, May Amelia Jackson just can't seem to abide her family'sinsistence that she behave like a Proper Young Lady. Not whenthere's fishing to be done, sheep to be herded, and real livemurderers to be captured! May is sure she could manage better ifonly there were at least one other girl living along the banks ofthe Nasel River. And now that Mama's going to have a baby, maybethere's hope.
在一个乌托邦世界里,人们安居乐业,衣食无忧,从无战争或痛苦的感觉。每个人的未来——学习、工作、婚姻、家庭、甚至死亡,都早已被安排好,没有改变的可能,也没有异议。当12岁的乔纳斯被指派担任新的“记忆传授人”,他陡然发现乌托邦背后的谎言与冷漠,并开始逃亡……本书虽无感官刺激,却被公认为能激发阅读兴趣,并能引导孩子思考人生价值,探讨社会形态,以及珍惜拥有的一切。 Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There isno war or fear of pain. There are no choices. Every person isassigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns 12 he is singledout to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver aloneholds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, itis time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turningback.
这是发生在两个懵懂少年之间,因为口舌逞能而酿成朋友之死的生命教育题材的故事。一个夏天,性情莽撞的少年汤尼,拉着朋友乔去野外攀岩,优柔寡断的乔无奈跟随。途中,汤尼一时兴起又要去河里游泳,面对危险的野河,乔起初不肯,但禁不起朋友的言语讥讽赌气下水。两个人互相斗嘴逞能,越走越深,忽然间,汤尼溺水失踪……面对残酷的事实,乔惊恐、逃避、自责,痛苦难当,迟迟不敢说出真相…… Joel dares his best friend, Tony, to a swimming race in adangerous river. Both boys jump in, but when Joel reaches thesandbar, he finds Tony has vanished. How can he face their parentsand the terrible truth?
Whittington is a roughneck Tom who arrives one day at a barnfull of rescued animals and asks for a place there. He spins forthe animals—as well as for Ben and Abby, the kids whose grandfatherdoes the rescuing—a yarn about his ancestor, the nameless cat whobrought Dick Whittington to the heights of wealth and power in16th-century England. This is an unforgettable tale about thehealing, transcendent power of storytelling, and how learning toread saves one little boy.
Winner of a 2016 Newbery Honor, ECHO pushes the boundaries of genre, form, and storytelling innovation. Lost and alone in a forbidden forest, Otto meets three mysterious sisters and suddenly finds himself entwined in a puzzling quest involving a prophecy, a promise, and a harmonica. Decades later, Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy in California each, in turn, become interwoven when the very same harmonica lands in their lives. All the children face daunting challenges: rescuing a father, protecting a brother, holding a family together. And ultimately, pulled by the invisible thread of destiny, their suspenseful solo stories converge in an orchestral crescendo. Richly imagined and masterfully crafted, this impassioned, uplifting, and virtuosic tour de force will resound in your heart long after the last note has been struck."
If there's one thing Georgie Hall has always been, it'sdetermined. So when her stepcousins Eleanor and Eddy tell her that she can'tfly, Georgie doesn't get discouraged -- she just tries harder Shefeels a peculiar lightness when she leaps from the top of thestaircase, and is even more certain of her seemingly impossibleability when she jumps from the porch and soars to the rooftopbefore landing safely on the ground. And now that a mysteriousCanada goose is visiting Georgie's window on a nightly basis, theHall family begins to wonder just what Georgie is capableof....
Eleven-year-old Adam loved to travel throughoutthirteenthcentury England with his father, a wandering minstrel,and his dog, Nick. But when Nick is stolen and his fatherdisappears, Adam suddenly finds himself alone. He searches the sameroads he traveled with his father, meeting various people along theway. But will Adam ever find his father and dog and end hisdesperate search?