In this selection of tales by the master folklorist Andrew Lang, the reader is taken into the romantic world of the gallant Knights of the Round Table and their courageous and chivalrous deeds, fair maidens, castles steeped in history, the quest for the Holy Grail, and the tragic love of King Arthur and Sir Lancelot for Guinevere, and Tristan for Iseult. The Arthurian legends are the most potent of the thrilling and mist-enshrouded tales of adventure to be passed down from pre-recorded history, and they have as much appeal today as they did in the age of the troubadours.
A fascinating adventure story, grounded in American history.As the French and Indian war rages, the two daughters of a Britishofficer prepare to return home. But when, Cora, Alice, and thesoldiers who guard them are betrayed by their Native Americanscout, their safety depends on wily forest tracker Hawkeye and hisfriends Chingachkook and Uncas—the last of the Mohicans. Review Poor Bilbo Baggins! An unassuming and rather plump hobbit (as most of these small, furry-footed people tend to be ), Baggins finds himself unwittingly drawn into adventure by a wizard named Gandalf and 13 dwarves bound for the Lonely Mountain, where a dragon named Smaug hordes a stolen treasure. Before he knows what is happening, Baggins finds himself on the road to danger. Wizards, dwarves and dragons may seem the stuff of children's fairy tales, but The Hobbit is in a class of its own--light-hearted enough for younger readers, yet with a dark edge guaranteed to intrigue an older audience. In the best tradition of the archetypal hero's quest, Bilbo Baggins sets out on his fateful journey a callow, untested soul and returns--tempered by hardship, danger and loss--a better man--er, hobbit. This book is the predecessor to Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, and though that trilogy can be thoroughly enjoyed without first reading The Hobbit, much that happens in the lat
Following Sterling's spectacularly successful launch of itschildren's classic novels (240,000 books in print to date),comes adazzling new series: Classic Starts . The stories areabridged; the quality is complete. Classic Starts treats theworld's beloved tales (and children) with the respect theydeserve--all at an incomparable price. The discovery of a neglected garden transforms the life of a sullenand unloved little girl-and everyone around her, too. When thenewly orphaned Mary Lennox leaves her native India and arrives ather uncle's mansion in Yorkshire, everything seems strange to her.Then Mary hears of a mysterious garden where no one has set foot in10 years. With the help of some new friends, she plans to uncoverits secrets...and make it blossom once again.