关于生活中的水:将带你经历一次关于水的发现之旅!书中的小男孩和他的小狗会带着你一起,乘风破浪,漂浮在满含水滴的云朵上,顺着汹涌的河水奔流直下,流到千家万户,又从下水道中冲出来,直到抵达所有水汇集于此并重新出发的地方——大海。 Mick Manning (born in Yorkshire, England, 1959) and Brita Granstr?m (born in Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1969) work together as a team sharing the illustration and text. They have been producing award-winning non-fiction picture books for almost twenty years. They show that the best non-fiction for children can be scholarly, albeit with a light touch, and can have some of the imagination-stretching qualities of fiction. They are well known for their exciting performances involving readings and live drawing using overhead camera projection (often involving participation from members of the audience) all mixed with an audio-visual presentation. They appear on a regular basi
关于生命的敷衍:是不是太奇怪了,太不可思议了?没错,这就是动物两性之间的奇特差异!《爸爸妈妈》将带你一起去看一看:“他”会做什么来吸引“她”的注意:“她”怎样建造舒适的窝;谁来照顾小宝宝;又有哪些“夫妇”会分担所有工作,一直相伴到老…… Mick Manning (born in Yorkshire, England, 1959) and Brita Granstr?m (born in Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1969) work together as a team sharing the illustration and text. They have been producing award-winning non-fiction picture books for almost twenty years. They show that the best non-fiction for children can be scholarly, albeit with a light touch, and can have some of the imagination-stretching qualities of fiction. They are well known for their exciting performances involving readings and live drawing using overhead camera projection (often involving participation from members of the audience) all mixed with an audio-visual presentation. They appear on
关于废物利用:一个空瓶子会发生什么故事呢?它可能会留在地面上,把小动物困在里面,也可能被辗成锋利的碎片。但如果这个瓶子被放进回收柜,又会怎样呢?如果你有一个空瓶子,看完《瓶子的旅行》后你会拿它来做什么呢? Mick Manning (born in Yorkshire, England, 1959) and Brita Granstr?m (born in Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1969) work together as a team sharing the illustration and text. They have been producing award-winning non-fiction picture books for almost twenty years. They show that the best non-fiction for children can be scholarly, albeit with a light touch, and can have some of the imagination-stretching qualities of fiction. They are well known for their exciting performances involving readings and live drawing using overhead camera projection (often involving participation from members of the audience) all mixed with an audio-visual presentation. They appear on a regular basis at major UK book festival venues