Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列目前共35册,包括 数字与运算 、 量与计量 、 图形与几何 、 探索规律 、 统计与概率 等内容,几乎涵盖了小学阶段所有重要的数学知识。 Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列的每一本书都会讲述一个发生在孩子身边的故事,由故事中出现的问题自然地引入一个数学知识,然后通过运用数学知识解决问题。 孩子在主动参与和积极思考的过程中会慢慢发觉,课本上那些既枯燥又抽象的数学知识竟变得如此容易理解和掌握!更重要的是,孩子能深深感受到运用数学知识去解决实际生活中的问题所带来的快乐,从而激发他们学习数学的兴趣,让他们逐渐爱上数学。 这套数学绘本非常适合亲子共读,在阅读过程中,家长可以带领孩子推测情节的发展,探讨解决难题的办法,让孩子在愉悦的氛围中学到知识和技巧。 每个故事后都会用多样的
Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列目前共35册,包括 数字与运算 、 量与计量 、 图形与几何 、 探索规律 、 统计与概率 等内容,几乎涵盖了小学阶段所有重要的数学知识。 Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列的每一本书都会讲述一个发生在孩子身边的故事,由故事中出现的问题自然地引入一个数学知识,然后通过运用数学知识解决问题。 孩子在主动参与和积极思考的过程中会慢慢发觉,课本上那些既枯燥又抽象的数学知识竟变得如此容易理解和掌握!更重要的是,孩子能深深感受到运用数学知识去解决实际生活中的问题所带来的快乐,从而激发他们学习数学的兴趣,让他们逐渐爱上数学。 这套数学绘本非常适合亲子共读,在阅读过程中,家长可以带领孩子推测情节的发展,探讨解决难题的办法,让孩子在愉悦的氛围中学到知识和技巧。 每个故事后都会用多样的
MathMatters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列目前共42册,包括 数字与运算 、 量与计量 、 图形与几何 、 探索规律 、 统计与概率 等内容,几乎涵盖了小学阶段所有重要的数学知识。 MathMatters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列的每一本书都会讲述一个发生在孩子身边的故事,由故事中出现的问题自然地引入一个数学知识,然后通过运用数学知识解决问题。 孩子在主动参与和积极思考的过程中会慢慢发觉,课本上那些既枯燥又抽象的数学知识竟变得如此容易理解和掌握!更重要的是,孩子能深深感受到运用数学知识去解决实际生活中的问题所带来的快乐,从而激发他们学习数学的兴趣,让他们逐渐爱上数学。 这套数学绘本非常适合亲子共读,在阅读过程中,家长可以带领孩子推测情节的发展,探讨解决难题的办法,让孩子在愉悦的氛围中学到知识和技巧。 每个故事后都会用多样的
Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列目前共35册,包括 数字与运算 、 量与计量 、 图形与几何 、 探索规律 、 统计与概率 等内容,几乎涵盖了小学阶段所有重要的数学知识。 Math Matters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列的每一本书都会讲述一个发生在孩子身边的故事,由故事中出现的问题自然地引入一个数学知识,然后通过运用数学知识解决问题。 孩子在主动参与和积极思考的过程中会慢慢发觉,课本上那些既枯燥又抽象的数学知识竟变得如此容易理解和掌握!更重要的是,孩子能深深感受到运用数学知识去解决实际生活中的问题所带来的快乐,从而激发他们学习数学的兴趣,让他们逐渐爱上数学。 这套数学绘本非常适合亲子共读,在阅读过程中,家长可以带领孩子推测情节的发展,探讨解决难题的办法,让孩子在愉悦的氛围中学到知识和技巧。 每个故事后都会用多样的
Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines! The driver zips upher jumpsuit and squeezes through her racecar window. Engines rev.Tires SCREECH and SQUEAL...and they’re off! Around and around thecars go VVVRRRROMMMMM! Pit stops! CRASHES! POPPED tires! Race tothe finish line...and the checkered flag SNAPS down. Race day roarsinto life in this breathless book.
Exceptional nonfiction for children from two of the most trustednames in science education: Seymour Simon and the SmithsonianInstitution.
The sun shines down on us, giving warmth and light. But didyou know that the sun also makes the seasons? As the earth makesone complete rotation around the sun every year, the seasons on theearth change -- from winter to spring to summer to fall and back towinter again. Find out how the light from the sun affects life onthe earth for all living things in this look at the only star inour solar system.
Steve Jenkins received a Caldecott Honor for What Do You Dowith a Tail Like This? He has written and illustrated AlmostGone and illustrated Bugs Are Insects and WigglingWorms at Work in the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series. Helives in Boulder, Colorado.
The field trip to the planetarium is foiled when the museumturns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The MagicSchool Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a tripzooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond! Withup-to-date facts about the solar system, revised for thisedition. 弗瑞丝小姐班上的学生个个兴高采烈,因为他们要去参观天文馆。谁知竟然休馆!幸好,神奇的老师有办法挽救这一切。样车变成了一艘太空船,直接穿越了大气层,载着弗瑞丝小姐和班上的同学冲向月球和更远的外太空!对弗瑞丝小姐来说,这虽然只是踩上油门踏板一小步,对神奇校车迷来说,却是扩大想像力的一大步——跟随着神奇校车飞入太空,展开前所未有、棒的太阳系探索之旅!
Let's-read-and-find-out about Mars Someday people from Earth may live on Mars. In this century, we will go to the planet to learn more aboutit. It will become our outpost in space -- our space colony.
Book De*ion What was it like to be a passenger on the Mayflower? How manypeople survived the first harsh winter in the New World? How didPilgrim children spend their days? Find out the answers to thesequestions and more in this Magic Tree House Research Guide:Pilgrims. Includes fun facts from Jack and Annie, fantastic photosand illustrations, and a guide to doing further research. About Magic Tree House series Magic Tree House is a book series for young children by Mary PopeOsborne. The series features two children, the bookworm Jack andhis adventurous and imaginative younger sister Annie, who travel tohistorical places using a magic tree house. The magic tree housebelongs to Morgan Le Fay who, in the series, is King Arthur'ssister and a librarian. She uses the magic tree house to gatherbooks from time and space. Jack and Annie travel by opening a book, pointing at a picture ofa place and then wishing that they could go there. The magic treehouse then spins around and magically
Find out all you ever wanted to know about insects when the Cat and company get an up-close view of life as a bug. Kids will learn how insects -- from the spittlebug to the honeybee to the moth -- see, smell, communicate, and pollinate, as well as sometimes pester and amaze and generally make life better for us humans. Catch the bug buzz with the Cat in the Hat and all his friends!
本书用诗歌一般的语言和真实精彩的画面描述了大自然中动物的伪装术以及如何发现这些伪装…… Ten creatures await, camouflaged in artful, full-pagephotographs, while playful poems offer clues about each animal'sidentity and whereabouts. Think you've spotted one? Lift one of tengatefolds to find out. A full page of fascinating informationaccompanies each animal so readers can learn how nature'scamouflage serves hunter and hunted alike. Why do fawns have spotsduring their first year of life? How did killdeer birds get theirname? What makes a crab spider so good at ambushing its prey?
With a little help from the Cat in the Hat, Sally and Dick observe a small miracle in their own backyard—the metamorphosis of an egg into a caterpillar into a chrysalis into a bright new butterfly! Along the way, beginning readers will find out how butterflies see thousands of images at once, drink nectar from flowers, avoid predators, and can be identified by size, shape, and color. Readers will also follow the amazing migration of millions of monarchs.
What was it like to be a gladiator? How many people died in thedestruction of Pompeii? How did Roman children spend their days?Find out the answers to these questions and more in Magic TreeHouse Research Guide: Ancient Rome and Pompeii, This is thenonfiction companion to Vacation Under the Volcano (Magic TreeHouse #13).