两只小老鼠晚上喜欢看月亮。一天早晨,它们忽然想知道月亮白天会去哪里,就决定出发去寻找月亮。找啊找,两个小家伙找到的是一个橙子、一个气球还是一个美妙绝伦的月亮呢? 这本图画书插图精美,色彩鲜艳,两只小老鼠形象可爱;它们的历险故事,紧张兴奋,充满勇于探索的好奇心。适合3-6岁孩子阅读。
Exceptional nonfiction for children from two of the mosttrusted names in science education: Seymour Simon and theSmithsonian Institution.
This Magic Tree House set including the following titles: Night of the Ninjas (Magic Tree House, No. 5) Afternoon on the Amazon (Magic Tree House, No. 6) Sunset of the Sabertooth (Magic Tree House, No. 7) Midnight on the Moon. (Magic Tree House, No. 8)
MY SHELL BOOK helps toddlers identify seven beautiful shellsand objects that kids will love to collect from the beach withsimple text and great photos. Included in the book: ? Conch shell ?Scallop shell ? Screw shell ? Sand dollar ? Nautilus shell ?Starfish ? Triton shell
Learn all about bats with Fly Guy! It's time for a field trip! Fly Guy and Buzz are going into a bat cave to learn all about bats. With straightforward text, humorous asides, and kid-friendly full-bleed photographs throughout, young readers will love learning all about these nocturnal creatures. Award-winning author/illustrator Tedd Arnold really brings nonfiction to life for beginning readers!
Have you ever seen a butterfly in the snow? Probably not. Butterflies can't survive cold weather, so whenwinter comes, many butterflies fly to warmer places. They migrate.Woodchucks don't like cold weather either but they don't migrate;they hibernate. Woodchucks sleep in their dens all winter long.Read and find out how other animals cope with winter's worstweather.
This exciting reader follows the story of the longest and themost demanding elephant migration on the planet. Living at thefurthest corners of the hot and dry Sahara Desert, the very marginsof where elephants can survive, hundreds of these great creaturesmake a dangerous but necessary journey as their main source of foodand water dries up and they must go in search of more. Battling120-degree heat, sandstorms, and fierce thunderstorms, theseamazing animals travel 35 miles a day in a race against time insearch of the bare essentials of life.
Leaping lizards--the Cat and Co. explore the world ofreptiles! The Cat in the Hat travels the globe--in his trusty crocodilecar--to explore the world of reptiles: lizards, snakes, turtles,and crocodilians. Along the way, young readers learn thecharacteristics shared by most reptiles; basic information abouteach group; quirky, fun facts about individual species; and much,much more. Cool creatures featured include komodo dragons,chameleons, geckos, cobras, leatherback turtles, frilled lizards--avirtual Who's Who of the World's Most Remarkable Reptiles. Youngreaders will slither in delight!
The field trip to the planetarium is foiled when the museumturns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The MagicSchool Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a tripzooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond! Withup-to-date facts about the solar system, revised for thisedition. 弗瑞丝小姐班上的学生个个兴高采烈,因为他们要去参观天文馆。谁知竟然休馆!幸好,神奇的老师有办法挽救这一切。样车变成了一艘太空船,直接穿越了大气层,载着弗瑞丝小姐和班上的同学冲向月球和更远的外太空!对弗瑞丝小姐来说,这虽然只是踩上油门踏板一小步,对神奇校车迷来说,却是扩大想像力的一大步——跟随着神奇校车飞入太空,展开前所未有、棒的太阳系探索之旅!
With a little help from the Cat in the Hat, Sally and Dick observe a small miracle in their own backyard—the metamorphosis of an egg into a caterpillar into a chrysalis into a bright new butterfly! Along the way, beginning readers will find out how butterflies see thousands of images at once, drink nectar from flowers, avoid predators, and can be identified by size, shape, and color. Readers will also follow the amazing migration of millions of monarchs.
When Ms. Frizzle drives the Magic School Bus full speed aheadinto the ocean, the class takes a submarine expedition that'sanything but ordinary. With a well-meaning lifeguard in tow, theclass takes a deep breath and learns about hot water vents, coralreefs, plant and animal life on the ocean floor, and more!
Wendy Pfeffer describes the amazing metamorphosis from tiny,jellylike egg, to little fishy tadpole, to great big bullfrog.Holly Keller has created the archetypal frog pond and we see itthrough the seasons as the tadpoles grow legs and lungs andeventually hop onto land: bullfrogs at last.
Sounds are all around us.Clap your hands, snap your fingers:You're making sounds. Read and find out how people and animals usedifferent kinds of sounds to communicate.
What was it like to be a gladiator? How many people died in thedestruction of Pompeii? How did Roman children spend their days?Find out the answers to these questions and more in Magic TreeHouse Research Guide: Ancient Rome and Pompeii, This is thenonfiction companion to Vacation Under the Volcano (Magic TreeHouse #13).
Jack and Annie are on their second mission to find--andinspire--artists to bring happiness to millions. After traveling toNew Orleans, Jack and Annie come head to head with some realghosts, as well as discover the world of jazz when they meet ayoung Louis Armstrong!
Did you know that energy comes from the food you eat? From thesun and wind? From fuel and heat? You get energy every time youeat. You transfer energy to other things every time you playbaseball. In this book, you can find out all the ways you andeveryone on earth need energy to make things happen.
The Ocean City Sharks have to swim 75 laps by the end of theweek, and every day they figure out how many laps are left to go.Swimming and subtraction are all part of the fun!
The Cat in the Hat takes Sally and Dick for a ride through thehuman body where they visit the right and left sides of the brain,meet the Feletons from far off Fadin (when they stand in the sunyou can see through their skin), scuba dive through the bloodsystem, follow food and water through the digestive tract, and awhole lot more!
What was it like to live in the Ice Age and why was the world so cold? Who made the first cave paintings? What ever happened to sabertooth cats and wooly mammoths? Find out the answers to these questions and more in Magic Tree House Research Guide: Sabertooths and the Ice Age, Jack and Annie’s guide to unlocking the mysteries of the Ice Age! This is the nonfiction companion to Sunset of the Sabertooth. “A great place to begin research for a report.”—School Library Journal
Did you ever walk through a wall? Drink a glass of blocks?Have you ever played with a lemonade doll, or put on milk forsocks? This latest addition to the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Scienceseries introduces the youngest readers to an important scienceconcept: the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. Anychild who wants to know why he can't walk through a wall will enjoyKathleen Zoehfeld's simple text and Paul Meisel's playfulillustrations.