凯迪克金奖得主大卫麦考利经典科普绘本,这本充满创意的物理世界入门书自出版以来畅销半个世纪,让看似毫不相关的事物有了绝妙的联系。可爱幽默的猛犸将带领我们进入一个迷人的物理世界,它以诙谐的方式描绘了数百种机械运转的原理,展现了物理源于生活的发展历程,从简单的起重机到高科技的网络,尽数囊括其中,文字简单易懂,语言风趣幽默,即使不具备任何科学常识的读者,也能对复杂的物理世界恍然大悟,是激发青少年物理热情的典藏。 What really makes the things around us tick? Did you know that the principle behind the zip fastener also governed the building of the pyramids? Or that the dentist's drill is a direct descendant of the first windmill? The inner workings of hundreds of machines and devices are explained in this fun, colourful and unique look at technology through time.
The 11th book in the ology series. Includes practical instructions so readers can perform an array of impressive tricks. Packed full of novelty items.
Christmas in Camelot It begins with a simple invitation to spend Christmas Eve inCamelot, a magical place that exists only in myth and fantasy. WhatJack and Annie don’t know is that the invitation will send them ona quest to save Camelot itself — not from destruction, but frombeing forgotten forever. Haunted Castle on Hallow’s Eve The castle looms dark against the light of the moon. Giant ravenscircle in the sky. Merlin the magician needs someone to find outwhat has happened. But who is brave enough to brush the cobwebsaside and go through the heavy doors? Merlin thinks he knows theanswer to these questions–Jack and Annie. Summer of the Sea Serpent Jack and Annie are off on another mythical mission at the requestof Merlin the magician. Luckily, they have a young sorcerer, Teddy,to help them. From underwater caves to a Spider Queen, frommystical selkies to a magical sword, this is a Magic Tree Houseadventure kids won’t want to miss! Wint