Research shows that some of the most effective words studentscan learn are academic vocabulary. Knowing these words boostsstudents' ability to understand and complete classroom work,homework assignments, standardized tests, and more. Each of these18 ready-to-reproduce, 4-page lessons gives students multipleencounters with the new words to help kids really remember them.Also includes writing prompts and engaging activities.
Clifford PhonicsFun系列-- 1. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack1 2. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics第二级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack2 3. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics第三级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack3 4. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics第四级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack4 5. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics第五级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack5 6. 大红狗趣味英语Phonics第六级(12本书+CD)Clifford Phonics Fun Pack6 A new Clifford Phonics Program! The fifth of six boxed sets,each containing twelve books that will guide children through acarefully selected progression of letters and sounds. This boxed set of 12 books shows Clifford, friends, and family invarious adventures that reinforce Clifford's values of caring,sharing, and being together. Each book points out the letters andsounds being focused upon, along with "words to learn" and "wordsto so
What could make a better present than a Beginner Book writtenby Dr. Seuss? Six of them—for less than the price of two! We'vetaken the complete text and art of Great Day for Up! (illustratedby Quentin Blake); I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! (illustrated byJames Stevenson); I Wish That I Had Duck Feet (illustrated by T.Tobey); Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet!(illustrated by Michael Smollin); Wacky Wednesday (illustrated byGeorge Booth); and Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog? (illustratedbyRoy McKie) and bound them together in one sturdy hardcover omnibus.A perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readersappetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.
With his signature style of photographic artwork, Walter Wick takes picture puzzles to a new level with CAN YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? Twelve tantalizing photographs are filled with fascinating objects, while rhyming text challenges readers with lists of items to seek and find. The text on each spread ends with a twist. Readers must go back and solve brain-teasing puzzles: follow an alphabet maze, identify parts needed to build a robot, discover objects in a mirror image that doesn't quite reflect what's really there! This book will provide hours of fun to puzzle-lovers of all ages!
朵拉的探险世界里,有着开阔视觉空间感的训练、提高口语表达的良方、加强逻辑数字感和肢体运动感的途径、提高音乐听觉的及交往的技巧等等,在童趣的、贴近孩子视觉的启蒙系统里,朵拉带来的不仅仅是狭义的知识面,更是广义的启蒙,让孩子全面地、由认知至身体智能开发的趣味系统。 在本系列12个故事中,我们一边跟随朵拉探险,一边欢乐的学习英语英标中的基础发音。
Clifford Phonics Fun系列-- 1. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #1 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装1(含CD) 2. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #2 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装2(含CD) 3. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #3 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装3(含CD) 4. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #4 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装4(含CD) 5. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #5 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装5(含CD) 6. Clifford's Phonics Fun Box Set #6 (w/CD) 大红狗自然拼读法系列套装6(含CD)
学乐自然拼读套装共分四个层次,帮助孩子辨识单词,为以后的英语阅读打下扎实的基础。其中A级适合学习英语阅读的初级者,每盒内包括20本难度递增的读本。家长或老师可以按照顺序或小朋友的实际情况选择阅读次序。 重点学习内容:声母;语标;短元音;辅音-元音-辅音结构单词;认识字母和字母发音;联系图片学词汇;在辨识元辅音、词族及其发音方面建立基础。
A colorful, engaging, FUN language arts workbook thats gives first-graders practice with reading and writing sight (high-frequency) words. Based on Scholastic Magazines successful "100 Words" product line, this exciting new series of language arts workbooks focuses on the 100 sight words first-graders need to read. Colorful art and photographs illustrate the 256 pages of lively activities, including practice pages, word games, and puzzles. Six cut-and-fold mini-books encourage children to try out their sight-word skills--by reading! Includes a poster and stickers for more educational fun!
Each book focuses on a different letter of the alphabet withactivities to do at home to reinforce what your child has justlearned. Comes with stickers and a parent guide.
Encourages children to find out about themselves, while havingfun writing and drawing their own biographies.