Oxford First Picture Dictionary是一本有趣的图解词典,主要引导4岁及以上的孩子练习阅读、写作及查找单词的技能。全书按字母顺序编排,收录了超过500个英文单词,且每个单词均配有插图和实用的短语,让孩子加深对单词的理解及印象。字典后面附录的主题词汇部分涵盖日历、太空、童话故事、教室等内容,非常适合初学英文的小朋友使用。
This colourful, easg-to-use introduction to over 1,300 words for goung chitdren will helpdevelop key vocabulary skiills.Over 1,300 everuadau words definedA colourful illustration accompanies each headwordA-Z guide on each page helps childrenfind words quicklySample sentences help explain meaning and usagePart of speech is given for each headwordSpecial themed pages provide extra word helpWritten bg Bettg Root.