Geronimo stilton is the editor of the rodent gazette, the most famous paper on mouse island. In his free time he loves to tell fun, happy stories. In this adventure, geronimo has to face his worst enemies, the pirate cats, who have discovered a way to travel back in time and change history.
Whether it's nap time in a bread pan, or a short walk througha warm pizza, go with Garfield the cat as he eats his way throughthree collections of fun.
Geronimo isn’t the only world-famous adventuring journalist from New Mouse City; introducing his fabulous sister, Thea! The Thea Sisters are five fun, lively students at Ratford College on Whale Island, who want to be real, live journalists just like their hero, Thea Stilton. Between classes and friendships, love and small fits of jealousy, they’re finding college life is really exciting! In “The Secret of Whale Island,” it’s the start of the new school year and the students have arrived at Ratford College. Every year at this time, the whales move off the coast of Whale Island, but this time, a savage killer whale threatens the peace.
GARFIELD’S GOT TALENT The famous fat cat with the awesome appetite sings for his supper,dances for his dessert, and acts for his snacks in this all-newcollection of hilarious daily and Sunday comics. On with theshow!
The latest collection of Garfield cartoons - published inBallantine's new oversized, splashy, full-colour format - andfeaturing special flip animation inside. Garfield is America's mostpopular comic strip with 220 million readers and syndicated in morethan 2,600 newspapers worldwide. Garfield books have sold more than130 million copies and thirty-three titles have hit the New YorkTimes bestseller list. The official website, www.garfield.comattracts more than one million visitors per month. Since June 19th,1978, Garfield has delighted millions of fans with his agelesshumour. In full-colour and a new larger, oversize design, GarfieldGets Cookin' is the latest publication that is sure to become a fanfavourite.
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. Best-selling author-illustrator Dav Pilkey presents an outrageously funny new adventure in this latest installment of the enormously popular Captain Underpants series, with over ten million books in print. In this hilarious epic novel, the amazing Captain Underpants faces the wickedest, wildest, wedgiest villain yet! George and Harold have really done it this time, they've created a MONSTER! She's faster, stronger, and smarter than anything the world has seen before-she's Wedgie Woman! With the help of her horrible robots and her horrible hairdo, Wedgie Woman is on a mission to take over the world, and she'll give a whopping wedgie to anyone who stands in her way-including Captain Underpants. Will Wedgie Woman's wicked ways spell the end for our heroes? You'
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. Fans of Dav Pilkey1s Captain Underpants series will have tons o1 fun with this activity book featuring George, Harold, Captain Underpants and the bad guys from the first four books. Readers can test their knowledge with puzzles, games, cool comics, drawing tips, trivia, and more! They can also create their own comic strips, just like Dav Pilkey does. And of course there are plenty of cheesy jokes, guaranteeing lots-o-laffs!
Emily is . . . 1. A mad scientist 2. A cat lover 3. A mural painter 4. A golem builder 5. A virtuo-spastic guitarist 6. A wicked skater 7. A wily troublemaker 8. A poltergeist tamer 9. A mystery solver 10. A master prankster 11. An eXtreme procrastinator 12. A happy loner 13. A unique individual . . . and now there are two of her.
Jim Davis compiles full color comic strips featuring therotund feline.
When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, postapocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn't the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human history forever, they'll have to figure out a way to CHANGE IT BACK.
TO EAT, OR NOT TO EAT? That's a stupid question! The fat cat was born to binge, and whilesome might call it gluttony, Garfield prefers to think of it aseating proactively. Besides, someone needs to keep the surplusdonut population under control. In this latest collection ofcomics, the heavyweight of humor tips the scales with a veritablemetric ton of laughs.
You just can't keep a good cat down. And with Garfield you'dneed muscles to do it, anyway. This is the frisky feline's tenthcollection and is full of the antics and acrobatics you know andlove him for. As a bonus it also features an inteview with JimDavis about how he became a cartoonist!
The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth Accordions rule, and so—finally—does Jon Arbuckle! It’s revenge of the nerds when Jon grabs Garfield’s traditionallead role and takes center stage with a delightfully dorky new bookof his own. Through classic comics, blog entries, and a wealth of other wackynew material, experience Jon’s dating disasters, phone call fauxpas, wardrobe malfunctions, and mirthful mishaps—and cheer the geekwith a heart of gold as he finally finds true love with Liz, theveterinarian. (Who’d have thunk it?) So, rejoice, Jon fans, and enjoy the fun. The moment of goof has arrived!
With more than 38 million copies in print, Dav Pilkey's Captain Underpants books are among the bestselling children's series of all time! Now readers of all ages can enjoy a deluxe boxed collection of Books 5-8, featuring the tighty-whitey-wearing superhero who fights for Truth, Justice, and all that is Pre-Shrunk and Cottony! This set is encased in a book-shaped box with a groovy glow-in-the-dark cover and a super-cool, exclusive inflatable Captain Underpants figure!
Garfield, the cat with an ego as big as his appetite (andproud of it!), wants you to pump up your self-image and startacting like the superior person you are! In The Me Book, Garfield covers all aspects of superiority, frombasic self-confidence to world domination, including tips on howto: -- Accept the admiration of others -- Whip a flabby ego into shape -- Dress to impress -- Claw your way up the corporate ladder -- Condescend to just about everybody These and other invaluable tips will soon have you saying likeGarfield, "I've gotta be me, I'm too good to be anyone else!"