Nancy's mom says Nancy has too many tutus! But what happens when her class hosts a swap-and-shop and Nancy finds the perfect tutu?
Fresh from the funny papers, here is Garfield, all-aroundjokester. In this hilarious book, you'll find jokes of all shapes,species, and sizes. There are jokes about food and eating, otherpets, Garfield and his pals, and knock-knocks, of course. So getready to laugh out loud at humor told the Garfield way.
When a strange fly bites one of the Smurfs, a full-on epidemicdevelops in the Smurf Village! After being bit, a Smurf turnspurple and his vocabulary is reduced to one single word: “gnap!”The purple Smurf runs around the Smurf Village biting other Smurfson the tail, causing them to turn purple and act crazy too! Soonenough, there are more purple Smurfs than blue Smurfs in thevillage. It’s up to Papa Smurf to find a cure and save the SmurfVillage before all of the Smurfs lose their minds for good!
In Victoria Kann’s ninth Pinkalicious I Can Read book, Pinkalicious: Puptastic!, Pinkalicious is expecting to have a pinkatastic weekend puppy-sitting. She’s sure she’ll have all kinds of fun with Pinky, the visiting poodle. But Pinky is shy and doesn’t want to play. Pinkalicious gets creative and coaxes the poodle into having a fabulous time. It is the mission of the I Can Read program to create lifelong readers. Part of encouraging a love of reading in a child is finding engaging books at the right reading level. Pinkalicious: Puptastic! is a Level One I Can Read book. That means it has short sentences, perfect for kids who are eager to read on their own. Full-color illustrations up the humor of Pinkalicious’s adventures.
Book De*ion The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. It's a bird! It's a plane! No, wait a's Captain Underpants! Back for another adventure, this Wedgie-Powered-cottony-hero has to outwit the alien threesome — Zorx, Klax, and Jennifer — who are up to no good. They've turned all of the students at the Jerome Horwitz Elementary School into zombie nerds, and try to take over the world by posing as chili-making cafeteria ladies! But who else can possibly help Captain Underpants stop all of the hullabaloo? George and Harold, two fun-loving troublemakers, that's who! With black-and-white cartoons. Hooray for Captain Underpants! Everybody's favorite waistband warrior is back, ready to fight for Truth, Justice, and all that is Pre-Shrunk and Cottony. If you
出版社: Scholastic Trade (2014年8月26日) 丛书名: Captain Underpants 精装: 220页 读者对象: 8 - 12 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 1.3 x 14.6 x 21.6 cm 商品重量: 544 g
Virtually all of the Smurfs are smitten with the Smurfette,which causes their zany methods of trying to win her affections tokeep growing in outrageousness. From building statues to bakingcakes and even dressing up like the Smurfette in order to betterunderstand her, the Smurfs are in a frenzy competing for the loveof the Smurfette. Will this madness ever die down?
Moldy mozzarella, it was every mouse's worst nightmare! My old friend Creepella von Cacklefur called me one night and ordered me to join her for the weekend at her family's spooky castle. And before I could say "boo!" she'd mouse-napped me! Now I was stuck in the gloomiest, eeriest castle I'd ever seen. Even worse, I was surrounded by Creepella's creepy family! Oh, would I ever escape back to my safe, cozy mouse hole in New Mouse City?
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. Fans of Dav Pilkey1s Captain Underpants series will have tons o1 fun with this activity book featuring George, Harold, Captain Underpants and the bad guys from the first four books. Readers can test their knowledge with puzzles, games, cool comics, drawing tips, trivia, and more! They can also create their own comic strips, just like Dav Pilkey does. And of course there are plenty of cheesy jokes, guaranteeing lots-o-laffs!
For the first time in the Papercutz Smurfs graphic novels, theone and only Smurfette makes her dramatic debut! Here’s theoriginal comics story that introduced her to the world. Where shecomes from and how she first appeared may surprise her many fans!What sinister role did the wicked Gargamel play in her arrival? Andhow did Papa Smurf get involved in a way that would changeSmurfette forever? This is the story Smurf-fans have been waitingfor!
This series starts offf where the last series ends, and there's a recap at the start. George and Harold had doubled themselves and are now called Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold. The teachers are still at the insane asylum wearing their underpants. But this time Mr Meaner, the PE teacher, drinks a special potion of smart juice that makes him supersmart, and the silly antics start all over again The graphics are juvenile but the text is written in font so that the story is easy to read. It's a fast-paced story with lots of twists and giggles. It may be a bit rude for parents and teachers, but this is written from a child's perspective. 出版社: Scholastic Trade (2015年8月25日) 丛书名: Captain Underpants 精装: 205页 读者对象: 8 - 12 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸: 14.2 x 1.5 x 21.1 cm
Norm is just plain normal—until he finds himself in a new school, where all his classmates are monsters! Suddenly Norm isn't normal anymore!
When one of the Smurfs wants to travel to outer space, he triesto build a rocketship, but it fails to get off the ground and hegrows depressed. Papa Smurf and the other Smurfs make a plan inorder to cheer him up: putting him to sleep and waking him up in anelaborately staged "planet" filled by other Smurfs pretending to bealiens!
Book De*ion Dav Pilkey's newest epic novel finds George, Harold, and everyone's favorite superhero in the stickiest situation yet. This time, the boys' latest prank has snotty school brainiac Melvin Sneedley in a stink. And when Melvin tries to transform himself into a bionic-powered superboy, things go from bad to boogers, literally, and the Bionic Booger Boy is born! With fun Flip-O-Rama and loads of laffs, here's another excellent adventure that will leave Captain Underpants fans begging for more. The sixth "epic novel" in Dav Pilkey's hugely popular series explains the awful truth about Captain Underpants (he is really the school principal), details "the night of the nasty nostril nuggets," offers up "the unnecessarily disgusting chapter," and even explains how "you can't have your cape and Edith, too." George and Harold are "C" students (and bad spellers), but they are very good at "saving the entire planet from the nasty forces of unrelenting evil" and also at
This graphic novel presents the first comics in which the Smurfsever appeared! In Medieval times, a court jester named Peeweet wholives in a King’s castle discovers a flute that makes those wholisten to it dance until they collapse from exhaustion. When athief steals the flute, Peeweet must search out the makers of theflute, the Smurfs, to make an even more powerful flute to combatthe thief in this wildly funny tale that introduced the Smurfs tomillions.
When Papa Smurf tries to make a new fertilizer for the crops,it transforms an ordinary flower into a dangerous "smurfivoreplant." When two Smurfs try to get rid of the fertilizer by dumpingit outside the Smurf village, a bird swallows it and becomes a hugemonster; the Howlibird! Now, the Smurfs must figure out how todefeat the monster and save their village.
The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. Best-selling author-illustrator Dav Pilkey presents an outrageously funny new adventure in this latest installment of the enormously popular Captain Underpants series, with over ten million books in print. In this hilarious epic novel, the amazing Captain Underpants faces the wickedest, wildest, wedgiest villain yet! George and Harold have really done it this time, they've created a MONSTER! She's faster, stronger, and smarter than anything the world has seen before-she's Wedgie Woman! With the help of her horrible robots and her horrible hairdo, Wedgie Woman is on a mission to take over the world, and she'll give a whopping wedgie to anyone who stands in her way-including Captain Underpants. Will Wedgie Woman's wicked ways spell the end for our heroes? You'
出版社 : Scholastic Trade(2012 年 8 月 28 日 ) 丛书名 : Captain Underpants 精装 : 290 页 读者对象 : 7 - 10 岁 语种: 英语 商品尺寸 : 1.9 x 14.6 x 21.6cm 商品重量 : 544 g
Book De*ion The Captain Underpants series, by Dav Pilkey, is a series of American children's books about two 4th graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, and the aptly-named superhero they accidentally created, who is their principal, Mr. Benny Krupp. Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets is a children's book by Dav Pilkey, the second in the series of books with "Captain Underpants" in the titles. Harold and George run into trouble when they use the school brain's science project to print copies of their latest Captain Underpants adventure — they accidentally unleash an invasion of Talking Toilets! The boys have to hypnotize Principal Krupp again so that, as Captain Underpants, he can battle the menace. But will it be enough? From Publishers Weekly In this worthy sequel to The Adventures of Captain Underpants, Pilkey maintains the original's satiric, self-referential formula as he revisits fourth-grade pranksters Harold and George, along with thei
When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, postapocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn't the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijinks prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human history forever, they'll have to figure out a way to CHANGE IT BACK.