Eight-time Eisner Award winner Baker pens this adaptation of the madcap sequel to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." Featuring the curious Alice and such unforgettable characters as Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Lion and the Unicorn, and Humpty-Dumpty, all the inspired lunacy of Lewis Carroll's classic book comes alive.
It's feudal Japan of the first Tokugawa. dynasty, and the Pirate Cats are trying to be assigned a specific fiefdom by the emperor. Why? You'll have to read this tale to find out - it will be a legendary romp, with Geronimo Stilton unwittingly becoming a legendary swordsman, Trap showing off his legendary appetite, and Thea Stilton accidentally inventing Kabuki theatre! A rattastic tale of honour, acrobatics, and ...cars?
What begins as a relaxing vacation turns into a time-travelingadventure, where Geronimo Stilton must travel to Khanbalik, or "TheCity of Khan" (modern day Beijing) in 13th Century China where heencounters Kublai Khan and Marco Polo. This time, Geronimo andfriends must stop the Pirate Cats from corrupting Marco Polo'sfamous book "The Travels of Marco Polo," and changing historyforever
When Geronimo Stilton finds out that the Pirate Cats are goingback in time to Venice in the year 1517, he knows they must beafter one thing: The Mona Lisa! Geronimo and friends must travel toRenaissance Italy to stop the Pirate Cats from stealing the MonaLisa and taking credit for what is arguably the world’s most famouspainting. But the Pirate Cats have an ace up their sleeve: someonein Geronimo’s crew is an imposter!
CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS returns! When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they had been turned into evil zombie nerds doomed to roam a devastated, post-apocalyptic planet for all eternity. But why, you might ask, didn't the amazing Captain Underpants save the boys from this frightening fate? Because Tippy Tinkletrousers and his time-traveling hijins prevented George and Harold from creating Captain Underpants in the first place! Now, having changed the course of human histor forever, they'll have to figure out a way to CHANGE IT BACK Could this be the end for Captain Underpants. 这是关于这两个可爱的傻小孩乔治和哈罗德以及他们学校的校长克虏伯先生(又名:内裤超人)去奇怪地方冒险,惩戒恶人拯救世界的故事。在这本书中他们经历了时间旅行,穿越到了恐龙时代,在那里他们疯狂地改变着历史的进程。哈罗德和乔治用紫色的便盆喷射回到65000000年前拯救他们的翼龙宠物。洞穴漫画和即兴
"The Raven, Annabel Lee, Eldorado, The Sleeper, The HauntedPalace, The City in the Sea." These are some of the world's mostfascinating, best-loved poems. Edgar Allan Poe'sverses--masterpieces of mystery, horror, melancholy, and hauntingmelody--grip the imagination and fuel the emotions. World-famousNew Yorker and Playboy cartoonist Gahan Wilson, whose work findsthe eerie in the most common of situations, brings the perfect,surreal touch to Poe's elegantly dark poems.
The popular children's story appears in graphic novel form forthe first time in the U.S., with stories never seen in America.This time, Geronimo Stilton and friends must travel back in time toAncient Egypt The Pirate cats, jealous that the face of a man wasplaced on the body of the Sphinx, are determined to coerce thePharaoh into changing the face of this monument. It's up toGeronimo and co. to travel back in time and stop the Pirate Catsbefore it's too late.
THERE'S MORE OF GARFIELD TO LOVE! In his nifty new collection, GARFIELD contemplates the advantagesof growing older--and fatter! Whether he's settling in for acatatonic evening of TV viewing, testing the first law of physicson his back, or just hunting burgers in the kitchen, GARFIELD issure to go light on the action and heavy on the laughs. So grab aseat and get ready for TONS OF FUN as GARFIELD treats us to anotherheaping helping of humor!
GARFIELD, the world's favorite feline, marks 15 years oflaughs and lunches with this special silver volume, the 25th in hisseries of side-splitting comic compilations! After 15 years offunnies, GARFIELD's earned some extra sleep. But he'll still moveall his muscles for meals and mayhem! Whether he's hogging Jon'schair or hog-tieing Odie, GARFIELD shows us how to grow olddisgracefully.
Emily's uniquely strange homeschool syllabus includes . . . 1.Time Travel 101 2. Advanced Spy Photography 3. Bonnet Basics 4.Great-Aunts Through the Ages 5. Intro to Germ Theory 6. Care andFeeding of 'Squito Fish 7. Fundamentals of Black Rock 8. SpiderwebEmbroidery 9. Historical Contemporary Felines 10. Pop Quizzes11. Foodstuffs of the 1790s 12. Thwarting Ancestral Enemies 13.Techniques in Parallel Universe Management
Geronimo stilton is the editor of the rodent gazette, the most famous paper on mouse island. In his free time he loves to tell fun, happy stories. In this adventure, geronimo has to face his worst enemies, the pirate cats, who have discovered a way to travel back in time and change history.
Raina just wants to be a normal sixth grader. But one night after Girl Scouts she trips and falls, severely injuring her two front teeth, and what follows is a long and frustrating journey with on-again, off-again braces, surgery, embarrassing headgear, and even a retainer with fake teeth attached. And on top of all that, there's still more to deal with: a major earthquake, boy confusion, and friends who turn out to be not so friendly. This coming-of-age true story is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever been in middle school, and especially those who have ever had a bit of their own dental drama.
In her first adventure, Emily arrives in the small, sinistertown of Blackrock. Armed only with a blank notebook and aslingshot, she has no memory of how she got there or who she is.Lavishly illustrated with black-and-red art.