If laughter is what you're after, you'll love this masterpieceof mirth. Garfield's tenth collection of hilarious Sunday comics showcasesthe feisty fat cat in all his glory--and gluttony!
Wonder, merriment, and orneriness abound in this collectionfull of Watterson's superior artwork and keen ability to depict theinner hopes, joys, fears, and devilishness of the ever-enterprisingCalvin and his sidekick, Hobbes.
Book De*ion Whether he's trolling the high seas for treasure or blasting offfor the moon, young reporter-sleuth Tintin and his faithful dog,Snowy, have delighted readers everywhere for generations with theirtimeless adventures. The Adventures of Tintin The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin) is aseries of Belgian comic books created by Belgian artist Hergé, thepen name of Georges Remi (1907–1983). The series first appeared inFrench in a children's supplement to the Belgian newspaper LeVingtième Siècle on January 10, 1929. Set in a painstakinglyresearched world closely mirroring our own, The Adventures ofTintin presents a number of characters in distinctive settings. Theseries has continued as a favorite of readers and critics alike forover 70 years. The hero of the series is the eponymous character, Tintin, a youngBelgian reporter and traveler. He is aided in his adventures fromthe beginning by his faithful dog Snowy (Milou in French). Later,popular additions to the cast included Ca
Whether it's nap time in a bread pan, or a short walk througha warm pizza, go with Garfield the cat as he eats his way throughthree collections of fun.
GARFIELD’S GOT TALENT The famous fat cat with the awesome appetite sings for his supper,dances for his dessert, and acts for his snacks in this all-newcollection of hilarious daily and Sunday comics. On with theshow!
When cartoonist Bill Watterson announced that his phenomenallypopular cartoon strip would be discontinued on the last day of1995, Calvin and Hobbes fans throughout the world went intomourning. Fans have learned to survive - despite the absence of theboy and his tiger in the daily newspaper. Now, like the wave of asweet memory; comes one last chance to experience Calvin andHobbes, in its final collection. Like the thirteen extraordinarilysuccessful Watterson books that came before it, this volumepromises to deliver all the satisfaction of visiting its charactersonce more. Calvin fans will be able to see their favorite mischiefmaker stir it up with his furry friend, long-suffering parents,classmate Susie Derkins, school teacher Miss Wormwood, and Rosalynthe baby-sitter. This collection, including full-color Sundays, hasit all: Calvin-turned-firefly waking Hobbes with his flashlightglow; courageous Spaceman Spiff rocketing through alien galaxies ashe battles Dad-turned-Bug-Being; and Calvin's always inspi
The latest collection of Garfield cartoons - published inBallantine's new oversized, splashy, full-colour format - andfeaturing special flip animation inside. Garfield is America's mostpopular comic strip with 220 million readers and syndicated in morethan 2,600 newspapers worldwide. Garfield books have sold more than130 million copies and thirty-three titles have hit the New YorkTimes bestseller list. The official website, www.garfield.comattracts more than one million visitors per month. Since June 19th,1978, Garfield has delighted millions of fans with his agelesshumour. In full-colour and a new larger, oversize design, GarfieldGets Cookin' is the latest publication that is sure to become a fanfavourite.
Zounds! Spaceman Spiff, Stupendous Man, the ferocious tigerHobbes, and the rest of Calvin's riotous imagination are allincluded in The Days Are Just Packed. Calvin, the irrepressiblepint-sized tyrant, is always bursting with energy. And the newvolume's oversized 12-by-9 inch format provides Calvin's outrageousfantasies room to explode. Nowhere does the spiky-haired miscreantstretch out more than in the Sunday paper. And dozens of Sundaystrips are lavishly reproduced in color for The Days Are JustPacked, along with Calvin's always amusing weekday adventures. Ineight years, Calvin and Hobbes has conquered the syndicated cartoonworld. Bill Watterson's work appears in more than 2,200 newspapersworldwide and is consistently voted "favorite comic" in reader'spolls. All seven Calvin and Hobbes collections have sold over onemillion copies within a year of publication. With the advent of itsexciting new size, The Days Are Just Packed has topped thebestseller lists even quicker than Calvin lands in the principal'soffi
In just over five years of syndication, Calvin and Hobbes hasbecome an American comic strip sensation - touching the hearts (andfunny bones) of the millions who read the award-winning strip. Onelook at the new Calvin and Hobbes collection and it is immediatelyevident that Bill Watterson's imagination, wit, and sense ofadventure continue to be unmatched. In this collection, comprisedof cartoons never before published in book form, Calvin and histiger-striped sidekick Hobbes are hilarious whether the two aresimply lounging around philosophizing about the future of mankindor plotting their latest money-making scheme. Chock-full of thefamiliar adventures of Spaceman Spiff, the latest findings of Dad'spopularity poll, and time travel to the Jurrassic Age, ScientificProgress Goes "Boink" is guaranteed to set scientific inquiry backan ean - and advance the reading pleasure of all Calvin and Hobbesfans.
In the world that Calvin and his tiger Hobbes share, treasurescan be found in the most unlikely places, from the outer regionswhere Spaceman spiff travels to the rocks in the backyard - thiscurious duo roams their world in search of fortunes (andmisfortunes!) to be experienced. Whether Calvin and Hobbes areblasting off on another interplanetary adventure or approachingwarp speed on a downhill wagon ride, their capers are reparteeconsistantly charm and refresh their readers' days. On his own,Calvin is prey to the insidious killer bicycle, is the arbiter ofthe dad poll, is the creator of a legion of snowmen who provide anincisive social commentary, and Hobbes is always there as theperfect companion. Watterson's talen is evidenced by the range ofthought provoking emotions the strip encompasses in addition to thelaughs it induces: the loyalty and friendship between Calvin andHobbes, the challenge of being a patient parents, and the sardonicviewpoint of a cynical six-year-old ("I'm a 21st-century kidtrapped
Whether he's trolling the high seas for treasure or blasting off for the moon, young reporter-sleuth Tintin and his faith-ful dog, Snowy, have delighted readers everywhere for generations with their timeless adventures. Join Tintin and Snowy as they tackle the toughest myster-ies around the world in The Broken Ear, The B/ack /s/and, and King Ottokar's Sceptre.
It's bedtime in the Star Wars galaxy and Darth Vader's parenting skills are tested anew in this delightful follow-up to the breakout New York Times bestsellers Darth Vader and Son and Vader's Little Princess. In this Episode, the Sith Lord must soothe his rambunctious twins, Luke and Leia, who are not ready to sleep and who insist on a story. As Vader reads, the book looks in on favourite creatures, droids and characters, such as Yoda, R2-D2, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Darth Maul, Admiral Ackbar, Boba Fett and many others as they tuck in, yawn and settle down to dream. As ever, Jeffrey Brown's charming illustrations and humour glow throughout, playing on children's book conventions to enchant adults and kids alike.