Anger is a scary emotion for young children, their parents, and caregivers. As this little bunny experiences the things that make her angry, she also learns ways to deal with her anger--ways that won't hurt others.
A bear cub describes situations that make her jealous: when someone has something she wants, when someone is good at something she wants to be good at, and when someone else gets all the attention.
Readers will recognize similiar experiences in their own lives as this little guinea pig describes feeling sad when someone is cross or when something bad happens. Eventually our heroine realizes that feeling sad doesn't last forever.
A book that celebrates the joys of bedtime!There are so manythings to love at bedtime: playing, reading, talking, and dreaming!THINGS I LOVE ABOUT BEDTIME is a board book that celebrates thejoys of the bedtime process. From taking a bath to brushing teethto putting on pajamas to reading books in bed, follow one happylittle bunny through an adorably illustrated, classic bedtimeroutine that puts the "sweet" in "sweet dreams."
There are so many things to love about friends.Sharingideas, interests, feelings and fun times - and learning how to be agood friend.'The Things I Love' series celebrates the everydaysituations that form the basis of our children's experiences.Spending time with your children, giving them love and care, helpsthem tocelebrate who they are, building resilience and self-esteem.In Notes for Parents and Caregivers at the back of the book, somehelpful insights are shared.
Children often feel afraid. This book, with its comforting words and illustrations, will help children address those fears and learn some new ways to cope with being afraid.
这是一套合辑,包括一本“高效能”图书和一本与其相配套的练习册。练习册中的内容与图书相呼应,帮助孩子复习学到的知识,重复记忆能够增强孩子对书本内容的理解。 本书是一个密集的训练计划,在美国青少年中*影响力,它直接影响着美国青少年的素质。 书中充满聪明的点子、伟大的格言和令人惊异的人生经验,对于年轻人来说,这是一本不可或缺的好书;对于青少年的父母、老师以及足以影响青少年的任何一位成年人来说,本书也是读物。 习惯成就性格,性格决定命运。青少年时期短短几年,可以在叛逆中虚度光阴,也可以在习惯养成中成就未来。肖恩?柯维以亲身经历,通过幽默风趣的文章,与青少年进行交流,通过生动的故事和漫画,帮助青少年突破“一般”的界限,从而出类拔萃。本书自2003年出版以来,以其轻松幽默的文笔、丰富多
Young children often experience anxiety when they are separated from their mothers or fathers. This newest title in “The Way I Feel” series features a young guinea pig who expresses her distress when her mother and father go away. “Missing you is a heavy, achy feeling. I don?t like missing you. I want you right now ” Eventually the little guinea pig realizes that sometimes she and her parents can?t be together. When that happens she knows that others can help. “They can snuggle with me or we can play. It helps me to be warm and close to someone. They remind me that you?ll be back.”
In this simple book, the author begins by helping children see that when they are sick, hurt, or unhappy, others care about them. Children can then begin to see that others need to be cared about as well.
This book offers children positive and upbeat examples about being themselves. The author portrays a very young guinea pig and friends feeling good about themselves through common situations readers will relate to.