雷诺阿是法国画家,初与印象画派运动联系密切。他的早期作品是典型的记录真实生活的印象派作品,充满了夺目的光彩。然而到了(18世纪)80年代中期,他从印象派运动中分裂出来,转向在人像画及肖像画,特别是妇女肖像画中去发挥自己更加严谨和正规的绘画技法。 在所有印象派画家中,雷诺阿也许是受欢迎的一位,因为他所画的都是漂亮的儿童,花朵,美丽的景色,特别是可爱的女人。这些都会立刻把人吸引住。雷诺阿把从他们那里所得到的赏心悦目的感觉直接地表达在画布上。他曾说过:“为什么艺术不能是美的呢?世界上丑恶的事已经够多的了”。 With a clear, accessible format, the Smart AboutArt series kicks off with Edgar Degas: Paintings that Dance byMaryann Cocca-Leffler; Claude Monet: Sunshine and Waterlilies byTrue Kelley; and Vincent van Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars byJoan Holub. Each presents f
"Steven" traces Monet's life from his childhood, through hisrejection of traditional painting and the development ofImpressionism, to his final, settled years in Giverny, sprinklingthe report with his own drawings and comments.
埃德加·德加 Edgar Degas是法国著名的印象派画家,因擅长运用线条和色彩,绘画女舞蹈演员,而被称为”舞女画家“。 他本人认为女舞蹈演员是他表现美丽的纺织品和舞蹈动作的媒介物。他一生坚持古典造型与印象派的色彩结合,据说他曾委托别人在他的墓碑上铭刻:终身热爱素描(线条)。 Witha clear, accessible format, the Smart About Art series kicks offwith Edgar Degas: Paintings that Dance by Maryann Cocca-Leffler;Claude Monet: Sunshine and Waterlilies by True Kelley; and Vincentvan Gogh: Sunflowers and Swirly Stars by Joan Holub. Each presentsfactual information about each artist in the style of a schoolreport, interjecting the narrative with the voice of a childwriter. In Degas, for instance, "author" Kristin pastes in aphotograph of herself in fourth position (aping one of Degas'ssketches of a ballet dancer); in Monet, the narrator compares twopaintings of the same scene, one by Renoir an
"Brad" explores the ups and downs of van Gogh's life and art inthis colorful report, featuring Brad's funny cartoons alongsidereproductions of classic paintings like Starry Night.