ItAs Christmas Eve and people are snug in their beds, butsomething is stirring outside. The snowmen are preparing tocelebrate Under the glow of moonlight, all the snow families areslipping away to gather in the town square for a night of caroling,dancing, and an exciting visit from the snowman Santa Claus. This bestselling companion to "Snowmen at Night" and "Snowmen AllYear" is perfect for little ones, especially now that itAsavailable in a festive board book edition.
Biscuit is walking to Grandpa’s house, and he’s having such agood time he doesn’t want the walk to end. But the little puppyknows that the only better thing than a walk to Grandpa’s house isa visit with Grandpa hims
The star of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss makes his Step into Readingdebut in this rhymed reader that offers kids easy suggestions forgoing green! After explaining how the trash in a wastbasketultimately ends up in a landfill or incinerator, the Lorax suggestsrealistic ways children can reduce waste, such as by carrying alunch box, donating old clothes and toys, sharing magazines withfriends, recycling cans and bottles, and using rechargeablebatteries. He also explains how they can save energy around thehome by turning off lights, taking shorter showers, donningsweaters to stay warm, and much, much more. All in all, this is agreat introduction to helping the Earth and helping kids step intoreading!
Miss Lilly's Ballet School has been invited to perform for the Princess of Mouseland, and Angelina hopes to be a prima ballerina. But disaster strikes and she is only given a minor role. Angelina is so disappointed that she wants to leave ballet school, but she decides to work hard for the sake of all her friends in the performance. There is an unexpected turn of events, however, when the prima ballerina sprains her ankle on the day of the show, and Angelina is delighted to be able to step in and save the day!
What would happen if a dinosaur came to a birthday party? Cometo Danny's house and find out. His friend the dinosaur helps makethis one party you'll never forget!