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    • Heroes of Olympus, The, Book Two The Son of Neptune 波西 杰克逊奥林
    •   ( 37 条评论 )
    • Rick Riordan 著 /2013-07-01/ Disney
    • Percy is confused. When he awoke after his long sleep, hedidn't know much more than his name. His brain-fuzz is lingering,even after the wolf Lupa told him he is a demigod and trained himto fight. Somehow Percy managed to make it to the camp forhalf-bloods, despite the fact that he had to continually killmonsters that, annoyingly, would not stay dead. But the campdoesn't ring any bells with him. Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn'tdo a very good job of it. When the Voice took over her mother andcommanded Hazel to use her "gift" for an evil purpose, Hazelcouldn't say no. Now, because of her mistake, the future of theworld is at risk. Frank is a klutz. His grandmother claims he is descended fromancient heroes, but he doesn't even know who his father is. Hekeeps hoping Apollo will claim him, because the only thing he isgood at is archery. His big and bulky physique makes him feel likea clumsy ox, especially in front of Hazel, his closest friend atcamp. He trusts her

    • ¥52.2 折扣:6.1折
    • The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate 达尔文女孩(2010年纽伯瑞银奖小说) ISBN 978
    •   ( 28 条评论 )
    • Jacqueline Kelly 著 /2011-01-04/ Random House US
    • 1899年的德州夏天,白天气温高得吓人,一般人即使安安静静躺下来睡午觉,依然汗流浃背。11岁的卡莉喜欢在这时候一个人偷偷跑去游泳。她对报社刊登太阳下的气温不满意,写信去反应,报社从善如流,改报阴影下的气温,果然让人觉得凉爽了一点。大哥送她一本笔记,她用来观察纪录每天看到的生物,也聪明的想出号令蚯蚓的方法,销售给哥哥当鱼饵。她对达尔文的进化论感兴趣,偷偷设法去图书馆借书,却被禁止,让她很沮丧。后来她发现庭院里的绿色蝗虫体型比较小,动作迅速;黄色蝗虫虽然动作慢,个头却大,她跑去问爷爷,以为自己发现了新品种,但爷爷要她自己找答案。她从观察中发现黄色蝗虫因为有体色保护,所以即使动作迟缓,仍然可以活到比较老。她把这个发现告诉爷爷,老人家大为惊讶,将她视为志同道合的朋友。爷爷引领她进入科学世

    • ¥42.5 折扣:6.1折
    • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince哈利波特与混血王子(英国版,平装)ISBN9
    •   ( 183 条评论 )
    • J. K. Rowling 编著 /1970-01-01/ Bloomsbury
    • When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny. These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON ...

    • ¥62.5 折扣:6.6折
    • Guardians of Ga'Hoole #03: The Rescue 猫头鹰王国3:营救
    •   ( 171 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Lasky 著 /2004-01-01/ Scholastic
    • Now that Soren has been reunited with his sister, Eglantine, he must face his next challenge: making sense of the mysterious disappearance of his mentor, Ezylryb. When Soren discovers that Ezylryb is in danger, he and his friends Gylfie, Twilight, and Digger devise a plan to save their teacher. In this process, Soren fights a ferocious foe who wears a terrifying metal beak, sharpened for battle. It's not until the confrontation is over that Soren discovers the true identity of his opponent... Guardians of Ga'Hoole is a classic in the making -- Kathryn Lasky brings a thrilling new owl world to life. A key theme in the series is friendship: Soren and Gylfie's bond is at the heart of the story. The struggle between good and evil is evergreen and infinitely interesting. This is great series for both boys and girls alike.

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • Little Men & Jo's Boys(Wordsworth Childrens Classics)小男人、乔的男
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Louisa May Alcott 著 /2009-04-01/ WORDSWORTH
    • The two American classics here together in one volume, Little Men and Jo's Boys, are worthy sequels to Little Women, one of the best-loved children's stories of all time, and its continuation, Good Wives. In Little Men, Louisa May Alcott takes up the story of the everyday dramas and exploits of the naughty but easy-going boys at Plumfield, now a boarding-school run by Professor Bhaer and his lovable madcap wife Jo, the most fiery and free-spirited of the four March sisters. Jo's Boys revisits the one-time members of that 'wilderness of boys' ten years later when they are making their ways in the world with varying degrees of triumph and disaster.

    • ¥17.5 折扣:8.8折
    • A Guide Book to The Great Tree(Guardians of Ga'hoole)猫头鹰王国-大
    •   ( 90 条评论 )
    • Kathryn Huang 著 /2007-10-01/ Scholastic
    • Studious by nature, fortunate to have been present at the most glorious moments in the tree's recent history, and above all honored to count as friends its most ardent champions, I, Otulissa, have decided to write a compendium, a catchall -a guide, in short- to the history, life, and spirit of the tree. Pause a moment before the next adventure begins to read of its natural history, its origin, and yearly changes. Read of its lesser-known heroes: of Joss, brave messenger of legends; of the brothers Ifghar and Ezylryb and the treachery that bound them; of Theo, the peaceful warrior. Learn of Gylfie, Digger, and Twilight's lives before they came to the tree. Read tales of Strix Struma, Uglamore, Trader Mags, and others. Many are the adventures still unsung! And many the brave deeds unheralded! Read of ages lost and dark; of strange ailments infecting the tree itself. Learn the feasts and holidays celebrated under moon and sun. Scan the maps, study the drawings, sample the recipes! Dear reader, though you b

    • ¥33.2 折扣:5.9折
    • Harry Potter And The Order of The Phoenix 哈利波特与凤凰社 (美国版,平装)
    •   ( 815 条评论 )
    • J. K. Rowling 著 /2004-08-01/ Scholastic
    • As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion. It's been yet another infuriating and boring summer with the despicable Dursleys, this time with minimal contact from our hero's non-Muggle friends from school. Harry is feeling especially edgy at the lack of news from the magic world, wondering when the freshly revived evil Lord Voldemort will strike. Returning to Hogwarts will be a relief... or will it? The fifth book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series follows the darkest year yet for our young wizard, who finds himself knocked down a peg or three after the events of last year. Somehow, over the summer, gossip (usually traced back to the magic world's newspaper, the Daily Prophet) has turned Harry's tragic and heroic encounter with Voldemort at the Triwizard Tournament into an excuse to ridicule and d

    • ¥63.3 折扣:6折
    • The Grey King (Newbery Medal) 灰国王(1976年纽伯瑞金奖) C106ISBN 97806
    •   ( 81 条评论 )
    • Susan Cooper 著 /1999-10-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • There is a Welsh legend about a harp of gold, hidden within acertain hill, that will be found by a boy and a white dog withsilver eyes -- a dog that can see the wind. Will Stanton knewnothing of this when he came to Wales to recover from a severeillness. But when he met Bran, a strange boy who owned a white dog,he began to remember. For Will is the last-born of the Old Ones,immortals dedicated to saving the world from the forces of evil,the Dark. And it is Will's task to wake-with the golden harp -- thesix who must be roused from their long slumber in the Welsh hillsto prepare for the last battle between the Dark and the Light. 《灰国王》是美国著名儿童文学作家苏珊·库珀的力作《黑暗蔓延》魔幻系列的第四部。该系列深受各国小读者欢迎,被誉为媲美哈利·波特的魔幻大作。而本书更是获得了美国纽伯瑞文学奖金奖。 故事发生在威尔士。患了一场大病后,威尔被母亲送到威尔士乡下亲戚家去休养。他在

    • ¥40.8 折扣:7.4折
    • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒(英国版,平装)
    •   ( 117 条评论 )
    • J. K. Rowling 作者 /2015-03-01/ Bloomsbury
    • When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves ...But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss. These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time to PASS THE MAGIC ON ...

    • ¥47 折扣:6.5折
    • River Boy 小河男孩(卡内基文学奖) ISBN 9780689848049
    •   ( 264 条评论 )
    • 鲍勒 (Tim Bowler) 著 /2002-01-01/
    • 《小河男孩》主要内容:杰西酷爱游泳,在家乡陪伴爷爷的那段日子里,她时常会在那条小河边见到一个男孩。杰西并不认识他,但他却在杰西为爷爷的身体状况而担心、难过的日子里给她以信心与鼓励,与此同时,他还请求杰西帮助他了却一个心愿。爷爷在杰西的帮助下终于完成了他的画作,而那个男孩也如愿以偿,他从小河的发源地游向了大海。《小河男孩》荣获1997年卡内基文学奖。 Fifteen-year-old Jess's grandfather has just had a major heartattack, but he insists he finish his painting, River Boy. At first,Jess cannot understand why this painting is so important to hergrandfather, especially since there doesn't seem to be any boy init at all. But while swimming in the river herself, Jess begins tofeel the presence of a strange boy. Could this be the same one herailing grandfather struggles to paint? And if so, why has hereturned?

    • ¥40.4 折扣:6.1折