出版社 : SCHOLASTIC (2015 年 1 月 1 日 ) 平装 商品尺寸 : 20.8 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm 商品重量 : 240 g
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they needwith these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions andfun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Everyactivity in each book is correlated to state standards.
There’s a new girl in Olivia’s class, and her name is…OLIVIA!When a new girl joins Olivia’s class, Olivia is very upset—they have the same name! Olivia is convinced that she lives in a one-Olivia town, so she decides to change her name to Pam. But Olivia doesn’t feel Pam-ish…she feels Olivia-ish! Come along as Olivia discovers a lesson about sharing and friendship in this hilarious storybook.
多彩而有趣的书页让学习更加有动力; 快速评估测试可以保证孩子熟练掌握每个主题; 奖励贴纸可以鼓励孩子; 完成任务证书给予孩子成就感。 这册书运用语境解释单词的含义;扩展词汇量;用多样的语句表达单词的不同含义。
No melting allowed! Jaclyn used to live with her aunt Greta in Chicago. But not anymore. They've moved to a place called Sherpia. It's a tiny village on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Jaclyn can't believe she's stuck out in Nowheresville. No movie theaters. No malls. No nothing. Plus, there's something really odd about the village. At night there are strange howling noises. And in front of every house there's a snowman. A creepy snowman with a red scarf. A deep scar on his face. And a really evil smile. . . .
那个瘦骨嶙峋、叽叽喳喳的小女孩次来到爱德华王子岛,仿佛还是昨天的事。 可这会儿,漂亮的十六岁安妮正站在家乡的小学里当老师,声音里充满了偷练出来的庄严镇静。而骨子里,她其实与她的学生一样,生气勃勃,一刻也不想停下来。 那个被她怨恨却又暗恋着她的美少年吉尔伯特,现在又怎样了呢? 少女安妮自埃文利学校毕业后,留在当地做了老师,度过了充满欢笑与苦痛的两载时光。她打定主意用爱与温暖感化学生,赢得了普遍的尊敬和赞誉。和黛安娜的友谊依然如花朵般绽放,安妮又结识了哈里森先生、保罗等可爱的伙伴,过着多姿多彩的生活。绿山墙还迎来了一对双胞胎,其中淘气的戴维令玛莉拉和安妮伤透脑筋,却也带来了无穷的乐趣。心中充满浪漫主义色彩的安妮,还促成了一桩美妙的婚姻——居住在回音蜗居的拉宾达小姐,在安妮的帮
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they needwith these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions andfun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Everyactivity in each book is correlated to state standards.
These longtime favorite collections are now available in SpanishThe stories in these volumes will scare readers' socks off withtheir detailed, intense prose. Great for read alouds, these popularbooks will stimulate and frighten young minds.
The original books featuring the scariest creatures from the Goosebumps movie, in theaters October 16, 2015 On Max's birthday, he finds a kind of magic mirror in the attic. It can make him invisible. So Max and his friends start playing ""now you see me, now you don't."" Until Max realizes that he's losing control. Staying invisible a little too long. Having a harder and harder time coming back. Getting invisible is turning into a very dangerous game. The next time Max gets invisible, will it be...forever
Do you like to be scared? Ellen had just fallen asleep when she heard a strangevoice. "Ellen," it whispered, "I am coming up the stairs." Ellen was frightened and called her parents, but they didn't hearher, and they didn't come... Welcome to the frightening world of Scary Stories, a collectionof folklorist Alvin Schwartz's most alarming tales of horror, darkrevenge, and supernatural events of all time, with spine-tinglingillustrations by renowned artist Brett Helquist.
There are canyons all over the planet, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona is not the biggest. Yet because of the spectacular colors in the rock layers and fascinating formations of boulders, buttes, and mesas, it is known as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Starting with a brief overview of how national parks came into being, this book covers all aspects of the canyon--how it formed, which early native people lived there, and what varied wildlife can be found there now. A history of the canyon's end-to-end exploration in the late 1860s and how the Grand Canyon became such a popular vacation spot (5 million tourists visit every year) round out this informative, easy-to-read account.
In 1756, New York State was still a British colony, and theFrench and the Indians were constant threats to Edward and hisfamily. When his father was called away to watch for a raid fromthe north, only Edward was left to protect Mama and little Trudy.His father had shown him how to use the huge matchlock gun, an oldSpanish gun that was twice as long as he was, but would Edward beable to handle it if trouble actually came? This classic, firstpublished in 1941, has an updated, kid-friendly format thatincludes the original black-and-white illustrations.
In 1743, thirteen-year-old Marguerite Ledoux travels to Maine as the indentured servant of a family that regards her as little better than the Indians that threaten them, but her strength, quick thinking and courage surprise them all.
A reissue of Pam Munoz Ryan's bestselling backlist with a distinctive new author treatment. Esperanza thought she'd always live with her family on their ranch in Mexico--she'd always have fancy dresses, a beautiful home, and servants. But a sudden tragedy forces Esperanza and Mama to flee to California during the Great Depression, and to settle in a camp for Mexican farm workers. Esperanza isn't ready for the hard labor, financial struggles, or lack of acceptance she now faces. When their new life is threatened, Esperanza must find a way to rise above her difficult circumstances--Mama's life, and her own, depend on it.
workbooks are high quality education resources based onmaterials developed by teaching professionals for teachingprofessionals. Each workbook is filled with age-appropriate andpedagogically sound activities that support children on the road oflearning and mastery. Writing Skills Builder workbooksprovide practice in essential writingstrategies. Children practice thesewriting strategies in a systematic wayand through meaningful writing activitiesto improve their writing fluency. For 90 years, teachers and parents haverecognized Scholastic as a trusted namein learning. Scholastic continues thissuccessful history by remaining focused onencouraging children to learn to read andlove to learn, helping teachers carry outtheir important jobs and supporting parentsin their role as their child's first teacher.
ATAC BRIEFING FOR AGENTS FRANK AND JOE HARDY MISSION: Determinethe cause of recent injuries and deaths at a camp for troubledteens. LOCATION: The wilderness surrounding Moosehead Lake inMaine. POTENTIAL VICTIMS: More boys in the program. Counselors.SUSPECTS: We have reason to suspect that the founder of the camp,Linc Saunders, is behind this.