《希尔伯特空间问题集(第2版)》讲述了:This book was written for the active reader. The first part consists of problems, frequently preceded by definitions and motivation, and some-times followed by corollaries and historical remarks. Most of the problems are statements to be proved, but some are questions (is it?, what is?), and some are challenges (construct, determine). The second part, a very short one, consists of hints. A hint is a word, or a paragraph, usually intended to help the reader find a solution. The hint itself is not necessarily a con-densed solution of the problem; it may just point to what I regard as the heart of the matter. Sometimes a problem contains a trap, and the hint may serve to chide the reader for rushing in too recklessly. The third part, the longest, consists of solutions: proofs, answers, or constructions, depending on the nature of the problem
《示性类》内容简介:The text which follows is based mostly on lectures at PrincetonUniversity in 1957. The senior author wishes to apologize for the delayin publication.The theory of characteristic classes began in the year 1935 with almostsimultaneous work by HASSLER WHITNEY in the United States andEDUARD STIEFEL in Switzerland. StiefeI's thesis, written under thedirection of Heinz Hopf, introduced and studied certain "characteristic"homology classes determined by the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold.Whitney, then at Harvard University, treated the case of an arbitrary spherebundle. Somewhat later he invented the language of cohomology theory,hence the concept of a characteristic cohomology class, and proved thebasic product theorem.
《平衡态统计物理学(第3版)》内容简介:During the last decade each of the authors has regularly taught a graduate or senior undergraduate course in statistical mechanics. During this same period, the renormalization group approach to critical phenomena, pioneered by K. G. Wilson, greatly altered our approach to condensed matter physics. Since its introduction in the context of phase transitions, the method has found application in many other areas of physics, such as many-body theory, chaos, the conductivity of disordered materials, and fractal structures. So pervasive is its influence that we feel that it now essential that graduate students be introduced at an early stage in their career to the concepts of scaling,
《量子化学(第3版)》在写作风格上是第二版的延续,内容上进行了扩充,更新,讲解上更加详细。结合数学进展,在概念上达到清晰易懂。和同类型的书相比,《量子化学(第3版)》的优点是概念讲述地十分透彻,让读者重新认识各种计算方法的重要性。每章末都有习题,是学习量子化学研究生水平入门书籍,也很适合该专业的老师作为参考书。目次:经典波和时间独立schr?dinger波方程;一些简单系统的量子力学;谐振子;类离子,角动量和刚量转动;多电子原子;量子力学定理和假设;变分法;简单hückel方法和应用;线性变分法的矩阵公式;扩展hückel方法;scf-lcao-mo方法和扩展;时间独立rayleigh-schr?dinger扰动法;群论;定性分子轨道理论;周期系统的分子轨道。 读者对象:物理、化学以及这两专业交叉学科的研究生,教师和科研人员。
《简明量子场论(第2版)(英文)》用略带口语化的语言写成,作者似乎是面对面与你谈论有关的物理学话题。体现作者深刻物理学智慧的内容,俯拾皆是。用最简洁的数学工具,凸显物理学思想,结合轻松幽默的语言,不经意之间,将你引入物理学问题的核心。阅读此书给你带来的喜悦,和喜悦之后的收获,似乎只有“The Feynman Lectures on Physics”,与之在伯仲之间。如果想体念和分享,量子场论之美,量子场论之优雅,你不可不读此书。
《线性代数(第4版)》讲述了:This textbook gives a detailed and prehensive presentation of linear algebra based on an axiomatic treatment of linear spaces. For this fourth edition some new material haeen added to the text, for instance, the intrinsic treatment of the classical adjoint of a linear transformation in Chapter IV, as well as the discussion of quaternions and the classification of associative division algebras in Chapter VII. Chapters XII and XIII have been substantially rewritten for the sake of clarity, but the contents remain basically the same aefore. Finally, a number of problems covering new topics- e.g. plex structures, Caylay numbers and symplectic spaces- have been added. ...
《光电子光谱学:原理和应用(第3版)内容为:Since the pletion of the manuscript for the first edition of PhotoelectronSpectroscopy, the field has undergone a steady growth.Firstly, the theory haeen refined and condensed into a manageableform. Secondly two important experimental developments have occurred. Theresolution that can be obtained is now of the order of 3 meV, which corre-sponds appromately to an energy of 30 kBK. This means that photoelectronspectroscopy can now obtain data with an accuracy similar to that achievedin standard thermodynamic experiments (such as specific heat experiments),thus facilitating a direct parison of data from the two different types ofexperiment. The second important experimental advance is that one can nowreadily measure electron energy distributions over a solid angle of almost This yields valuable information whenever these electron energy distributionshave anisotropies.
这是一部久负盛名的固体理论研究生教材。《固体理论原理(第2版)》初版于1964年,经过充分地补充修订,于1972年出版了第2版。到目前为上,该书已有11个印次,这足以说明《固体理论原理(第2版)》的受欢迎程度。《固体理论原理(第2版)》已有德语、意大利语、西班牙语、日语、波兰语和俄语等多个泽本,由此也可说明《固体理论原理(第2版)》的价值。 《固体理论原理(第2版)》详细介绍了理想晶态固体物理的基础理论。作者清晰地阐述了固态系统中丰富现象背的理论原理,内容涵盖了固体理论的几乎所有领域,从周期结构到声子、电子、输运性质、磁光性质和超导电性等等。《固体理论原理(第2版)》有如下特色: (1)用简单明了的数学公式来描述物理理论,以便加深读者对物理概念,的理解。书中许多重要的数学推导需要读者自己完成,这对理论物理专业的读者
《线性代数群》讲述了:For this printing, I have corrected some errors and made numerous minor changes in the interest of clarity. The most significant corrections occur in Sections 4.2, 4.3, 5.5, 30.3, 32.1, and 32.3. I have also updated the biblio-graphy to some extent. Thanks are due to a number of readers who took the trouble to point out errors, or obscurities; especially helpful were the detailed ments of Jose Antonio Vargas...
《简明量子场论(第2版)(英文)》用略带口语化的语言写成,作者似乎是面对面与你谈论有关的物理学话题。体现作者深刻物理学智慧的内容,俯拾皆是。用最简洁的数学工具,凸显物理学思想,结合轻松幽默的语言,不经意之间,将你引入物理学问题的核心。阅读此书给你带来的喜悦,和喜悦之后的收获,似乎只有“The Feynman Lectures on Physics”,与之在伯仲之间。如果想体念和分享,量子场论之美,量子场论之优雅,你不可不读此书。
《希尔伯特空间问题集(第2版)》讲述了:This book was written for the active reader. The first part consists of problems, frequently preceded by definitions and motivation, and some-times followed by corollaries and historical remarks. Most of the problems are statements to be proved, but some are questions (is it?, what is?), and some are challenges (construct, determine). The second part, a very short one, consists of hints. A hint is a word, or a paragraph, usually intended to help the reader find a solution. The hint itself is not necessarily a con-densed solution of the problem; it may just point to what I regard as the heart of the matter. Sometimes a problem contains a trap, and the hint may serve to chide the reader for rushing in too recklessly. The third part, the longest, consists of solutions: proofs, answers, or constructions, depending on the nature of the problem
《示性类》内容简介:The text which follows is based mostly on lectures at PrincetonUniversity in 1957. The senior author wishes to apologize for the delayin publication.The theory of characteristic classes began in the year 1935 with almostsimultaneous work by HASSLER WHITNEY in the United States andEDUARD STIEFEL in Switzerland. StiefeI's thesis, written under thedirection of Heinz Hopf, introduced and studied certain "characteristic"homology classes determined by the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold.Whitney, then at Harvard University, treated the case of an arbitrary spherebundle. Somewhat later he invented the language of cohomology theory,hence the concept of a characteristic cohomology class, and proved thebasic product theorem.
本书收录了橡胶轮胎原材料、化学材料与助剂、生产管理、生产工艺及设备、合成橡胶生产等方面使用频率较高的词汇及专业术语等共30000余条;对英文词汇加注了音标,对中文加注了拼音。全书按照专业板块分类,各专业板块中词汇按照字母顺序排序,查阅方便。 本书对于橡胶行业内管理人员、商务人员、技术人员都有很好的参考价值。